DEBUG: set debugmode active via shortcode, level: 10
DEBUG: Plugin-Licence here is active for
DEBUG: load template with this id: 2
DEBUG: debugmode via template unchanged: 10
DEBUG: version of plugin: 3.8.1
DEBUG: parser NOT set via shortcode - invalid parser specified, selected parser is: twig351adj
DEBUG: selected parser: twig351adj
DEBUG: ID of the creating page is 904
DEBUG: mode: create
DEBUG: createoptions: {"type":"AppNotesItems", "loop":"data.notification", "title":"{{title}}", "date":"{{created_date}}","slugname": "{{title}}", "pDate": "{{created_date}}", "deleteold":"yes","customfields": [ {"post_date":"{{created_date}}...

DEBUG: createoptions in shortcode: JSON ok!
DEBUG: set method via template 2, method: curlget
DEBUG: set template via template 2: {{description}}
DEBUG: set url via template 2:
DEBUG: active method: curlget
DEBUG: dynamic url NOT allowed, therefore ignore pathparam / fileext. Switch on: See plugin-options
DEBUG: curloptions really used:
DEBUG: Caching-Foldercheck: Cachefolders ok and available
DEBUG: use this cachefile: /data/sites/
DEBUG: Caching is NOT enabled
DEBUG: postbody IGNORED, this is used only if WP-POST is selected as method:
DEBUG: curlGET: curl_setopt CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER (19913) with value 1
DEBUG: curlGET: curl_setopt CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION (52) with value 1
DEBUG: curlGET: curl-timeout: 5
DEBUG: curlGET: curl_setopt CURLOPT_TIMEOUT (13) with value 5
DEBUG: curlGET: no curloptions defined
DEBUG: api-answer:
If it's JSON: Copypaste (click in box, Strg-A marks all, then insert into clipboard) the JSON from the following box to

DEBUG: twig: wpautop not used
DEBUG: twig-template:

DEBUG: JSON used for twig-template:
Inspect JSON: Copypaste (click in box, Strg-A marks all, then insert into clipboard) the JSON from the following box to

DEBUG: Twig-result:

start creating pages:
create page with JSON-loopkey: data.notification
no of pages to create: 31
pagetype: AppNotesItems ('type' in 'createoptions' in shortcode must match 'type' in in plugin-settings!)
Great! Pagetype AppNotesItems defined in plugin-options!
Custom Field 'jci_uniquekey_createpost' missing: Try to use 'key' set in the Definition of the CPT in the Plugin-Options.
key of this Custom Post Type set to APP_NOTES via the plugin-options
DELETE Custom Posts:
typeOfNewpage: AppNotesItems
nameofthejsonimport: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
try to delete previous generated pages! key: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
found 31 pages of this type: AppNotesItems - try to delete these pages
delete runtime: 10
all 31 pages successfully deleted

title template from shortcode: {{title}}
slugname template from shortcode: {{title}}

start looping:

DEBUG: (1) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206723 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class last day at Dunderrow NS [description] => <p>6th class had a great send off last Friday by all the staff &amp; pupils! We would like to wish them all the very best of luck for the future</p> [html...

(1) title of created page: 6th Class last day at Dunderrow NS
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206723 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class last day at Dunderrow NS [description] => <p>6th class had a great send off last Friday by all the staff &amp; pupils! We would like to wish them all the very best of luck for the future</p> [h...

(1) slug: 6th Class last day at Dunderrow NS
(1) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206723 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class last day at Dunderrow NS [description] => <p>6th class had a great send off last Friday by all the staff &amp; pupils! We would like to wish them all the very best of luck for the future</p> [html...

(1) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>6th class had a great send off last Friday by all the staff &amp; pupils! We would like to wish them all the very best of luck for the future</p>
DEBUG: (1) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;6th class had a great send off last Friday by all the staff &amp;amp; pupils! We would like to wish them all the very best of luck for the future&lt;/p&gt;
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(1) featured image URL:
(1) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(1) No url_default for featured image defined
(1) no featured image defined
(1) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-27 05:53:56
DEBUG: (1) page postdate: 2024-07-27 05:53:56
DEBUG: (1) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (1) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-27 05:53:56
DEBUG: (1) creating of new post ok, id=2581365
DEBUG: (1) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(1) show created page 2581365:
(1) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(1) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206723 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class last day at Dunderrow NS [description] => <p>6th class had a great send off last Friday by all the staff &amp; pupils! We would like to wish them all the very best of luck for the future</p>...

DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/06/25 10:58:14: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206723 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class last day at Dunderrow NS [description] => <p>6th class had a great send off last Friday by all the staff &amp; pupils! We would like to wish them all the very best of luck for ...

(1) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581365: post_date : 2024/06/25 10:58:14
(1) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206723 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class last day at Dunderrow NS [description] => <p>6th class had a great send off last Friday by all the staff &amp; pupils! We would like to wish them all the very best of luck for the future</p> ...

DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206723 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class last day at Dunderrow NS [description] => <p>6th class had a great send off last Friday by...

(1) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581365: images0 :
(1) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206723 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class last day at Dunderrow NS [description] => <p>6th class had a great send off last Friday by all the staff &amp; pupils! We would like to wish them all the very best of luck for the future</p> ...

DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206723 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class last day at Dunderrow NS [description] => <p>6th class had a great send off last Friday by...

(1) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581365: images1 :
(1) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206723 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class last day at Dunderrow NS [description] => <p>6th class had a great send off last Friday by all the staff &amp; pupils! We would like to wish them all the very best of luck for the future</p> ...

DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206723 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class last day at Dunderrow NS [description] => <p>6th class had a great send off last Friday by...

(1) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581365: images2 :

DEBUG: (2) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206569 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Talent Show [description] => <p> The Student Council held our end of year Talent Show on Thursday 20th June. Well done to all performers for putting on a fantastic display! And well done to the Student Council for ...

(2) title of created page: Talent Show
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206569 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Talent Show [description] => <p> The Student Council held our end of year Talent Show on Thursday 20th June. Well done to all performers for putting on a fantastic display! And well done to the Student Council f...

(2) slug: Talent Show
(2) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206569 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Talent Show [description] => <p> The Student Council held our end of year Talent Show on Thursday 20th June. Well done to all performers for putting on a fantastic display! And well done to the Student Council for ...

(2) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p> The Student Council held our end of year Talent Show on Thursday 20th June. Well done to all performers for putting on a fantastic display! And well done to the Student Council for hosting a great show! </p>
DEBUG: (2) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;&nbsp;The Student Council held our end of year Talent Show on Thursday 20th June. Well done to all performers for putting on a fantastic display! And well done to the Student Council for hosting&nbsp;a great show!&nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(2) featured image URL:
(2) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(2) No url_default for featured image defined
(2) no featured image defined
(2) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-27 05:53:56
DEBUG: (2) page postdate: 2024-07-27 05:53:56
DEBUG: (2) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (2) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-27 05:53:56
DEBUG: (2) creating of new post ok, id=2581366
DEBUG: (2) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(2) show created page 2581366:
(2) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(2) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206569 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Talent Show [description] => <p> The Student Council held our end of year Talent Show on Thursday 20th June. Well done to all performers for putting on a fantastic display! And well done to the Student C...

DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/06/20 15:14:48: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206569 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Talent Show [description] => <p> The Student Council held our end of year Talent Show on Thursday 20th June. Well done to all performers for putting on a fantastic display! And well do...

(2) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581366: post_date : 2024/06/20 15:14:48
(2) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206569 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Talent Show [description] => <p> The Student Council held our end of year Talent Show on Thursday 20th June. Well done to all performers for putting on a fantastic display! And well done to the Student Counc...

DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206569 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Talent Show [description] => <p> The Student Council held our end of year Talent Show on Thurs...

(2) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581366: images0 :
(2) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206569 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Talent Show [description] => <p> The Student Council held our end of year Talent Show on Thursday 20th June. Well done to all performers for putting on a fantastic display! And well done to the Student Counc...

DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206569 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Talent Show [description] => <p> The Student Council held our end of year Talent Show on Thurs...

(2) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581366: images1 :
(2) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206569 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Talent Show [description] => <p> The Student Council held our end of year Talent Show on Thursday 20th June. Well done to all performers for putting on a fantastic display! And well done to the Student Counc...

DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206569 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Talent Show [description] => <p> The Student Council held our end of year Talent Show on Thurs...

(2) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581366: images2 :

DEBUG: (3) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206570 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 1st Class Assembly [description] => <p>Our last assembly of the year was hosted by 1st Class. They prepared some jokes, interesting facts, favourite moments of the year and sang an ABBA song to get us all dancing i...

(3) title of created page: 1st Class Assembly
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206570 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 1st Class Assembly [description] => <p>Our last assembly of the year was hosted by 1st Class. They prepared some jokes, interesting facts, favourite moments of the year and sang an ABBA song to get us all dancin...

(3) slug: 1st Class Assembly
(3) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206570 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 1st Class Assembly [description] => <p>Our last assembly of the year was hosted by 1st Class. They prepared some jokes, interesting facts, favourite moments of the year and sang an ABBA song to get us all dancing i...

(3) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Our last assembly of the year was hosted by 1st Class. They prepared some jokes, interesting facts, favourite moments of the year and sang an ABBA song to get us all dancing in time for the summer holidays. </p>
DEBUG: (3) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Our last assembly of the year was hosted by 1st Class. They prepared some jokes, interesting facts, favourite moments of the year and sang&nbsp;an ABBA song to get us all dancing in time for the summer holidays.&nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(3) featured image URL:
(3) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(3) No url_default for featured image defined
(3) no featured image defined
(3) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-27 05:53:56
DEBUG: (3) page postdate: 2024-07-27 05:53:56
DEBUG: (3) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (3) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-27 05:53:56
DEBUG: (3) creating of new post ok, id=2581367
DEBUG: (3) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(3) show created page 2581367:
(3) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(3) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206570 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 1st Class Assembly [description] => <p>Our last assembly of the year was hosted by 1st Class. They prepared some jokes, interesting facts, favourite moments of the year and sang an ABBA song to get us al...

DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/06/20 15:19:45: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206570 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 1st Class Assembly [description] => <p>Our last assembly of the year was hosted by 1st Class. They prepared some jokes, interesting facts, favourite moments of the year and sang an ABB...

(3) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581367: post_date : 2024/06/20 15:19:45
(3) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206570 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 1st Class Assembly [description] => <p>Our last assembly of the year was hosted by 1st Class. They prepared some jokes, interesting facts, favourite moments of the year and sang an ABBA song to get us all da...

DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206570 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 1st Class Assembly [description] => <p>Our last assembly of the year was hosted by 1st Class. They ...

(3) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581367: images0 :
(3) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206570 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 1st Class Assembly [description] => <p>Our last assembly of the year was hosted by 1st Class. They prepared some jokes, interesting facts, favourite moments of the year and sang an ABBA song to get us all da...

DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206570 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 1st Class Assembly [description] => <p>Our last assembly of the year was hosted by 1st Class. They ...

(3) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581367: images1 :
(3) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206570 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 1st Class Assembly [description] => <p>Our last assembly of the year was hosted by 1st Class. They prepared some jokes, interesting facts, favourite moments of the year and sang an ABBA song to get us all da...

DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206570 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 1st Class Assembly [description] => <p>Our last assembly of the year was hosted by 1st Class. They ...

(3) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581367: images2 :

DEBUG: (4) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206576 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 3rd class catapults [description] => <p>3rd class have enjoyed designing and building catapults. Today they got to test them out. There will be plenty great engineers in the future.</p> [html_desc] => &l...

(4) title of created page: 3rd class catapults
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206576 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 3rd class catapults [description] => <p>3rd class have enjoyed designing and building catapults. Today they got to test them out. There will be plenty great engineers in the future.</p> [html_desc] => &am...

(4) slug: 3rd class catapults
(4) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206576 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 3rd class catapults [description] => <p>3rd class have enjoyed designing and building catapults. Today they got to test them out. There will be plenty great engineers in the future.</p> [html_desc] => &l...

(4) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>3rd class have enjoyed designing and building catapults. Today they got to test them out. There will be plenty great engineers in the future.</p>
DEBUG: (4) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;3rd class have enjoyed designing and building catapults. Today they got to test them out. There will be plenty great engineers in the future.&lt;/p&gt;
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(4) featured image URL:
(4) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(4) No url_default for featured image defined
(4) no featured image defined
(4) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-27 05:53:57
DEBUG: (4) page postdate: 2024-07-27 05:53:57
DEBUG: (4) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (4) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-27 05:53:57
DEBUG: (4) creating of new post ok, id=2581368
DEBUG: (4) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(4) show created page 2581368:
(4) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(4) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206576 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 3rd class catapults [description] => <p>3rd class have enjoyed designing and building catapults. Today they got to test them out. There will be plenty great engineers in the future.</p> [html_desc] =...

DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/06/20 16:24:32: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206576 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 3rd class catapults [description] => <p>3rd class have enjoyed designing and building catapults. Today they got to test them out. There will be plenty great engineers in the future.</p>...

(4) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581368: post_date : 2024/06/20 16:24:32
(4) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206576 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 3rd class catapults [description] => <p>3rd class have enjoyed designing and building catapults. Today they got to test them out. There will be plenty great engineers in the future.</p> [html_desc] =>...

DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206576 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 3rd class catapults [description] => <p>3rd class have enjoyed designing and building catapults. Tod...

(4) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581368: images0 :
(4) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206576 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 3rd class catapults [description] => <p>3rd class have enjoyed designing and building catapults. Today they got to test them out. There will be plenty great engineers in the future.</p> [html_desc] =>...

DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206576 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 3rd class catapults [description] => <p>3rd class have enjoyed designing and building catapults. Tod...

(4) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581368: images1 :
(4) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206576 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 3rd class catapults [description] => <p>3rd class have enjoyed designing and building catapults. Today they got to test them out. There will be plenty great engineers in the future.</p> [html_desc] =>...

DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206576 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 3rd class catapults [description] => <p>3rd class have enjoyed designing and building catapults. Tod...

(4) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581368: images2 :

DEBUG: (5) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206517 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Infants Teddy Bear Picnic [description] => <p>Junior and Senior Infants had a beautiful morning for their Teddy Bear Picnic. Everyone had great fun and even the teddy bears enjoyed it!</p> [html_desc] => &am...

(5) title of created page: Infants Teddy Bear Picnic
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206517 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Infants Teddy Bear Picnic [description] => <p>Junior and Senior Infants had a beautiful morning for their Teddy Bear Picnic. Everyone had great fun and even the teddy bears enjoyed it!</p> [html_desc] => ...

(5) slug: Infants Teddy Bear Picnic
(5) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206517 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Infants Teddy Bear Picnic [description] => <p>Junior and Senior Infants had a beautiful morning for their Teddy Bear Picnic. Everyone had great fun and even the teddy bears enjoyed it!</p> [html_desc] => &am...

(5) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Junior and Senior Infants had a beautiful morning for their Teddy Bear Picnic. Everyone had great fun and even the teddy bears enjoyed it!</p>
DEBUG: (5) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Junior and Senior Infants had a beautiful morning for their Teddy Bear Picnic. Everyone had great fun and even the teddy bears enjoyed it!&lt;/p&gt;
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(5) featured image URL:
(5) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(5) No url_default for featured image defined
(5) no featured image defined
(5) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-27 05:53:57
DEBUG: (5) page postdate: 2024-07-27 05:53:57
DEBUG: (5) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (5) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-27 05:53:57
DEBUG: (5) creating of new post ok, id=2581369
DEBUG: (5) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(5) show created page 2581369:
(5) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(5) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206517 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Infants Teddy Bear Picnic [description] => <p>Junior and Senior Infants had a beautiful morning for their Teddy Bear Picnic. Everyone had great fun and even the teddy bears enjoyed it!</p> [html_desc...

DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/06/19 12:16:16: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206517 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Infants Teddy Bear Picnic [description] => <p>Junior and Senior Infants had a beautiful morning for their Teddy Bear Picnic. Everyone had great fun and even the teddy bears enjoyed it!</p...

(5) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581369: post_date : 2024/06/19 12:16:16
(5) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206517 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Infants Teddy Bear Picnic [description] => <p>Junior and Senior Infants had a beautiful morning for their Teddy Bear Picnic. Everyone had great fun and even the teddy bears enjoyed it!</p> [html_desc] =&...

DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206517 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Infants Teddy Bear Picnic [description] => <p>Junior and Senior Infants had a beautiful morning for ...

(5) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581369: images0 :
(5) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206517 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Infants Teddy Bear Picnic [description] => <p>Junior and Senior Infants had a beautiful morning for their Teddy Bear Picnic. Everyone had great fun and even the teddy bears enjoyed it!</p> [html_desc] =&...

DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206517 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Infants Teddy Bear Picnic [description] => <p>Junior and Senior Infants had a beautiful morning for ...

(5) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581369: images1 :
(5) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206517 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Infants Teddy Bear Picnic [description] => <p>Junior and Senior Infants had a beautiful morning for their Teddy Bear Picnic. Everyone had great fun and even the teddy bears enjoyed it!</p> [html_desc] =&...

DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206517 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Infants Teddy Bear Picnic [description] => <p>Junior and Senior Infants had a beautiful morning for ...

(5) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581369: images2 :

DEBUG: (6) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206468 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Graduation Day [description] => <p>6th Class had a lovely mass celebrated by Fr Robert Young this morning. They also got to share some lovely memories of their time in Dunderrow NS. We would like to wish them a...

(6) title of created page: 6th Class Graduation Day
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206468 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Graduation Day [description] => <p>6th Class had a lovely mass celebrated by Fr Robert Young this morning. They also got to share some lovely memories of their time in Dunderrow NS. We would like to wish the...

(6) slug: 6th Class Graduation Day
(6) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206468 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Graduation Day [description] => <p>6th Class had a lovely mass celebrated by Fr Robert Young this morning. They also got to share some lovely memories of their time in Dunderrow NS. We would like to wish them a...

(6) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>6th Class had a lovely mass celebrated by Fr Robert Young this morning. They also got to share some lovely memories of their time in Dunderrow NS. We would like to wish them all the best as they will go on a new journey to secondary school. They will be missed!</p>
DEBUG: (6) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;6th Class had a lovely mass celebrated by Fr Robert Young this morning. They also got to share some lovely memories of their time in Dunderrow NS. We would like to wish them all the best as they will go on a new journey to secondary school. They will be missed!&lt;/p&gt;
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(6) featured image URL:
(6) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(6) No url_default for featured image defined
(6) no featured image defined
(6) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-27 05:53:57
DEBUG: (6) page postdate: 2024-07-27 05:53:57
DEBUG: (6) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (6) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-27 05:53:57
DEBUG: (6) creating of new post ok, id=2581370
DEBUG: (6) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(6) show created page 2581370:
(6) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(6) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206468 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Graduation Day [description] => <p>6th Class had a lovely mass celebrated by Fr Robert Young this morning. They also got to share some lovely memories of their time in Dunderrow NS. We would like to ...

DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/06/18 12:00:17: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206468 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Graduation Day [description] => <p>6th Class had a lovely mass celebrated by Fr Robert Young this morning. They also got to share some lovely memories of their time in Dunderrow NS...

(6) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581370: post_date : 2024/06/18 12:00:17
(6) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206468 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Graduation Day [description] => <p>6th Class had a lovely mass celebrated by Fr Robert Young this morning. They also got to share some lovely memories of their time in Dunderrow NS. We would like to wish...

DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206468 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Graduation Day [description] => <p>6th Class had a lovely mass celebrated by Fr Robert You...

(6) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581370: images0 :
(6) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206468 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Graduation Day [description] => <p>6th Class had a lovely mass celebrated by Fr Robert Young this morning. They also got to share some lovely memories of their time in Dunderrow NS. We would like to wish...

DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206468 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Graduation Day [description] => <p>6th Class had a lovely mass celebrated by Fr Robert You...

(6) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581370: images1 :
(6) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206468 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Graduation Day [description] => <p>6th Class had a lovely mass celebrated by Fr Robert Young this morning. They also got to share some lovely memories of their time in Dunderrow NS. We would like to wish...

DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206468 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Graduation Day [description] => <p>6th Class had a lovely mass celebrated by Fr Robert You...

(6) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581370: images2 :

DEBUG: (7) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206439 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Student Council Elections [description] => <p>The polling booths were out today in Dunderrow NS as voting for the new Student Council members took place. Well done to all candidates who have worked so hard on their camp...

(7) title of created page: Student Council Elections
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206439 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Student Council Elections [description] => <p>The polling booths were out today in Dunderrow NS as voting for the new Student Council members took place. Well done to all candidates who have worked so hard on their c...

(7) slug: Student Council Elections
(7) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206439 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Student Council Elections [description] => <p>The polling booths were out today in Dunderrow NS as voting for the new Student Council members took place. Well done to all candidates who have worked so hard on their camp...

(7) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>The polling booths were out today in Dunderrow NS as voting for the new Student Council members took place. Well done to all candidates who have worked so hard on their campaigns over the last few weeks. </p>
DEBUG: (7) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;The polling booths were out today in Dunderrow NS as voting for the new Student Council members took place. Well done to all candidates who have worked so hard on their campaigns over the last few weeks.&nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(7) featured image URL:
(7) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(7) No url_default for featured image defined
(7) no featured image defined
(7) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-27 05:53:58
DEBUG: (7) page postdate: 2024-07-27 05:53:58
DEBUG: (7) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (7) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-27 05:53:58
DEBUG: (7) creating of new post ok, id=2581371
DEBUG: (7) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(7) show created page 2581371:
(7) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(7) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206439 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Student Council Elections [description] => <p>The polling booths were out today in Dunderrow NS as voting for the new Student Council members took place. Well done to all candidates who have worked so hard on...

DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/06/17 15:26:44: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206439 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Student Council Elections [description] => <p>The polling booths were out today in Dunderrow NS as voting for the new Student Council members took place. Well done to all candidates who hav...

(7) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581371: post_date : 2024/06/17 15:26:44
(7) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206439 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Student Council Elections [description] => <p>The polling booths were out today in Dunderrow NS as voting for the new Student Council members took place. Well done to all candidates who have worked so hard on the...

DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206439 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Student Council Elections [description] => <p>The polling booths were out today in Dunderrow NS as ...

(7) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581371: images0 :
(7) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206439 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Student Council Elections [description] => <p>The polling booths were out today in Dunderrow NS as voting for the new Student Council members took place. Well done to all candidates who have worked so hard on the...

DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206439 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Student Council Elections [description] => <p>The polling booths were out today in Dunderrow NS as ...

(7) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581371: images1 :
(7) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206439 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Student Council Elections [description] => <p>The polling booths were out today in Dunderrow NS as voting for the new Student Council members took place. Well done to all candidates who have worked so hard on the...

DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206439 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Student Council Elections [description] => <p>The polling booths were out today in Dunderrow NS as ...

(7) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581371: images2 :

DEBUG: (8) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206404 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 5th & 6th Class School Tour [description] => <p>5th &amp; 6th class school tour was in Ballyhass in Mallow. Everyone had a fantastic day. Activites they took part in were zip lining, abseiling, archery and the br...

(8) title of created page: 5th & 6th Class School Tour
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206404 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 5th & 6th Class School Tour [description] => <p>5th &amp; 6th class school tour was in Ballyhass in Mallow. Everyone had a fantastic day. Activites they took part in were zip lining, abseiling, archery and the...

(8) slug: 5th & 6th Class School Tour
(8) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206404 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 5th & 6th Class School Tour [description] => <p>5th &amp; 6th class school tour was in Ballyhass in Mallow. Everyone had a fantastic day. Activites they took part in were zip lining, abseiling, archery and the br...

(8) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>5th &amp; 6th class school tour was in Ballyhass in Mallow. Everyone had a fantastic day. Activites they took part in were zip lining, abseiling, archery and the brilliant inflatable waterpark. </p>
DEBUG: (8) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;5th &amp;amp; 6th class school tour was in Ballyhass in Mallow. Everyone had a fantastic day. Activites they took part in were zip lining, abseiling, archery and the brilliant inflatable waterpark.&nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(8) featured image URL:
(8) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(8) No url_default for featured image defined
(8) no featured image defined
(8) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-27 05:53:58
DEBUG: (8) page postdate: 2024-07-27 05:53:58
DEBUG: (8) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (8) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-27 05:53:58
DEBUG: (8) creating of new post ok, id=2581372
DEBUG: (8) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(8) show created page 2581372:
(8) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(8) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206404 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 5th & 6th Class School Tour [description] => <p>5th &amp; 6th class school tour was in Ballyhass in Mallow. Everyone had a fantastic day. Activites they took part in were zip lining, abseiling, archery...

DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/06/17 10:07:34: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206404 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 5th & 6th Class School Tour [description] => <p>5th &amp; 6th class school tour was in Ballyhass in Mallow. Everyone had a fantastic day. Activites they took part in were zip lining,...

(8) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581372: post_date : 2024/06/17 10:07:34
(8) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206404 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 5th & 6th Class School Tour [description] => <p>5th &amp; 6th class school tour was in Ballyhass in Mallow. Everyone had a fantastic day. Activites they took part in were zip lining, abseiling, archery and...

DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206404 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 5th & 6th Class School Tour [description] => <p>5th &amp; 6th class school tour was in Bally...

(8) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581372: images0 :
(8) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206404 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 5th & 6th Class School Tour [description] => <p>5th &amp; 6th class school tour was in Ballyhass in Mallow. Everyone had a fantastic day. Activites they took part in were zip lining, abseiling, archery and...

DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206404 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 5th & 6th Class School Tour [description] => <p>5th &amp; 6th class school tour was in Bally...

(8) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581372: images1 :
(8) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206404 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 5th & 6th Class School Tour [description] => <p>5th &amp; 6th class school tour was in Ballyhass in Mallow. Everyone had a fantastic day. Activites they took part in were zip lining, abseiling, archery and...

DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206404 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 5th & 6th Class School Tour [description] => <p>5th &amp; 6th class school tour was in Bally...

(8) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581372: images2 :

DEBUG: (9) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206410 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 5 [description] => <p>Group 5 treated us today to a fabulous smoothie to freshen our pallets, then we had doughballs and garlic butter and for mains a scrumptous chicken curry and rice. All t...

(9) title of created page: 6th Class Masterchef - Group 5
DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206410 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 5 [description] => <p>Group 5 treated us today to a fabulous smoothie to freshen our pallets, then we had doughballs and garlic butter and for mains a scrumptous chicken curry and rice. Al...

(9) slug: 6th Class Masterchef - Group 5
(9) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206410 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 5 [description] => <p>Group 5 treated us today to a fabulous smoothie to freshen our pallets, then we had doughballs and garlic butter and for mains a scrumptous chicken curry and rice. All t...

(9) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Group 5 treated us today to a fabulous smoothie to freshen our pallets, then we had doughballs and garlic butter and for mains a scrumptous chicken curry and rice. All tasted lovely!</p>
DEBUG: (9) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Group 5 treated us today to a fabulous smoothie to freshen our pallets, then we had doughballs and garlic butter and for mains a scrumptous chicken curry and rice. All tasted lovely!&lt;/p&gt;
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(9) featured image URL:
(9) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(9) No url_default for featured image defined
(9) no featured image defined
(9) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-27 05:53:58
DEBUG: (9) page postdate: 2024-07-27 05:53:58
DEBUG: (9) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (9) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-27 05:53:58
DEBUG: (9) creating of new post ok, id=2581373
DEBUG: (9) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(9) show created page 2581373:
(9) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(9) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206410 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 5 [description] => <p>Group 5 treated us today to a fabulous smoothie to freshen our pallets, then we had doughballs and garlic butter and for mains a scrumptous chicken curry and ...

DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/06/17 11:39:16: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206410 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 5 [description] => <p>Group 5 treated us today to a fabulous smoothie to freshen our pallets, then we had doughballs and garlic butter and for mains a scrumptous...

(9) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581373: post_date : 2024/06/17 11:39:16
(9) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206410 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 5 [description] => <p>Group 5 treated us today to a fabulous smoothie to freshen our pallets, then we had doughballs and garlic butter and for mains a scrumptous chicken curry and rice...

DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206410 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 5 [description] => <p>Group 5 treated us today to a fabulous smoothie t...

(9) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581373: images0 :
(9) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206410 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 5 [description] => <p>Group 5 treated us today to a fabulous smoothie to freshen our pallets, then we had doughballs and garlic butter and for mains a scrumptous chicken curry and rice...

DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206410 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 5 [description] => <p>Group 5 treated us today to a fabulous smoothie t...

(9) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581373: images1 :
(9) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206410 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 5 [description] => <p>Group 5 treated us today to a fabulous smoothie to freshen our pallets, then we had doughballs and garlic butter and for mains a scrumptous chicken curry and rice...

DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206410 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 5 [description] => <p>Group 5 treated us today to a fabulous smoothie t...

(9) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581373: images2 :

DEBUG: (10) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206401 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 5th & 6th Girls Hockey Blitz [description] => <p>5th &amp; 6th girls enjoyed a hockey blitz organised by Kinsale Hockey Club in Saile last week. They showed great skill and determination and played well as a tea...

(10) title of created page: 5th & 6th Girls Hockey Blitz
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206401 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 5th & 6th Girls Hockey Blitz [description] => <p>5th &amp; 6th girls enjoyed a hockey blitz organised by Kinsale Hockey Club in Saile last week. They showed great skill and determination and played well as a ...

(10) slug: 5th & 6th Girls Hockey Blitz
(10) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206401 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 5th & 6th Girls Hockey Blitz [description] => <p>5th &amp; 6th girls enjoyed a hockey blitz organised by Kinsale Hockey Club in Saile last week. They showed great skill and determination and played well as a tea...

(10) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>5th &amp; 6th girls enjoyed a hockey blitz organised by Kinsale Hockey Club in Saile last week. They showed great skill and determination and played well as a team. Well done girls!</p>
DEBUG: (10) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;5th &amp;amp; 6th girls enjoyed a hockey blitz organised by Kinsale Hockey Club in Saile last week. They showed great skill and determination and played well as a team. Well done girls!&lt;/p&gt;
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(10) featured image URL:
(10) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(10) No url_default for featured image defined
(10) no featured image defined
(10) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-27 05:53:59
DEBUG: (10) page postdate: 2024-07-27 05:53:59
DEBUG: (10) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (10) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-27 05:53:59
DEBUG: (10) creating of new post ok, id=2581374
DEBUG: (10) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(10) show created page 2581374:
(10) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(10) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206401 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 5th & 6th Girls Hockey Blitz [description] => <p>5th &amp; 6th girls enjoyed a hockey blitz organised by Kinsale Hockey Club in Saile last week. They showed great skill and determination and played we...

DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/06/17 09:32:06: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206401 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 5th & 6th Girls Hockey Blitz [description] => <p>5th &amp; 6th girls enjoyed a hockey blitz organised by Kinsale Hockey Club in Saile last week. They showed great skill and determin...

(10) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581374: post_date : 2024/06/17 09:32:06
(10) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206401 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 5th & 6th Girls Hockey Blitz [description] => <p>5th &amp; 6th girls enjoyed a hockey blitz organised by Kinsale Hockey Club in Saile last week. They showed great skill and determination and played well a...

DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206401 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 5th & 6th Girls Hockey Blitz [description] => <p>5th &amp; 6th girls enjoyed a hockey blitz...

(10) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581374: images0 :
(10) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206401 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 5th & 6th Girls Hockey Blitz [description] => <p>5th &amp; 6th girls enjoyed a hockey blitz organised by Kinsale Hockey Club in Saile last week. They showed great skill and determination and played well a...

DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206401 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 5th & 6th Girls Hockey Blitz [description] => <p>5th &amp; 6th girls enjoyed a hockey blitz...

(10) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581374: images1 :
(10) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206401 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 5th & 6th Girls Hockey Blitz [description] => <p>5th &amp; 6th girls enjoyed a hockey blitz organised by Kinsale Hockey Club in Saile last week. They showed great skill and determination and played well a...

DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206401 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 5th & 6th Girls Hockey Blitz [description] => <p>5th &amp; 6th girls enjoyed a hockey blitz...

(10) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581374: images2 :

DEBUG: (11) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206319 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 3rd class water safety [description] => <p>3rd class attended a webinar on water safety which informed them how to keep safe around water this summer. They also learned to recognise the different safety signs you would...

(11) title of created page: 3rd class water safety
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206319 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 3rd class water safety [description] => <p>3rd class attended a webinar on water safety which informed them how to keep safe around water this summer. They also learned to recognise the different safety signs you wo...

(11) slug: 3rd class water safety
(11) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206319 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 3rd class water safety [description] => <p>3rd class attended a webinar on water safety which informed them how to keep safe around water this summer. They also learned to recognise the different safety signs you would...

(11) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>3rd class attended a webinar on water safety which informed them how to keep safe around water this summer. They also learned to recognise the different safety signs you would see at the beach.</p>
DEBUG: (11) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;3rd class attended a webinar on water safety which informed them how to keep safe around water this summer. They also learned to recognise the different safety signs you would see at the beach.&lt;/p&gt;
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(11) featured image URL:
(11) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(11) No url_default for featured image defined
(11) no featured image defined
(11) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-27 05:53:59
DEBUG: (11) page postdate: 2024-07-27 05:53:59
DEBUG: (11) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (11) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-27 05:53:59
DEBUG: (11) creating of new post ok, id=2581375
DEBUG: (11) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(11) show created page 2581375:
(11) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(11) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206319 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 3rd class water safety [description] => <p>3rd class attended a webinar on water safety which informed them how to keep safe around water this summer. They also learned to recognise the different safety sign...

DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/06/13 17:55:46: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206319 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 3rd class water safety [description] => <p>3rd class attended a webinar on water safety which informed them how to keep safe around water this summer. They also learned to recognise the di...

(11) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581375: post_date : 2024/06/13 17:55:46
(11) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206319 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 3rd class water safety [description] => <p>3rd class attended a webinar on water safety which informed them how to keep safe around water this summer. They also learned to recognise the different safety signs yo...

DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206319 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 3rd class water safety [description] => <p>3rd class attended a webinar on water safety which info...

(11) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581375: images0 :
(11) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206319 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 3rd class water safety [description] => <p>3rd class attended a webinar on water safety which informed them how to keep safe around water this summer. They also learned to recognise the different safety signs yo...

DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206319 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 3rd class water safety [description] => <p>3rd class attended a webinar on water safety which info...

(11) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581375: images1 :
(11) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206319 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 3rd class water safety [description] => <p>3rd class attended a webinar on water safety which informed them how to keep safe around water this summer. They also learned to recognise the different safety signs yo...

DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206319 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 3rd class water safety [description] => <p>3rd class attended a webinar on water safety which info...

(11) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581375: images2 :

DEBUG: (12) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206255 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 3rd and 4th school tour [description] => <p>3rd and 4th class had a fabulous time on their tour in Smugglers cove. They battled through Irelands largest outdoor inflatable obstacle course and displayed great golf skill...

(12) title of created page: 3rd and 4th school tour
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206255 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 3rd and 4th school tour [description] => <p>3rd and 4th class had a fabulous time on their tour in Smugglers cove. They battled through Irelands largest outdoor inflatable obstacle course and displayed great golf sk...

(12) slug: 3rd and 4th school tour
(12) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206255 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 3rd and 4th school tour [description] => <p>3rd and 4th class had a fabulous time on their tour in Smugglers cove. They battled through Irelands largest outdoor inflatable obstacle course and displayed great golf skill...

(12) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>3rd and 4th class had a fabulous time on their tour in Smugglers cove. They battled through Irelands largest outdoor inflatable obstacle course and displayed great golf skills in the 18 hole golf course. They fearlessly tackled the tracks of the tubing park,racing each other and Tubby Jumping.</p>
DEBUG: (12) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;3rd and 4th class had a fabulous time on their tour in Smugglers cove. They battled through Irelands largest outdoor inflatable obstacle course and displayed great golf skills in the 18 hole golf course. They fearlessly tackled the tracks of the tubing park,racing each other and Tubby Jumping.&lt;/p&gt;
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(12) featured image URL:
(12) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(12) No url_default for featured image defined
(12) no featured image defined
(12) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-27 05:53:59
DEBUG: (12) page postdate: 2024-07-27 05:53:59
DEBUG: (12) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (12) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-27 05:53:59
DEBUG: (12) creating of new post ok, id=2581376
DEBUG: (12) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(12) show created page 2581376:
(12) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(12) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206255 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 3rd and 4th school tour [description] => <p>3rd and 4th class had a fabulous time on their tour in Smugglers cove. They battled through Irelands largest outdoor inflatable obstacle course and displayed great...

DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/06/13 07:57:20: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206255 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 3rd and 4th school tour [description] => <p>3rd and 4th class had a fabulous time on their tour in Smugglers cove. They battled through Irelands largest outdoor inflatable obstacle course ...

(12) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581376: post_date : 2024/06/13 07:57:20
(12) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206255 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 3rd and 4th school tour [description] => <p>3rd and 4th class had a fabulous time on their tour in Smugglers cove. They battled through Irelands largest outdoor inflatable obstacle course and displayed great gol...

DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206255 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 3rd and 4th school tour [description] => <p>3rd and 4th class had a fabulous time on their tour in...

(12) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581376: images0 :
(12) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206255 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 3rd and 4th school tour [description] => <p>3rd and 4th class had a fabulous time on their tour in Smugglers cove. They battled through Irelands largest outdoor inflatable obstacle course and displayed great gol...

DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206255 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 3rd and 4th school tour [description] => <p>3rd and 4th class had a fabulous time on their tour in...

(12) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581376: images1 :
(12) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206255 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 3rd and 4th school tour [description] => <p>3rd and 4th class had a fabulous time on their tour in Smugglers cove. They battled through Irelands largest outdoor inflatable obstacle course and displayed great gol...

DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206255 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 3rd and 4th school tour [description] => <p>3rd and 4th class had a fabulous time on their tour in...

(12) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581376: images2 :

DEBUG: (13) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206226 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 5th Class trip to Signal Tower [description] => <p>5th class had a lovely visit to the Signal Tower at the Old head this morning. They loved learning about the Lusititania and the highlight of the trip was stopping off ...

(13) title of created page: 5th Class trip to Signal Tower
DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206226 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 5th Class trip to Signal Tower [description] => <p>5th class had a lovely visit to the Signal Tower at the Old head this morning. They loved learning about the Lusititania and the highlight of the trip was stopping o...

(13) slug: 5th Class trip to Signal Tower
(13) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206226 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 5th Class trip to Signal Tower [description] => <p>5th class had a lovely visit to the Signal Tower at the Old head this morning. They loved learning about the Lusititania and the highlight of the trip was stopping off ...

(13) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>5th class had a lovely visit to the Signal Tower at the Old head this morning. They loved learning about the Lusititania and the highlight of the trip was stopping off at Bean &amp; Berry on the way home!</p>
DEBUG: (13) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;5th class had a lovely visit to the Signal Tower at the Old head this morning. They loved learning about the Lusititania and the highlight of the trip was stopping off at Bean &amp;amp; Berry on the way home!&lt;/p&gt;
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(13) featured image URL:
(13) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(13) No url_default for featured image defined
(13) no featured image defined
(13) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-27 05:54:00
DEBUG: (13) page postdate: 2024-07-27 05:54:00
DEBUG: (13) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (13) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-27 05:54:00
DEBUG: (13) creating of new post ok, id=2581377
DEBUG: (13) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(13) show created page 2581377:
(13) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(13) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206226 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 5th Class trip to Signal Tower [description] => <p>5th class had a lovely visit to the Signal Tower at the Old head this morning. They loved learning about the Lusititania and the highlight of the trip was st...

DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/06/12 12:45:38: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206226 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 5th Class trip to Signal Tower [description] => <p>5th class had a lovely visit to the Signal Tower at the Old head this morning. They loved learning about the Lusititania and the highlight...

(13) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581377: post_date : 2024/06/12 12:45:38
(13) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206226 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 5th Class trip to Signal Tower [description] => <p>5th class had a lovely visit to the Signal Tower at the Old head this morning. They loved learning about the Lusititania and the highlight of the trip was stoppi...

DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206226 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 5th Class trip to Signal Tower [description] => <p>5th class had a lovely visit to the Signal Tower...

(13) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581377: images0 :
(13) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206226 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 5th Class trip to Signal Tower [description] => <p>5th class had a lovely visit to the Signal Tower at the Old head this morning. They loved learning about the Lusititania and the highlight of the trip was stoppi...

DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206226 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 5th Class trip to Signal Tower [description] => <p>5th class had a lovely visit to the Signal Tower...

(13) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581377: images1 :
(13) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206226 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 5th Class trip to Signal Tower [description] => <p>5th class had a lovely visit to the Signal Tower at the Old head this morning. They loved learning about the Lusititania and the highlight of the trip was stoppi...

DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206226 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 5th Class trip to Signal Tower [description] => <p>5th class had a lovely visit to the Signal Tower...

(13) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581377: images2 :

DEBUG: (14) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (14) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206002 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Junior Infants and Third Class Art [description] => <p>Junior Infants and Third class really enjoyed doing collaborative art today outside. They were delighted with their finished artwork capturing Sports Day.</p>...

(14) title of created page: Junior Infants and Third Class Art
DEBUG: (14) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206002 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Junior Infants and Third Class Art [description] => <p>Junior Infants and Third class really enjoyed doing collaborative art today outside. They were delighted with their finished artwork capturing Sports Day.</p&...

(14) slug: Junior Infants and Third Class Art
(14) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (14) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206002 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Junior Infants and Third Class Art [description] => <p>Junior Infants and Third class really enjoyed doing collaborative art today outside. They were delighted with their finished artwork capturing Sports Day.</p>...

(14) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Junior Infants and Third class really enjoyed doing collaborative art today outside. They were delighted with their finished artwork capturing Sports Day.</p>
DEBUG: (14) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Junior Infants and Third class really enjoyed doing collaborative art today outside. They were delighted with their finished artwork capturing Sports Day.&lt;/p&gt;
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(14) featured image URL:
(14) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(14) No url_default for featured image defined
(14) no featured image defined
(14) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-27 05:54:00
DEBUG: (14) page postdate: 2024-07-27 05:54:00
DEBUG: (14) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (14) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-27 05:54:00
DEBUG: (14) creating of new post ok, id=2581378
DEBUG: (14) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(14) show created page 2581378:
(14) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(14) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (14) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206002 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Junior Infants and Third Class Art [description] => <p>Junior Infants and Third class really enjoyed doing collaborative art today outside. They were delighted with their finished artwork capturing Sports Day...

DEBUG: (14) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/06/06 14:29:07: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206002 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Junior Infants and Third Class Art [description] => <p>Junior Infants and Third class really enjoyed doing collaborative art today outside. They were delighted with their finished artwork c...

(14) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581378: post_date : 2024/06/06 14:29:07
(14) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (14) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206002 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Junior Infants and Third Class Art [description] => <p>Junior Infants and Third class really enjoyed doing collaborative art today outside. They were delighted with their finished artwork capturing Sports Day.<...

DEBUG: (14) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206002 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Junior Infants and Third Class Art [description] => <p>Junior Infants and Third class really enjoye...

(14) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581378: images0 :
(14) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (14) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206002 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Junior Infants and Third Class Art [description] => <p>Junior Infants and Third class really enjoyed doing collaborative art today outside. They were delighted with their finished artwork capturing Sports Day.<...

DEBUG: (14) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206002 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Junior Infants and Third Class Art [description] => <p>Junior Infants and Third class really enjoye...

(14) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581378: images1 :
(14) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (14) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206002 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Junior Infants and Third Class Art [description] => <p>Junior Infants and Third class really enjoyed doing collaborative art today outside. They were delighted with their finished artwork capturing Sports Day.<...

DEBUG: (14) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206002 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Junior Infants and Third Class Art [description] => <p>Junior Infants and Third class really enjoye...

(14) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581378: images2 :

DEBUG: (15) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206218 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Minibeast Hunt [description] => Senior Infants had lots of fun going on a minibeast hunt in the sunshine today. [html_desc] => Senior Infants had lots of fun going on a minibeast hunt in the sunshine today. [images...

(15) title of created page: Minibeast Hunt
DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206218 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Minibeast Hunt [description] => Senior Infants had lots of fun going on a minibeast hunt in the sunshine today. [html_desc] => Senior Infants had lots of fun going on a minibeast hunt in the sunshine today. [ima...

(15) slug: Minibeast Hunt
(15) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206218 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Minibeast Hunt [description] => Senior Infants had lots of fun going on a minibeast hunt in the sunshine today. [html_desc] => Senior Infants had lots of fun going on a minibeast hunt in the sunshine today. [images...

(15) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: Senior Infants had lots of fun going on a minibeast hunt in the sunshine today.
DEBUG: (15) content 4 page after do_shortcode: Senior Infants had lots of fun going on a minibeast hunt in the sunshine today.
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(15) featured image URL:
(15) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(15) No url_default for featured image defined
(15) no featured image defined
(15) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-27 05:54:01
DEBUG: (15) page postdate: 2024-07-27 05:54:01
DEBUG: (15) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (15) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-27 05:54:01
DEBUG: (15) creating of new post ok, id=2581379
DEBUG: (15) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(15) show created page 2581379:
(15) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(15) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206218 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Minibeast Hunt [description] => Senior Infants had lots of fun going on a minibeast hunt in the sunshine today. [html_desc] => Senior Infants had lots of fun going on a minibeast hunt in the sunshine today. ...

DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/06/12 11:23:02: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206218 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Minibeast Hunt [description] => Senior Infants had lots of fun going on a minibeast hunt in the sunshine today. [html_desc] => Senior Infants had lots of fun going on a minibeast hunt in t...

(15) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581379: post_date : 2024/06/12 11:23:02
(15) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206218 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Minibeast Hunt [description] => Senior Infants had lots of fun going on a minibeast hunt in the sunshine today. [html_desc] => Senior Infants had lots of fun going on a minibeast hunt in the sunshine today. ...

DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206218 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Minibeast Hunt [description] => Senior Infants had lots of fun going on a minibeast hunt in the sunshine ...

(15) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581379: images0 :
(15) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206218 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Minibeast Hunt [description] => Senior Infants had lots of fun going on a minibeast hunt in the sunshine today. [html_desc] => Senior Infants had lots of fun going on a minibeast hunt in the sunshine today. ...

DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206218 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Minibeast Hunt [description] => Senior Infants had lots of fun going on a minibeast hunt in the sunshine ...

(15) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581379: images1 :
(15) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206218 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Minibeast Hunt [description] => Senior Infants had lots of fun going on a minibeast hunt in the sunshine today. [html_desc] => Senior Infants had lots of fun going on a minibeast hunt in the sunshine today. ...

DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206218 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Minibeast Hunt [description] => Senior Infants had lots of fun going on a minibeast hunt in the sunshine ...

(15) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581379: images2 :

DEBUG: (16) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206216 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Astro Pitch Opening [description] => <div style="color:#222222;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:small;">We celebrated the grand opening of our new astro turf pitch with pupils, staff, parents...

(16) title of created page: Astro Pitch Opening
DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206216 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Astro Pitch Opening [description] => <div style="color:#222222;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:small;">We celebrated the grand opening of our new astro turf pitch with pupils, staff, pare...

(16) slug: Astro Pitch Opening
(16) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206216 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Astro Pitch Opening [description] => <div style="color:#222222;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:small;">We celebrated the grand opening of our new astro turf pitch with pupils, staff, parents...

(16) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <div style="color:#222222;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:small;">We celebrated the grand opening of our new astro turf pitch with pupils, staff, parents, sponsors and friends of the school last Moday. This remarkable achievement  became a reality with huge fundraising from parents, children, the Dunderrow and Kinsale community. The main sponsors were Lilly, Citris and Containment Service Providers (CSP).  The children sang songs and performed Ed Sheerins song "Perfect" by doing the Lámh signs. Chairperson of the Fundraising committee Seamus McCarthy and principal Tríona Hannon spoke highly of the children and 2 children spoke of the positive impact the astro turf is having for them during play.</div> <div style="color:#222222;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:small;">Fr Robert Young blessed this wonderful facility and the oldest and youngest children in the school, Benjamin and Indie, cut the ribbon to unveil our state of the art sports facility. </div>
DEBUG: (16) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;div style=&quot;color:#222222;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:small;&quot;&gt;We celebrated the grand opening of our new astro turf pitch with pupils, staff, parents, sponsors and friends of the school last Moday. This remarkable achievement&nbsp; became a reality with huge fundraising from parents, children, the Du...

DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(16) featured image URL:
(16) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(16) No url_default for featured image defined
(16) no featured image defined
(16) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-27 05:54:01
DEBUG: (16) page postdate: 2024-07-27 05:54:01
DEBUG: (16) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (16) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-27 05:54:01
DEBUG: (16) creating of new post ok, id=2581380
DEBUG: (16) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(16) show created page 2581380:
(16) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(16) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206216 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Astro Pitch Opening [description] => <div style="color:#222222;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:small;">We celebrated the grand opening of our new astro turf pitch with pupils, sta...

DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/06/12 10:38:45: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206216 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Astro Pitch Opening [description] => <div style="color:#222222;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:small;">We celebrated the grand opening of our new astro turf pit...

(16) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581380: post_date : 2024/06/12 10:38:45
(16) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206216 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Astro Pitch Opening [description] => <div style="color:#222222;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:small;">We celebrated the grand opening of our new astro turf pitch with pupils, staff, ...

DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206216 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Astro Pitch Opening [description] => <div style="color:#222222;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans...

(16) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581380: images0 :
(16) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206216 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Astro Pitch Opening [description] => <div style="color:#222222;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:small;">We celebrated the grand opening of our new astro turf pitch with pupils, staff, ...

DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206216 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Astro Pitch Opening [description] => <div style="color:#222222;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans...

(16) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581380: images1 :
(16) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206216 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Astro Pitch Opening [description] => <div style="color:#222222;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:small;">We celebrated the grand opening of our new astro turf pitch with pupils, staff, ...

DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206216 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Astro Pitch Opening [description] => <div style="color:#222222;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans...

(16) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581380: images2 :

DEBUG: (17) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206147 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Parents Association Family Fun Walk [description] => <p>Thank you to everyone who came to the Family Fun Walk last Sunday. It was a lovely morning for a stroll. Thank you to the Parents Association for the refreshments ...

(17) title of created page: Parents Association Family Fun Walk
DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206147 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Parents Association Family Fun Walk [description] => <p>Thank you to everyone who came to the Family Fun Walk last Sunday. It was a lovely morning for a stroll. Thank you to the Parents Association for the refreshmen...

(17) slug: Parents Association Family Fun Walk
(17) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206147 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Parents Association Family Fun Walk [description] => <p>Thank you to everyone who came to the Family Fun Walk last Sunday. It was a lovely morning for a stroll. Thank you to the Parents Association for the refreshments ...

(17) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Thank you to everyone who came to the Family Fun Walk last Sunday. It was a lovely morning for a stroll. Thank you to the Parents Association for the refreshments after the walk</p>
DEBUG: (17) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Thank you to everyone who came to the Family Fun Walk last Sunday. It was a lovely morning for a stroll. Thank you to the Parents Association for the refreshments after the walk&lt;/p&gt;
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(17) featured image URL:
(17) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(17) No url_default for featured image defined
(17) no featured image defined
(17) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-27 05:54:01
DEBUG: (17) page postdate: 2024-07-27 05:54:01
DEBUG: (17) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (17) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-27 05:54:01
DEBUG: (17) creating of new post ok, id=2581381
DEBUG: (17) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(17) show created page 2581381:
(17) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(17) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206147 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Parents Association Family Fun Walk [description] => <p>Thank you to everyone who came to the Family Fun Walk last Sunday. It was a lovely morning for a stroll. Thank you to the Parents Association for the re...

DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/06/11 09:43:21: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206147 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Parents Association Family Fun Walk [description] => <p>Thank you to everyone who came to the Family Fun Walk last Sunday. It was a lovely morning for a stroll. Thank you to the Parents Ass...

(17) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581381: post_date : 2024/06/11 09:43:21
(17) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206147 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Parents Association Family Fun Walk [description] => <p>Thank you to everyone who came to the Family Fun Walk last Sunday. It was a lovely morning for a stroll. Thank you to the Parents Association for the refres...

DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206147 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Parents Association Family Fun Walk [description] => <p>Thank you to everyone who came to the Famil...

(17) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581381: images0 :
(17) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206147 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Parents Association Family Fun Walk [description] => <p>Thank you to everyone who came to the Family Fun Walk last Sunday. It was a lovely morning for a stroll. Thank you to the Parents Association for the refres...

DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206147 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Parents Association Family Fun Walk [description] => <p>Thank you to everyone who came to the Famil...

(17) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581381: images1 :
(17) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206147 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Parents Association Family Fun Walk [description] => <p>Thank you to everyone who came to the Family Fun Walk last Sunday. It was a lovely morning for a stroll. Thank you to the Parents Association for the refres...

DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206147 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Parents Association Family Fun Walk [description] => <p>Thank you to everyone who came to the Famil...

(17) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581381: images2 :

DEBUG: (18) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206145 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 1st & 2nd Class School Tour [description] => <p>1st &amp; 2nd class had a great day at the Mardyke Activity Centre for their school tour. They had lots of different activities on the day and the climbing wall wa...

(18) title of created page: 1st & 2nd Class School Tour
DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206145 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 1st & 2nd Class School Tour [description] => <p>1st &amp; 2nd class had a great day at the Mardyke Activity Centre for their school tour. They had lots of different activities on the day and the climbing wall...

(18) slug: 1st & 2nd Class School Tour
(18) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206145 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 1st & 2nd Class School Tour [description] => <p>1st &amp; 2nd class had a great day at the Mardyke Activity Centre for their school tour. They had lots of different activities on the day and the climbing wall wa...

(18) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>1st &amp; 2nd class had a great day at the Mardyke Activity Centre for their school tour. They had lots of different activities on the day and the climbing wall was a definite favourite!</p>
DEBUG: (18) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;1st &amp;amp; 2nd class had a great day at the Mardyke Activity Centre for their school tour. They had lots of different activities on the day and the climbing wall was a definite favourite!&lt;/p&gt;
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(18) featured image URL:
(18) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(18) No url_default for featured image defined
(18) no featured image defined
(18) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-27 05:54:02
DEBUG: (18) page postdate: 2024-07-27 05:54:02
DEBUG: (18) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (18) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-27 05:54:02
DEBUG: (18) creating of new post ok, id=2581382
DEBUG: (18) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(18) show created page 2581382:
(18) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(18) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206145 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 1st & 2nd Class School Tour [description] => <p>1st &amp; 2nd class had a great day at the Mardyke Activity Centre for their school tour. They had lots of different activities on the day and the climb...

DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/06/11 09:29:45: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206145 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 1st & 2nd Class School Tour [description] => <p>1st &amp; 2nd class had a great day at the Mardyke Activity Centre for their school tour. They had lots of different activities on th...

(18) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581382: post_date : 2024/06/11 09:29:45
(18) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206145 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 1st & 2nd Class School Tour [description] => <p>1st &amp; 2nd class had a great day at the Mardyke Activity Centre for their school tour. They had lots of different activities on the day and the climbing ...

DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206145 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 1st & 2nd Class School Tour [description] => <p>1st &amp; 2nd class had a great day at the ...

(18) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581382: images0 :
(18) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206145 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 1st & 2nd Class School Tour [description] => <p>1st &amp; 2nd class had a great day at the Mardyke Activity Centre for their school tour. They had lots of different activities on the day and the climbing ...

DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206145 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 1st & 2nd Class School Tour [description] => <p>1st &amp; 2nd class had a great day at the ...

(18) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581382: images1 :
(18) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206145 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 1st & 2nd Class School Tour [description] => <p>1st &amp; 2nd class had a great day at the Mardyke Activity Centre for their school tour. They had lots of different activities on the day and the climbing ...

DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206145 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 1st & 2nd Class School Tour [description] => <p>1st &amp; 2nd class had a great day at the ...

(18) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581382: images2 :

DEBUG: (19) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206111 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Uniform Swap Shop [description] => <p>After the huge success of last year's Uniform Swap Shop, we are delighted to have another event this year. </p> <p>Please be sure to gather any and all uniform item...

(19) title of created page: Uniform Swap Shop
DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206111 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Uniform Swap Shop [description] => <p>After the huge success of last year's Uniform Swap Shop, we are delighted to have another event this year. </p> <p>Please be sure to gather any and all uniform i...

(19) slug: Uniform Swap Shop
(19) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206111 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Uniform Swap Shop [description] => <p>After the huge success of last year's Uniform Swap Shop, we are delighted to have another event this year. </p> <p>Please be sure to gather any and all uniform item...

(19) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>After the huge success of last year's Uniform Swap Shop, we are delighted to have another event this year. </p> <p>Please be sure to gather any and all uniform items that are no longer needed, and in good condition, and drop them to the office for the attention of Ms Horan. </p> <p>Tuesday 18th June will be the last day we wear our uniforms to school and the Swap Shop will be open on Thursday 20th June from 1:30 - 2:30pm.</p> <p>Thank you for your support. </p>
DEBUG: (19) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;After the huge success of last year's Uniform Swap Shop, we are delighted to have another event this year.&nbsp;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Please be sure to gather any and all uniform items that are no longer needed, and in good condition, and drop them to the office for the attention of Ms Horan.&nbsp;&lt;/p&gt...

DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(19) featured image URL:
(19) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(19) No url_default for featured image defined
(19) no featured image defined
(19) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-27 05:54:02
DEBUG: (19) page postdate: 2024-07-27 05:54:02
DEBUG: (19) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (19) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-27 05:54:02
DEBUG: (19) creating of new post ok, id=2581383
DEBUG: (19) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(19) show created page 2581383:
(19) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(19) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206111 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Uniform Swap Shop [description] => <p>After the huge success of last year's Uniform Swap Shop, we are delighted to have another event this year. </p> <p>Please be sure to gather any and all u...

DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/06/10 13:28:26: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206111 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Uniform Swap Shop [description] => <p>After the huge success of last year's Uniform Swap Shop, we are delighted to have another event this year. </p> <p>Please be sure to g...

(19) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581383: post_date : 2024/06/10 13:28:26
(19) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206111 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Uniform Swap Shop [description] => <p>After the huge success of last year's Uniform Swap Shop, we are delighted to have another event this year. </p> <p>Please be sure to gather any and all unifo...

DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in customfield-value : twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206111 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Uniform Swap Shop [description] => <p>After the huge success of last year's Uniform Swap Shop, we are delighted to have another event this year. </p> <p>Please be sure to gather any and all unifor...

(19) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581383: images0 :
(19) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206111 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Uniform Swap Shop [description] => <p>After the huge success of last year's Uniform Swap Shop, we are delighted to have another event this year. </p> <p>Please be sure to gather any and all unifo...

DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206111 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Uniform Swap Shop [description] => <p>After the huge success of last year's Uniform Swap Shop, we ar...

(19) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581383: images1 :
(19) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206111 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Uniform Swap Shop [description] => <p>After the huge success of last year's Uniform Swap Shop, we are delighted to have another event this year. </p> <p>Please be sure to gather any and all unifo...

DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in customfield-value : twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 206111 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Uniform Swap Shop [description] => <p>After the huge success of last year's Uniform Swap Shop, we are delighted to have another event this year. </p> <p>Please be sure to gather any and all unifor...

(19) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581383: images2 :

DEBUG: (20) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205986 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 4 [description] => <p>Our next group of budding Masterchefs treated us to a very nice meal today. A lovely Oreo Milk Shake to begin then we had some lovely Chicken Wings with BBQ and Hot Sau...

(20) title of created page: 6th Class Masterchef - Group 4
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205986 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 4 [description] => <p>Our next group of budding Masterchefs treated us to a very nice meal today. A lovely Oreo Milk Shake to begin then we had some lovely Chicken Wings with BBQ and Hot ...

(20) slug: 6th Class Masterchef - Group 4
(20) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205986 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 4 [description] => <p>Our next group of budding Masterchefs treated us to a very nice meal today. A lovely Oreo Milk Shake to begin then we had some lovely Chicken Wings with BBQ and Hot Sau...

(20) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Our next group of budding Masterchefs treated us to a very nice meal today. A lovely Oreo Milk Shake to begin then we had some lovely Chicken Wings with BBQ and Hot Sauce for starters, Burger and Chips for mains and finished off with an Ice-Cream &amp; Cookie sandwich dessert.</p>
DEBUG: (20) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Our next group of budding Masterchefs treated us to a very nice meal today. A lovely Oreo Milk Shake to begin then we had some lovely Chicken Wings with BBQ and Hot Sauce for starters, Burger and Chips for mains and finished off with an Ice-Cream &amp;amp; Cookie sandwich dessert.&lt;/p&gt;
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(20) featured image URL:
(20) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(20) No url_default for featured image defined
(20) no featured image defined
(20) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-27 05:54:02
DEBUG: (20) page postdate: 2024-07-27 05:54:02
DEBUG: (20) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (20) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-27 05:54:02
DEBUG: (20) creating of new post ok, id=2581384
DEBUG: (20) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(20) show created page 2581384:
(20) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(20) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205986 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 4 [description] => <p>Our next group of budding Masterchefs treated us to a very nice meal today. A lovely Oreo Milk Shake to begin then we had some lovely Chicken Wings with BBQ ...

DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/06/06 12:36:39: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205986 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 4 [description] => <p>Our next group of budding Masterchefs treated us to a very nice meal today. A lovely Oreo Milk Shake to begin then we had some lovely Chic...

(20) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581384: post_date : 2024/06/06 12:36:39
(20) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205986 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 4 [description] => <p>Our next group of budding Masterchefs treated us to a very nice meal today. A lovely Oreo Milk Shake to begin then we had some lovely Chicken Wings with BBQ and ...

DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205986 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 4 [description] => <p>Our next group of budding Masterchefs treated us...

(20) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581384: images0 :
(20) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205986 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 4 [description] => <p>Our next group of budding Masterchefs treated us to a very nice meal today. A lovely Oreo Milk Shake to begin then we had some lovely Chicken Wings with BBQ and ...

DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205986 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 4 [description] => <p>Our next group of budding Masterchefs treated us...

(20) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581384: images1 :
(20) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205986 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 4 [description] => <p>Our next group of budding Masterchefs treated us to a very nice meal today. A lovely Oreo Milk Shake to begin then we had some lovely Chicken Wings with BBQ and ...

DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205986 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 4 [description] => <p>Our next group of budding Masterchefs treated us...

(20) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581384: images2 :

DEBUG: (21) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205964 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Infants School Tour [description] => <p>Junior and Senior Infants had a great day at the Let's Go Activity Centre in Trabeg. They had lots of different activities throughout the day and loved the bus journey to and from...

(21) title of created page: Infants School Tour
DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205964 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Infants School Tour [description] => <p>Junior and Senior Infants had a great day at the Let's Go Activity Centre in Trabeg. They had lots of different activities throughout the day and loved the bus journey to and f...

(21) slug: Infants School Tour
(21) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205964 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Infants School Tour [description] => <p>Junior and Senior Infants had a great day at the Let's Go Activity Centre in Trabeg. They had lots of different activities throughout the day and loved the bus journey to and from...

(21) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Junior and Senior Infants had a great day at the Let's Go Activity Centre in Trabeg. They had lots of different activities throughout the day and loved the bus journey to and from the centre.</p> <p>!</p>
DEBUG: (21) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Junior and Senior Infants had a great day at the Let's Go Activity Centre in Trabeg. They had lots of different activities throughout the day and loved the bus journey to and from the centre.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;!&lt;/p&gt;
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(21) featured image URL:
(21) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(21) No url_default for featured image defined
(21) no featured image defined
(21) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-27 05:54:03
DEBUG: (21) page postdate: 2024-07-27 05:54:03
DEBUG: (21) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (21) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-27 05:54:03
DEBUG: (21) creating of new post ok, id=2581385
DEBUG: (21) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(21) show created page 2581385:
(21) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(21) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205964 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Infants School Tour [description] => <p>Junior and Senior Infants had a great day at the Let's Go Activity Centre in Trabeg. They had lots of different activities throughout the day and loved the bus journey ...

DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/06/06 09:24:30: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205964 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Infants School Tour [description] => <p>Junior and Senior Infants had a great day at the Let's Go Activity Centre in Trabeg. They had lots of different activities throughout the day and lov...

(21) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581385: post_date : 2024/06/06 09:24:30
(21) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205964 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Infants School Tour [description] => <p>Junior and Senior Infants had a great day at the Let's Go Activity Centre in Trabeg. They had lots of different activities throughout the day and loved the bus journey to a...

DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205964 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Infants School Tour [description] => <p>Junior and Senior Infants had a great day at the Let's Go A...

(21) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581385: images0 :
(21) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205964 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Infants School Tour [description] => <p>Junior and Senior Infants had a great day at the Let's Go Activity Centre in Trabeg. They had lots of different activities throughout the day and loved the bus journey to a...

DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205964 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Infants School Tour [description] => <p>Junior and Senior Infants had a great day at the Let's Go A...

(21) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581385: images1 :
(21) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205964 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Infants School Tour [description] => <p>Junior and Senior Infants had a great day at the Let's Go Activity Centre in Trabeg. They had lots of different activities throughout the day and loved the bus journey to a...

DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205964 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Infants School Tour [description] => <p>Junior and Senior Infants had a great day at the Let's Go A...

(21) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581385: images2 :

DEBUG: (22) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205926 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 3 [description] => <p>Masterchef Group 3 really treated us to some deicious food today and homemade lemonade. We had Nachos for starters, Chicken Paprika for mains and lovely Chocolate Brown...

(22) title of created page: 6th Class Masterchef - Group 3
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205926 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 3 [description] => <p>Masterchef Group 3 really treated us to some deicious food today and homemade lemonade. We had Nachos for starters, Chicken Paprika for mains and lovely Chocolate Br...

(22) slug: 6th Class Masterchef - Group 3
(22) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205926 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 3 [description] => <p>Masterchef Group 3 really treated us to some deicious food today and homemade lemonade. We had Nachos for starters, Chicken Paprika for mains and lovely Chocolate Brown...

(22) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Masterchef Group 3 really treated us to some deicious food today and homemade lemonade. We had Nachos for starters, Chicken Paprika for mains and lovely Chocolate Brownies with Ice-Cream for dessert. We are being spoilt with all the excellent cooking by 6th class</p>
DEBUG: (22) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Masterchef Group 3 really treated us to some deicious food today and homemade lemonade. We had Nachos for starters, Chicken Paprika for mains and lovely Chocolate Brownies with Ice-Cream for dessert. We are being spoilt with all the excellent cooking by 6th class&lt;/p&gt;
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(22) featured image URL:
(22) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(22) No url_default for featured image defined
(22) no featured image defined
(22) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-27 05:54:03
DEBUG: (22) page postdate: 2024-07-27 05:54:03
DEBUG: (22) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (22) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-27 05:54:03
DEBUG: (22) creating of new post ok, id=2581386
DEBUG: (22) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(22) show created page 2581386:
(22) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(22) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205926 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 3 [description] => <p>Masterchef Group 3 really treated us to some deicious food today and homemade lemonade. We had Nachos for starters, Chicken Paprika for mains and lovely Choc...

DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/06/05 12:58:27: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205926 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 3 [description] => <p>Masterchef Group 3 really treated us to some deicious food today and homemade lemonade. We had Nachos for starters, Chicken Paprika for ma...

(22) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581386: post_date : 2024/06/05 12:58:27
(22) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205926 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 3 [description] => <p>Masterchef Group 3 really treated us to some deicious food today and homemade lemonade. We had Nachos for starters, Chicken Paprika for mains and lovely Chocolat...

DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205926 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 3 [description] => <p>Masterchef Group 3 really treated us to some dei...

(22) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581386: images0 :
(22) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205926 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 3 [description] => <p>Masterchef Group 3 really treated us to some deicious food today and homemade lemonade. We had Nachos for starters, Chicken Paprika for mains and lovely Chocolat...

DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205926 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 3 [description] => <p>Masterchef Group 3 really treated us to some dei...

(22) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581386: images1 :
(22) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205926 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 3 [description] => <p>Masterchef Group 3 really treated us to some deicious food today and homemade lemonade. We had Nachos for starters, Chicken Paprika for mains and lovely Chocolat...

DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205926 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 3 [description] => <p>Masterchef Group 3 really treated us to some dei...

(22) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581386: images2 :

DEBUG: (23) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205914 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 2 [description] => <p>Masterchef Group 2 made us some refreshing Pink Lemonade, followed by duck spring rolls for starters, lasagne for mains and a lovely red velvet cake. Well done everyone...

(23) title of created page: 6th Class Masterchef - Group 2
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205914 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 2 [description] => <p>Masterchef Group 2 made us some refreshing Pink Lemonade, followed by duck spring rolls for starters, lasagne for mains and a lovely red velvet cake. Well done every...

(23) slug: 6th Class Masterchef - Group 2
(23) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205914 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 2 [description] => <p>Masterchef Group 2 made us some refreshing Pink Lemonade, followed by duck spring rolls for starters, lasagne for mains and a lovely red velvet cake. Well done everyone...

(23) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Masterchef Group 2 made us some refreshing Pink Lemonade, followed by duck spring rolls for starters, lasagne for mains and a lovely red velvet cake. Well done everyone</p>
DEBUG: (23) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Masterchef Group 2 made us some refreshing Pink Lemonade, followed by duck spring rolls for starters, lasagne for mains and a lovely red velvet cake. Well done everyone&lt;/p&gt;
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(23) featured image URL:
(23) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(23) No url_default for featured image defined
(23) no featured image defined
(23) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-27 05:54:04
DEBUG: (23) page postdate: 2024-07-27 05:54:04
DEBUG: (23) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (23) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-27 05:54:04
DEBUG: (23) creating of new post ok, id=2581387
DEBUG: (23) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(23) show created page 2581387:
(23) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(23) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205914 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 2 [description] => <p>Masterchef Group 2 made us some refreshing Pink Lemonade, followed by duck spring rolls for starters, lasagne for mains and a lovely red velvet cake. Well do...

DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/06/05 10:27:29: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205914 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 2 [description] => <p>Masterchef Group 2 made us some refreshing Pink Lemonade, followed by duck spring rolls for starters, lasagne for mains and a lovely red v...

(23) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581387: post_date : 2024/06/05 10:27:29
(23) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205914 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 2 [description] => <p>Masterchef Group 2 made us some refreshing Pink Lemonade, followed by duck spring rolls for starters, lasagne for mains and a lovely red velvet cake. Well done e...

DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205914 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 2 [description] => <p>Masterchef Group 2 made us some refreshing Pink ...

(23) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581387: images0 :
(23) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205914 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 2 [description] => <p>Masterchef Group 2 made us some refreshing Pink Lemonade, followed by duck spring rolls for starters, lasagne for mains and a lovely red velvet cake. Well done e...

DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205914 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 2 [description] => <p>Masterchef Group 2 made us some refreshing Pink ...

(23) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581387: images1 :
(23) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205914 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 2 [description] => <p>Masterchef Group 2 made us some refreshing Pink Lemonade, followed by duck spring rolls for starters, lasagne for mains and a lovely red velvet cake. Well done e...

DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205914 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 2 [description] => <p>Masterchef Group 2 made us some refreshing Pink ...

(23) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581387: images2 :

DEBUG: (24) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205788 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => May Assembly [description] => <p>Last Friday 6th class finished off our School Year Assemblies and had everybody up on their feet dancing. We all learned how to do the dance to "The Locomotion" Great fun was h...

(24) title of created page: May Assembly
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205788 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => May Assembly [description] => <p>Last Friday 6th class finished off our School Year Assemblies and had everybody up on their feet dancing. We all learned how to do the dance to "The Locomotion" Great fun wa...

(24) slug: May Assembly
(24) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205788 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => May Assembly [description] => <p>Last Friday 6th class finished off our School Year Assemblies and had everybody up on their feet dancing. We all learned how to do the dance to "The Locomotion" Great fun was h...

(24) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Last Friday 6th class finished off our School Year Assemblies and had everybody up on their feet dancing. We all learned how to do the dance to "The Locomotion" Great fun was had by students and all the staff! 6th class then showed some pictures of themselves as babies and everyone had to guess which 6th class boy or girl was in the picture! There was some very cute pictures shown!</p>
DEBUG: (24) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Last Friday 6th class finished off our School Year Assemblies and had everybody up on their feet dancing. We all learned how to do the dance to &quot;The Locomotion&quot; Great fun was had by students and all the staff! 6th class then showed some pictures of themselves as babies and everyone had to guess which 6th class boy or girl w...

DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(24) featured image URL:
(24) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(24) No url_default for featured image defined
(24) no featured image defined
(24) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-27 05:54:04
DEBUG: (24) page postdate: 2024-07-27 05:54:04
DEBUG: (24) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (24) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-27 05:54:04
DEBUG: (24) creating of new post ok, id=2581388
DEBUG: (24) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(24) show created page 2581388:
(24) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(24) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205788 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => May Assembly [description] => <p>Last Friday 6th class finished off our School Year Assemblies and had everybody up on their feet dancing. We all learned how to do the dance to "The Locomotion" Grea...

DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/06/04 09:18:47: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205788 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => May Assembly [description] => <p>Last Friday 6th class finished off our School Year Assemblies and had everybody up on their feet dancing. We all learned how to do the dance to "The Lo...

(24) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581388: post_date : 2024/06/04 09:18:47
(24) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205788 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => May Assembly [description] => <p>Last Friday 6th class finished off our School Year Assemblies and had everybody up on their feet dancing. We all learned how to do the dance to "The Locomotion" Great fu...

DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205788 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => May Assembly [description] => <p>Last Friday 6th class finished off our School Year Assemblies and ...

(24) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581388: images0 :
(24) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205788 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => May Assembly [description] => <p>Last Friday 6th class finished off our School Year Assemblies and had everybody up on their feet dancing. We all learned how to do the dance to "The Locomotion" Great fu...

DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205788 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => May Assembly [description] => <p>Last Friday 6th class finished off our School Year Assemblies and ...

(24) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581388: images1 :
(24) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205788 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => May Assembly [description] => <p>Last Friday 6th class finished off our School Year Assemblies and had everybody up on their feet dancing. We all learned how to do the dance to "The Locomotion" Great fu...

DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205788 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => May Assembly [description] => <p>Last Friday 6th class finished off our School Year Assemblies and ...

(24) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581388: images2 :

DEBUG: (25) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205786 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 5th & 6th Tag Rugby [description] => <p>5th &amp; 6th classes had a great morning in Kinsale Rugby Club for the annual 5th &amp; 6th class tag rugby blitz last Friday. Thank you to Kinsale Rugby Club for org...

(25) title of created page: 5th & 6th Tag Rugby
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205786 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 5th & 6th Tag Rugby [description] => <p>5th &amp; 6th classes had a great morning in Kinsale Rugby Club for the annual 5th &amp; 6th class tag rugby blitz last Friday. Thank you to Kinsale Rugby Club for ...

(25) slug: 5th & 6th Tag Rugby
(25) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205786 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 5th & 6th Tag Rugby [description] => <p>5th &amp; 6th classes had a great morning in Kinsale Rugby Club for the annual 5th &amp; 6th class tag rugby blitz last Friday. Thank you to Kinsale Rugby Club for org...

(25) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>5th &amp; 6th classes had a great morning in Kinsale Rugby Club for the annual 5th &amp; 6th class tag rugby blitz last Friday. Thank you to Kinsale Rugby Club for organising the blitz.</p>
DEBUG: (25) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;5th &amp;amp; 6th classes had a great morning in Kinsale Rugby Club for the annual 5th &amp;amp; 6th class tag rugby blitz last Friday. Thank you to Kinsale Rugby Club for organising the blitz.&lt;/p&gt;
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(25) featured image URL:
(25) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(25) No url_default for featured image defined
(25) no featured image defined
(25) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-27 05:54:05
DEBUG: (25) page postdate: 2024-07-27 05:54:05
DEBUG: (25) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (25) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-27 05:54:05
DEBUG: (25) creating of new post ok, id=2581389
DEBUG: (25) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(25) show created page 2581389:
(25) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(25) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205786 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 5th & 6th Tag Rugby [description] => <p>5th &amp; 6th classes had a great morning in Kinsale Rugby Club for the annual 5th &amp; 6th class tag rugby blitz last Friday. Thank you to Kinsale Rugby C...

DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/06/04 08:46:13: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205786 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 5th & 6th Tag Rugby [description] => <p>5th &amp; 6th classes had a great morning in Kinsale Rugby Club for the annual 5th &amp; 6th class tag rugby blitz last Friday. Thank you...

(25) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581389: post_date : 2024/06/04 08:46:13
(25) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205786 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 5th & 6th Tag Rugby [description] => <p>5th &amp; 6th classes had a great morning in Kinsale Rugby Club for the annual 5th &amp; 6th class tag rugby blitz last Friday. Thank you to Kinsale Rugby Club ...

DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205786 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 5th & 6th Tag Rugby [description] => <p>5th &amp; 6th classes had a great morning in Kinsal...

(25) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581389: images0 :
(25) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205786 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 5th & 6th Tag Rugby [description] => <p>5th &amp; 6th classes had a great morning in Kinsale Rugby Club for the annual 5th &amp; 6th class tag rugby blitz last Friday. Thank you to Kinsale Rugby Club ...

DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205786 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 5th & 6th Tag Rugby [description] => <p>5th &amp; 6th classes had a great morning in Kinsal...

(25) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581389: images1 :
(25) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205786 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 5th & 6th Tag Rugby [description] => <p>5th &amp; 6th classes had a great morning in Kinsale Rugby Club for the annual 5th &amp; 6th class tag rugby blitz last Friday. Thank you to Kinsale Rugby Club ...

DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205786 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 5th & 6th Tag Rugby [description] => <p>5th &amp; 6th classes had a great morning in Kinsal...

(25) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581389: images2 :

DEBUG: (26) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205687 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Our 4th Class Gardeners [description] => <p>Thanks to SuperValu Let's Grow we have some beautiful peas, salad leaves, french beans and sunflowers all grown by 4th class over the last few weeks. Some budding gardeners fo...

(26) title of created page: Our 4th Class Gardeners
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205687 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Our 4th Class Gardeners [description] => <p>Thanks to SuperValu Let's Grow we have some beautiful peas, salad leaves, french beans and sunflowers all grown by 4th class over the last few weeks. Some budding gardeners...

(26) slug: Our 4th Class Gardeners
(26) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205687 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Our 4th Class Gardeners [description] => <p>Thanks to SuperValu Let's Grow we have some beautiful peas, salad leaves, french beans and sunflowers all grown by 4th class over the last few weeks. Some budding gardeners fo...

(26) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Thanks to SuperValu Let's Grow we have some beautiful peas, salad leaves, french beans and sunflowers all grown by 4th class over the last few weeks. Some budding gardeners for the future!</p>
DEBUG: (26) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Thanks to SuperValu Let's Grow we have some beautiful peas, salad leaves, french beans and sunflowers all grown by 4th class over the last few weeks. Some budding gardeners for the future!&lt;/p&gt;
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(26) featured image URL:
(26) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(26) No url_default for featured image defined
(26) no featured image defined
(26) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-27 05:54:05
DEBUG: (26) page postdate: 2024-07-27 05:54:05
DEBUG: (26) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (26) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-27 05:54:05
DEBUG: (26) creating of new post ok, id=2581390
DEBUG: (26) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(26) show created page 2581390:
(26) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(26) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205687 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Our 4th Class Gardeners [description] => <p>Thanks to SuperValu Let's Grow we have some beautiful peas, salad leaves, french beans and sunflowers all grown by 4th class over the last few weeks. Some budding g...

DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/05/31 12:45:32: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205687 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Our 4th Class Gardeners [description] => <p>Thanks to SuperValu Let's Grow we have some beautiful peas, salad leaves, french beans and sunflowers all grown by 4th class over the last few we...

(26) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581390: post_date : 2024/05/31 12:45:32
(26) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205687 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Our 4th Class Gardeners [description] => <p>Thanks to SuperValu Let's Grow we have some beautiful peas, salad leaves, french beans and sunflowers all grown by 4th class over the last few weeks. Some budding garde...

DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205687 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Our 4th Class Gardeners [description] => <p>Thanks to SuperValu Let's Grow we have some beautiful p...

(26) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581390: images0 :
(26) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205687 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Our 4th Class Gardeners [description] => <p>Thanks to SuperValu Let's Grow we have some beautiful peas, salad leaves, french beans and sunflowers all grown by 4th class over the last few weeks. Some budding garde...

DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205687 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Our 4th Class Gardeners [description] => <p>Thanks to SuperValu Let's Grow we have some beautiful p...

(26) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581390: images1 :
(26) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205687 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Our 4th Class Gardeners [description] => <p>Thanks to SuperValu Let's Grow we have some beautiful peas, salad leaves, french beans and sunflowers all grown by 4th class over the last few weeks. Some budding garde...

DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in customfield-value : twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205687 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Our 4th Class Gardeners [description] => <p>Thanks to SuperValu Let's Grow we have some beautiful peas, salad leaves, french beans and sunflowers all grown by 4th class over the last few weeks. Some budding garden...

(26) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581390: images2 :

DEBUG: (27) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205635 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Cork City Sports - Boys Races [description] => <p>Well done to all the boys who participated in Cork City Sports yesterday afternoon. They represented the school very well in their races and the relay. Well done lads!&l...

(27) title of created page: Cork City Sports - Boys Races
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205635 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Cork City Sports - Boys Races [description] => <p>Well done to all the boys who participated in Cork City Sports yesterday afternoon. They represented the school very well in their races and the relay. Well done lads...

(27) slug: Cork City Sports - Boys Races
(27) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205635 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Cork City Sports - Boys Races [description] => <p>Well done to all the boys who participated in Cork City Sports yesterday afternoon. They represented the school very well in their races and the relay. Well done lads!&l...

(27) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Well done to all the boys who participated in Cork City Sports yesterday afternoon. They represented the school very well in their races and the relay. Well done lads!</p>
DEBUG: (27) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Well done to all the boys who participated in Cork City Sports yesterday afternoon. They represented the school very well in their races and the relay. Well done lads!&lt;/p&gt;
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(27) featured image URL:
(27) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(27) No url_default for featured image defined
(27) no featured image defined
(27) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-27 05:54:05
DEBUG: (27) page postdate: 2024-07-27 05:54:05
DEBUG: (27) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (27) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-27 05:54:05
DEBUG: (27) creating of new post ok, id=2581391
DEBUG: (27) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(27) show created page 2581391:
(27) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(27) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205635 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Cork City Sports - Boys Races [description] => <p>Well done to all the boys who participated in Cork City Sports yesterday afternoon. They represented the school very well in their races and the relay. Well d...

DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/05/31 08:25:42: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205635 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Cork City Sports - Boys Races [description] => <p>Well done to all the boys who participated in Cork City Sports yesterday afternoon. They represented the school very well in their races an...

(27) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581391: post_date : 2024/05/31 08:25:42
(27) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205635 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Cork City Sports - Boys Races [description] => <p>Well done to all the boys who participated in Cork City Sports yesterday afternoon. They represented the school very well in their races and the relay. Well done ...

DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205635 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Cork City Sports - Boys Races [description] => <p>Well done to all the boys who participated in Cor...

(27) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581391: images0 :
(27) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205635 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Cork City Sports - Boys Races [description] => <p>Well done to all the boys who participated in Cork City Sports yesterday afternoon. They represented the school very well in their races and the relay. Well done ...

DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205635 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Cork City Sports - Boys Races [description] => <p>Well done to all the boys who participated in Cor...

(27) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581391: images1 :
(27) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205635 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Cork City Sports - Boys Races [description] => <p>Well done to all the boys who participated in Cork City Sports yesterday afternoon. They represented the school very well in their races and the relay. Well done ...

DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in customfield-value : twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205635 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Cork City Sports - Boys Races [description] => <p>Well done to all the boys who participated in Cork City Sports yesterday afternoon. They represented the school very well in their races and the relay. Well done l...

(27) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581391: images2 :

DEBUG: (28) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (28) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205542 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Cork City Sports - Girls Races [description] => <p>Well done to all the girls who participated in the Cork City Sports this morning. They all represented the school very well. Congratulations to Lauren &amp; Izzy wh...

(28) title of created page: Cork City Sports - Girls Races
DEBUG: (28) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205542 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Cork City Sports - Girls Races [description] => <p>Well done to all the girls who participated in the Cork City Sports this morning. They all represented the school very well. Congratulations to Lauren &amp; Izzy...

(28) slug: Cork City Sports - Girls Races
(28) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (28) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205542 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Cork City Sports - Girls Races [description] => <p>Well done to all the girls who participated in the Cork City Sports this morning. They all represented the school very well. Congratulations to Lauren &amp; Izzy wh...

(28) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Well done to all the girls who participated in the Cork City Sports this morning. They all represented the school very well. Congratulations to Lauren &amp; Izzy who came 2nd &amp; 3rd in their races. Well done everyone!</p>
DEBUG: (28) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;Well done to all the girls who participated in the Cork City Sports this morning. They all represented the school very well. Congratulations to Lauren &amp;amp; Izzy who came 2nd &amp;amp; 3rd in their races. Well done everyone!&lt;/p&gt;
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(28) featured image URL:
(28) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(28) No url_default for featured image defined
(28) no featured image defined
(28) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-27 05:54:06
DEBUG: (28) page postdate: 2024-07-27 05:54:06
DEBUG: (28) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (28) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-27 05:54:06
DEBUG: (28) creating of new post ok, id=2581392
DEBUG: (28) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(28) show created page 2581392:
(28) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(28) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (28) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205542 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Cork City Sports - Girls Races [description] => <p>Well done to all the girls who participated in the Cork City Sports this morning. They all represented the school very well. Congratulations to Lauren &a...

DEBUG: (28) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/05/30 11:08:06: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205542 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Cork City Sports - Girls Races [description] => <p>Well done to all the girls who participated in the Cork City Sports this morning. They all represented the school very well. Congratulatio...

(28) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581392: post_date : 2024/05/30 11:08:06
(28) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (28) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205542 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Cork City Sports - Girls Races [description] => <p>Well done to all the girls who participated in the Cork City Sports this morning. They all represented the school very well. Congratulations to Lauren &amp; ...

DEBUG: (28) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205542 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Cork City Sports - Girls Races [description] => <p>Well done to all the girls who participated in t...

(28) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581392: images0 :
(28) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (28) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205542 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Cork City Sports - Girls Races [description] => <p>Well done to all the girls who participated in the Cork City Sports this morning. They all represented the school very well. Congratulations to Lauren &amp; ...

DEBUG: (28) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205542 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Cork City Sports - Girls Races [description] => <p>Well done to all the girls who participated in t...

(28) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581392: images1 :
(28) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (28) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205542 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Cork City Sports - Girls Races [description] => <p>Well done to all the girls who participated in the Cork City Sports this morning. They all represented the school very well. Congratulations to Lauren &amp; ...

DEBUG: (28) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205542 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Cork City Sports - Girls Races [description] => <p>Well done to all the girls who participated in t...

(28) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581392: images2 :

DEBUG: (29) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (29) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205322 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 4th Class Swimming [description] => <p>4th Class have enjoyed 6 week swimming lessons at the Kinsale Hotel &amp; Spa &amp; Leisure Centre. They have had a great few weeks and will benefit for the summer from the...

(29) title of created page: 4th Class Swimming
DEBUG: (29) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205322 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 4th Class Swimming [description] => <p>4th Class have enjoyed 6 week swimming lessons at the Kinsale Hotel &amp; Spa &amp; Leisure Centre. They have had a great few weeks and will benefit for the summer from ...

(29) slug: 4th Class Swimming
(29) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (29) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205322 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 4th Class Swimming [description] => <p>4th Class have enjoyed 6 week swimming lessons at the Kinsale Hotel &amp; Spa &amp; Leisure Centre. They have had a great few weeks and will benefit for the summer from the...

(29) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>4th Class have enjoyed 6 week swimming lessons at the Kinsale Hotel &amp; Spa &amp; Leisure Centre. They have had a great few weeks and will benefit for the summer from their lessons!</p>
DEBUG: (29) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;4th Class have enjoyed 6 week swimming lessons at the Kinsale Hotel &amp;amp; Spa &amp;amp; Leisure Centre. They have had a great few weeks and will benefit for the summer from their lessons!&lt;/p&gt;
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(29) featured image URL:
(29) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(29) No url_default for featured image defined
(29) no featured image defined
(29) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-27 05:54:06
DEBUG: (29) page postdate: 2024-07-27 05:54:06
DEBUG: (29) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (29) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-27 05:54:06
DEBUG: (29) creating of new post ok, id=2581393
DEBUG: (29) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(29) show created page 2581393:
(29) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(29) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (29) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205322 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 4th Class Swimming [description] => <p>4th Class have enjoyed 6 week swimming lessons at the Kinsale Hotel &amp; Spa &amp; Leisure Centre. They have had a great few weeks and will benefit for the summ...

DEBUG: (29) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/05/28 12:53:14: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205322 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 4th Class Swimming [description] => <p>4th Class have enjoyed 6 week swimming lessons at the Kinsale Hotel &amp; Spa &amp; Leisure Centre. They have had a great few weeks and will b...

(29) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581393: post_date : 2024/05/28 12:53:14
(29) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (29) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205322 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 4th Class Swimming [description] => <p>4th Class have enjoyed 6 week swimming lessons at the Kinsale Hotel &amp; Spa &amp; Leisure Centre. They have had a great few weeks and will benefit for the summer f...

DEBUG: (29) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205322 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 4th Class Swimming [description] => <p>4th Class have enjoyed 6 week swimming lessons at the Kinsal...

(29) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581393: images0 :
(29) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (29) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205322 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 4th Class Swimming [description] => <p>4th Class have enjoyed 6 week swimming lessons at the Kinsale Hotel &amp; Spa &amp; Leisure Centre. They have had a great few weeks and will benefit for the summer f...

DEBUG: (29) execute twig-code in customfield-value : twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205322 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 4th Class Swimming [description] => <p>4th Class have enjoyed 6 week swimming lessons at the Kinsale Hotel &amp; Spa &amp; Leisure Centre. They have had a great few weeks and will benefit for the summer fr...

(29) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581393: images1 :
(29) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (29) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205322 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 4th Class Swimming [description] => <p>4th Class have enjoyed 6 week swimming lessons at the Kinsale Hotel &amp; Spa &amp; Leisure Centre. They have had a great few weeks and will benefit for the summer f...

DEBUG: (29) execute twig-code in customfield-value : twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205322 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 4th Class Swimming [description] => <p>4th Class have enjoyed 6 week swimming lessons at the Kinsale Hotel &amp; Spa &amp; Leisure Centre. They have had a great few weeks and will benefit for the summer fr...

(29) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581393: images2 :

DEBUG: (30) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (30) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205295 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 1 [description] => <p>6th Class will take on a Masterchef workshop in the next few weeks. They will work in groups and treat their fellow classmates to a starter, main course &amp; desse...

(30) title of created page: 6th Class Masterchef - Group 1
DEBUG: (30) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205295 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 1 [description] => <p>6th Class will take on a Masterchef workshop in the next few weeks. They will work in groups and treat their fellow classmates to a starter, main course &amp; de...

(30) slug: 6th Class Masterchef - Group 1
(30) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (30) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205295 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 1 [description] => <p>6th Class will take on a Masterchef workshop in the next few weeks. They will work in groups and treat their fellow classmates to a starter, main course &amp; desse...

(30) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>6th Class will take on a Masterchef workshop in the next few weeks. They will work in groups and treat their fellow classmates to a starter, main course &amp; dessert. It is a great opportunity for them to learn more cooking skills and clean up after!! We had group 1 yesterday showing us their culinary skills and they did a great job. Well done!</p>
DEBUG: (30) content 4 page after do_shortcode: &lt;p&gt;6th Class will take on a Masterchef workshop in the next few weeks. They will work in groups and treat their fellow classmates to a starter, main course &amp;amp; dessert. It is a great opportunity for them to learn more cooking skills and clean up after!! We had group 1 yesterday showing us their culinary skills and they did a great job...

DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(30) featured image URL:
(30) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(30) No url_default for featured image defined
(30) no featured image defined
(30) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-27 05:54:06
DEBUG: (30) page postdate: 2024-07-27 05:54:06
DEBUG: (30) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (30) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-27 05:54:06
DEBUG: (30) creating of new post ok, id=2581394
DEBUG: (30) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(30) show created page 2581394:
(30) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(30) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (30) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205295 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 1 [description] => <p>6th Class will take on a Masterchef workshop in the next few weeks. They will work in groups and treat their fellow classmates to a starter, main course &...

DEBUG: (30) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/05/28 08:40:45: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205295 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 1 [description] => <p>6th Class will take on a Masterchef workshop in the next few weeks. They will work in groups and treat their fellow classmates to a starte...

(30) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581394: post_date : 2024/05/28 08:40:45
(30) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (30) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205295 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 1 [description] => <p>6th Class will take on a Masterchef workshop in the next few weeks. They will work in groups and treat their fellow classmates to a starter, main course &amp...

DEBUG: (30) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205295 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 1 [description] => <p>6th Class will take on a Masterchef workshop in ...

(30) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581394: images0 :
(30) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (30) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205295 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 1 [description] => <p>6th Class will take on a Masterchef workshop in the next few weeks. They will work in groups and treat their fellow classmates to a starter, main course &amp...

DEBUG: (30) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205295 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 1 [description] => <p>6th Class will take on a Masterchef workshop in ...

(30) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581394: images1 :
(30) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (30) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205295 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 1 [description] => <p>6th Class will take on a Masterchef workshop in the next few weeks. They will work in groups and treat their fellow classmates to a starter, main course &amp...

DEBUG: (30) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205295 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => 6th Class Masterchef - Group 1 [description] => <p>6th Class will take on a Masterchef workshop in ...

(30) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581394: images2 :

DEBUG: (31) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (31) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205293 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Floating and Sinking [description] => Senior Infants made great predictions during their floating and Sinking experiments this morning. [html_desc] => Senior Infants made great predictions during their floating and Sin...

(31) title of created page: Floating and Sinking
DEBUG: (31) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205293 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Floating and Sinking [description] => Senior Infants made great predictions during their floating and Sinking experiments this morning. [html_desc] => Senior Infants made great predictions during their floating and ...

(31) slug: Floating and Sinking
(31) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (31) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205293 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Floating and Sinking [description] => Senior Infants made great predictions during their floating and Sinking experiments this morning. [html_desc] => Senior Infants made great predictions during their floating and Sin...

(31) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: Senior Infants made great predictions during their floating and Sinking experiments this morning.
DEBUG: (31) content 4 page after do_shortcode: Senior Infants made great predictions during their floating and Sinking experiments this morning.
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(31) featured image URL:
(31) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(31) No url_default for featured image defined
(31) no featured image defined
(31) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-07-27 05:54:07
DEBUG: (31) page postdate: 2024-07-27 05:54:07
DEBUG: (31) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (31) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-07-27 05:54:07
DEBUG: (31) creating of new post ok, id=2581395
DEBUG: (31) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(31) show created page 2581395:
(31) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(31) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (31) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205293 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Floating and Sinking [description] => Senior Infants made great predictions during their floating and Sinking experiments this morning. [html_desc] => Senior Infants made great predictions during their float...

DEBUG: (31) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/05/28 08:39:57: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205293 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Floating and Sinking [description] => Senior Infants made great predictions during their floating and Sinking experiments this morning. [html_desc] => Senior Infants made great predictions...

(31) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581395: post_date : 2024/05/28 08:39:57
(31) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (31) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205293 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Floating and Sinking [description] => Senior Infants made great predictions during their floating and Sinking experiments this morning. [html_desc] => Senior Infants made great predictions during their floating ...

DEBUG: (31) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205293 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Floating and Sinking [description] => Senior Infants made great predictions during their floating and Sin...

(31) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581395: images0 :
(31) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (31) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205293 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Floating and Sinking [description] => Senior Infants made great predictions during their floating and Sinking experiments this morning. [html_desc] => Senior Infants made great predictions during their floating ...

DEBUG: (31) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205293 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Floating and Sinking [description] => Senior Infants made great predictions during their floating and Sin...

(31) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581395: images1 :
(31) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (31) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205293 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Floating and Sinking [description] => Senior Infants made great predictions during their floating and Sinking experiments this morning. [html_desc] => Senior Infants made great predictions during their floating ...

DEBUG: (31) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array ( [id] => 205293 [idschool] => ["187"] [title] => Floating and Sinking [description] => Senior Infants made great predictions during their floating and Sin...

(31) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2581395: images2 :