DEBUG: set debugmode active via shortcode, level: 10
DEBUG: Plugin-Licence here is active for
DEBUG: load template with this id: 2
DEBUG: debugmode via template unchanged: 10
DEBUG: version of plugin: 3.8.4
DEBUG: parser NOT set via shortcode - invalid parser specified, selected parser is: twig351adj
DEBUG: selected parser: twig351adj
DEBUG: ID of the creating page is 904
DEBUG: mode: create
DEBUG: createoptions: {"type":"AppNotesItems", "loop":"data.notification", "title":"{{title}}", "date":"{{created_date}}","slugname": "{{title}}", "pDate": "{{created_date}}", "deleteold":"yes","customfields": [ {"post_date":"{{created_date}}...
DEBUG: createoptions in shortcode: JSON ok!
DEBUG: set method via template 2, method: curlget
DEBUG: set template via template 2: {{description}}
DEBUG: set url via template 2:
DEBUG: active method: curlget
DEBUG: dynamic url NOT allowed, therefore ignore pathparam / fileext. Switch on: See plugin-options
DEBUG: curloptions really used:
DEBUG: Caching-Foldercheck: Cachefolders ok and available
DEBUG: use this cachefile: /data/sites/
DEBUG: Caching is NOT enabled
DEBUG: postbody IGNORED, this is used only if WP-POST is selected as method:
DEBUG: curlGET: curl_setopt CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER (19913) with value 1
DEBUG: curlGET: curl_setopt CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION (52) with value 1
DEBUG: curlGET: curl-timeout: 5
DEBUG: curlGET: curl_setopt CURLOPT_TIMEOUT (13) with value 5
DEBUG: curlGET: no curloptions defined
DEBUG: api-answer:
If it's JSON: Copypaste (click in box, Strg-A marks all, then insert into clipboard) the JSON from the following box to
DEBUG: twig: wpautop not used
DEBUG: twig-template:
DEBUG: JSON used for twig-template:
Inspect JSON: Copypaste (click in box, Strg-A marks all, then insert into clipboard) the JSON from the following box to
DEBUG: Twig-result:
start creating pages:
create page with JSON-loopkey: data.notification
no of pages to create: 42
pagetype: AppNotesItems ('type' in 'createoptions' in shortcode must match 'type' in in plugin-settings!)
Great! Pagetype AppNotesItems defined in plugin-options!
Custom Field 'jci_uniquekey_createpost' missing: Try to use 'key' set in the Definition of the CPT in the Plugin-Options.
key of this Custom Post Type set to APP_NOTES via the plugin-options
DELETE Custom Posts:
typeOfNewpage: AppNotesItems
nameofthejsonimport: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
try to delete previous generated pages! key: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
found 42 pages of this type: AppNotesItems - try to delete these pages
delete page 2591243 FAILED
delete page 2591242 FAILED
delete page 2591240 FAILED
delete page 2591241 FAILED
delete page 2591236 FAILED
delete page 2591233 FAILED
delete page 2591232 FAILED
delete page 2591227 FAILED
delete page 2591225 FAILED
delete page 2591222 FAILED
delete page 2591223 FAILED
delete page 2591224 FAILED
delete page 2591216 FAILED
delete page 2591215 FAILED
delete page 2591214 FAILED
delete page 2591212 FAILED
delete runtime: 8
deletion of 16 pages of failed
title template from shortcode: {{title}}
excerpt template from shortcode:
slugname template from shortcode: {{title}}
start looping:
DEBUG: (1) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216183
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => All Classes
[description] => <p>Halloween Classes</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Halloween Classes</p>
[images0] => https://b81ba042801a90f29dc1-7561c7733d3d2d70dab7f8398bf16118.ssl...
(1) title of created page: All Classes
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216183
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => All Classes
[description] => <p>Halloween Classes</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Halloween Classes</p>
[images0] => https://b81ba042801a90f29dc1-7561c7733d3d2d70dab7f8398bf16118.s...
(1) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216183
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => All Classes
[description] => <p>Halloween Classes</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Halloween Classes</p>
[images0] => https://b81ba042801a90f29dc1-7561c7733d3d2d70dab7f8398bf16118....
(1) slug: All Classes
(1) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216183
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => All Classes
[description] => <p>Halloween Classes</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Halloween Classes</p>
[images0] => https://b81ba042801a90f29dc1-7561c7733d3d2d70dab7f8398bf16118.ssl...
(1) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Halloween Classes</p>
DEBUG: (1) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>Halloween Classes</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(1) featured image URL:
(1) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(1) No url_default for featured image defined
(1) no featured image defined
(1) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-11-01 20:20:06
DEBUG: (1) page postdate: 2024-11-01 20:20:06
DEBUG: (1) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (1) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-11-01 20:20:06
DEBUG: (1) creating of new post ok, id=2591252
DEBUG: (1) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(1) show created page 2591252:
(1) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(1) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216183
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => All Classes
[description] => <p>Halloween Classes</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Halloween Classes</p>
[images0] => https://b81ba042801a90f29dc1-7561c7733d3d2d70dab7f8398...
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/10/25 11:37:27: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216183
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => All Classes
[description] => <p>Halloween Classes</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Halloween Classes</p>
[images0] => https://b81ba042801a90f29dc1-7561c7...
(1) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591252: post_date : 2024/10/25 11:37:27
(1) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216183
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => All Classes
[description] => <p>Halloween Classes</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Halloween Classes</p>
[images0] => https://b81ba042801a90f29dc1-7561c7733d3d2d70dab7f8398bf16...
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216183
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => All Classes
[description] => <p>Halloween Classes</p>
[html_desc] => <p>H...
(1) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591252: images0 :
(1) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216183
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => All Classes
[description] => <p>Halloween Classes</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Halloween Classes</p>
[images0] => https://b81ba042801a90f29dc1-7561c7733d3d2d70dab7f8398bf16...
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216183
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => All Classes
[description] => <p>Halloween Classes</p>
[html_desc] => <p>H...
(1) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591252: images1 :
(1) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216183
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => All Classes
[description] => <p>Halloween Classes</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Halloween Classes</p>
[images0] => https://b81ba042801a90f29dc1-7561c7733d3d2d70dab7f8398bf16...
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216183
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => All Classes
[description] => <p>Halloween Classes</p>
[html_desc] => <p>H...
(1) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591252: images2 :
DEBUG: (2) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216179
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Fashion Show
[description] => <p>All classes strutted their their stuff on the catwalk this morning for our Halloween Fashion Show. We had some amazing costumes!</p>
[html_desc] => <p>...
(2) title of created page: Halloween Fashion Show
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216179
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Fashion Show
[description] => <p>All classes strutted their their stuff on the catwalk this morning for our Halloween Fashion Show. We had some amazing costumes!</p>
[html_desc] => <p&...
(2) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216179
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Fashion Show
[description] => <p>All classes strutted their their stuff on the catwalk this morning for our Halloween Fashion Show. We had some amazing costumes!</p>
[html_desc] => <p&...
(2) slug: Halloween Fashion Show
(2) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216179
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Fashion Show
[description] => <p>All classes strutted their their stuff on the catwalk this morning for our Halloween Fashion Show. We had some amazing costumes!</p>
[html_desc] => <p>...
(2) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>All classes strutted their their stuff on the catwalk this morning for our Halloween Fashion Show. We had some amazing costumes!</p>
DEBUG: (2) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>All classes strutted their their stuff on the catwalk this morning for our Halloween Fashion Show. We had some amazing costumes!</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(2) featured image URL:
(2) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(2) No url_default for featured image defined
(2) no featured image defined
(2) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-11-01 20:20:06
DEBUG: (2) page postdate: 2024-11-01 20:20:06
DEBUG: (2) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (2) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-11-01 20:20:06
DEBUG: (2) creating of new post ok, id=2591254
DEBUG: (2) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(2) show created page 2591254:
(2) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(2) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216179
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Fashion Show
[description] => <p>All classes strutted their their stuff on the catwalk this morning for our Halloween Fashion Show. We had some amazing costumes!</p>
[html_desc] => &...
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/10/25 11:34:48: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216179
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Fashion Show
[description] => <p>All classes strutted their their stuff on the catwalk this morning for our Halloween Fashion Show. We had some amazing costumes!</p>
(2) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591254: post_date : 2024/10/25 11:34:48
(2) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216179
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Fashion Show
[description] => <p>All classes strutted their their stuff on the catwalk this morning for our Halloween Fashion Show. We had some amazing costumes!</p>
[html_desc] => <p...
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216179
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Fashion Show
[description] => <p>All classes strutted their their stuff on the catwalk thi...
(2) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591254: images0 :
(2) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216179
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Fashion Show
[description] => <p>All classes strutted their their stuff on the catwalk this morning for our Halloween Fashion Show. We had some amazing costumes!</p>
[html_desc] => <p...
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216179
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Fashion Show
[description] => <p>All classes strutted their their stuff on the catwalk thi...
(2) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591254: images1 :
(2) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216179
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Fashion Show
[description] => <p>All classes strutted their their stuff on the catwalk this morning for our Halloween Fashion Show. We had some amazing costumes!</p>
[html_desc] => <p...
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216179
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Fashion Show
[description] => <p>All classes strutted their their stuff on the catwalk thi...
(2) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591254: images2 :
DEBUG: (3) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216160
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => October Assembly
[description] => <p>We had a spooktacular assembly this morning led by 5th class. We danced to the Monster Mash and heard some very spooky jokes. Well done 5th Class and the costumes were fab!</p>
(3) title of created page: October Assembly
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216160
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => October Assembly
[description] => <p>We had a spooktacular assembly this morning led by 5th class. We danced to the Monster Mash and heard some very spooky jokes. Well done 5th Class and the costumes were fab!</p>...
(3) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216160
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => October Assembly
[description] => <p>We had a spooktacular assembly this morning led by 5th class. We danced to the Monster Mash and heard some very spooky jokes. Well done 5th Class and the costumes were fab!</p&g...
(3) slug: October Assembly
(3) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216160
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => October Assembly
[description] => <p>We had a spooktacular assembly this morning led by 5th class. We danced to the Monster Mash and heard some very spooky jokes. Well done 5th Class and the costumes were fab!</p>
(3) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>We had a spooktacular assembly this morning led by 5th class. We danced to the Monster Mash and heard some very spooky jokes. Well done 5th Class and the costumes were fab!</p>
DEBUG: (3) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>We had a spooktacular assembly this morning led by 5th class. We danced to the Monster Mash and heard some very spooky jokes. Well done 5th Class and the costumes were fab!</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(3) featured image URL:
(3) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(3) No url_default for featured image defined
(3) no featured image defined
(3) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-11-01 20:20:06
DEBUG: (3) page postdate: 2024-11-01 20:20:06
DEBUG: (3) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (3) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-11-01 20:20:06
DEBUG: (3) creating of new post ok, id=2591256
DEBUG: (3) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(3) show created page 2591256:
(3) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(3) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216160
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => October Assembly
[description] => <p>We had a spooktacular assembly this morning led by 5th class. We danced to the Monster Mash and heard some very spooky jokes. Well done 5th Class and the costumes were fab!...
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/10/25 11:20:13: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216160
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => October Assembly
[description] => <p>We had a spooktacular assembly this morning led by 5th class. We danced to the Monster Mash and heard some very spooky jokes. Well done 5th Class and the...
(3) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591256: post_date : 2024/10/25 11:20:13
(3) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216160
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => October Assembly
[description] => <p>We had a spooktacular assembly this morning led by 5th class. We danced to the Monster Mash and heard some very spooky jokes. Well done 5th Class and the costumes were fab!<...
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216160
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => October Assembly
[description] => <p>We had a spooktacular assembly this morning led by 5th class. W...
(3) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591256: images0 :
(3) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216160
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => October Assembly
[description] => <p>We had a spooktacular assembly this morning led by 5th class. We danced to the Monster Mash and heard some very spooky jokes. Well done 5th Class and the costumes were fab!<...
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216160
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => October Assembly
[description] => <p>We had a spooktacular assembly this morning led by 5th class. W...
(3) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591256: images1 :
(3) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216160
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => October Assembly
[description] => <p>We had a spooktacular assembly this morning led by 5th class. We danced to the Monster Mash and heard some very spooky jokes. Well done 5th Class and the costumes were fab!<...
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216160
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => October Assembly
[description] => <p>We had a spooktacular assembly this morning led by 5th class. W...
(3) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591256: images2 :
DEBUG: (4) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216145
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd class
[description] => <p>Today, 3rd class got to test their marble runs.They creatively designed their runs using recyclable materials.</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Today, 3rd class got to test ...
(4) title of created page: 3rd class
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216145
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd class
[description] => <p>Today, 3rd class got to test their marble runs.They creatively designed their runs using recyclable materials.</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Today, 3rd class got to tes...
(4) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216145
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd class
[description] => <p>Today, 3rd class got to test their marble runs.They creatively designed their runs using recyclable materials.</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Today, 3rd class got to te...
(4) slug: 3rd class
(4) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216145
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd class
[description] => <p>Today, 3rd class got to test their marble runs.They creatively designed their runs using recyclable materials.</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Today, 3rd class got to test ...
(4) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Today, 3rd class got to test their marble runs.They creatively designed their runs using recyclable materials.</p>
DEBUG: (4) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>Today, 3rd class got to test their marble runs.They creatively designed their runs using recyclable materials.</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(4) featured image URL:
(4) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(4) No url_default for featured image defined
(4) no featured image defined
(4) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-11-01 20:20:07
DEBUG: (4) page postdate: 2024-11-01 20:20:07
DEBUG: (4) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (4) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-11-01 20:20:07
DEBUG: (4) creating of new post ok, id=2591258
DEBUG: (4) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(4) show created page 2591258:
(4) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(4) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216145
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd class
[description] => <p>Today, 3rd class got to test their marble runs.They creatively designed their runs using recyclable materials.</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Today, 3rd class g...
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/10/25 11:09:10: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216145
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd class
[description] => <p>Today, 3rd class got to test their marble runs.They creatively designed their runs using recyclable materials.</p>
[html_desc] => <p>...
(4) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591258: post_date : 2024/10/25 11:09:10
(4) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216145
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd class
[description] => <p>Today, 3rd class got to test their marble runs.They creatively designed their runs using recyclable materials.</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Today, 3rd class got t...
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216145
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd class
[description] => <p>Today, 3rd class got to test their marble runs.They creatively design...
(4) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591258: images0 :
(4) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216145
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd class
[description] => <p>Today, 3rd class got to test their marble runs.They creatively designed their runs using recyclable materials.</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Today, 3rd class got t...
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216145
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd class
[description] => <p>Today, 3rd class got to test their marble runs.They creatively design...
(4) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591258: images1 :
(4) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216145
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd class
[description] => <p>Today, 3rd class got to test their marble runs.They creatively designed their runs using recyclable materials.</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Today, 3rd class got t...
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216145
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd class
[description] => <p>Today, 3rd class got to test their marble runs.They creatively design...
(4) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591258: images2 :
DEBUG: (5) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216107
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Fun in second Class
[description] => <p>It has been a week of fun halloween activities in second class! They have enjoyed halloween poems, writing activities, games, science experiments and more! In art, t...
(5) title of created page: Halloween Fun in second Class
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216107
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Fun in second Class
[description] => <p>It has been a week of fun halloween activities in second class! They have enjoyed halloween poems, writing activities, games, science experiments and more! In art,...
(5) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216107
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Fun in second Class
[description] => <p>It has been a week of fun halloween activities in second class! They have enjoyed halloween poems, writing activities, games, science experiments and more! In art...
(5) slug: Halloween Fun in second Class
(5) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216107
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Fun in second Class
[description] => <p>It has been a week of fun halloween activities in second class! They have enjoyed halloween poems, writing activities, games, science experiments and more! In art, t...
(5) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>It has been a week of fun halloween activities in second class! They have enjoyed halloween poems, writing activities, games, science experiments and more! In art, the boys and girls made chalk ghosts, using stencils and a smudging techinque to make a wispy and spooky effect! Today's Halloween dress-up was a fabulous way to finish up before mid-term. Everyone looked SPOOKTACULAR!!!</p>
DEBUG: (5) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>It has been a week of fun halloween activities in second class! They have enjoyed halloween poems, writing activities, games, science experiments and more! In art, the boys and girls made chalk ghosts, using stencils and a smudging techinque to make a wispy and spooky effect! Today's Halloween dress-up was a fabulous way to fini...
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(5) featured image URL:
(5) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(5) No url_default for featured image defined
(5) no featured image defined
(5) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-11-01 20:20:07
DEBUG: (5) page postdate: 2024-11-01 20:20:07
DEBUG: (5) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (5) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-11-01 20:20:07
DEBUG: (5) creating of new post ok, id=2591261
DEBUG: (5) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(5) show created page 2591261:
(5) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(5) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216107
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Fun in second Class
[description] => <p>It has been a week of fun halloween activities in second class! They have enjoyed halloween poems, writing activities, games, science experiments and more!&nbs...
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/10/25 09:47:59: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216107
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Fun in second Class
[description] => <p>It has been a week of fun halloween activities in second class! They have enjoyed halloween poems, writing activities, games, science experi...
(5) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591261: post_date : 2024/10/25 09:47:59
(5) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216107
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Fun in second Class
[description] => <p>It has been a week of fun halloween activities in second class! They have enjoyed halloween poems, writing activities, games, science experiments and more! In...
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216107
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Fun in second Class
[description] => <p>It has been a week of fun halloween activities in ...
(5) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591261: images0 :
(5) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216107
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Fun in second Class
[description] => <p>It has been a week of fun halloween activities in second class! They have enjoyed halloween poems, writing activities, games, science experiments and more! In...
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216107
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Fun in second Class
[description] => <p>It has been a week of fun halloween activities in ...
(5) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591261: images1 :
(5) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216107
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Fun in second Class
[description] => <p>It has been a week of fun halloween activities in second class! They have enjoyed halloween poems, writing activities, games, science experiments and more! In...
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 216107
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Fun in second Class
[description] => <p>It has been a week of fun halloween activities in ...
(5) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591261: images2 :
DEBUG: (6) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215873
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Party Games
[description] => <p>The Student Council organised Halloween party games today for all classes. Everyone had so much fun!</p>
[html_desc] => <p>The Student Council organise...
(6) title of created page: Halloween Party Games
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215873
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Party Games
[description] => <p>The Student Council organised Halloween party games today for all classes. Everyone had so much fun!</p>
[html_desc] => <p>The Student Council organi...
(6) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215873
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Party Games
[description] => <p>The Student Council organised Halloween party games today for all classes. Everyone had so much fun!</p>
[html_desc] => <p>The Student Council organ...
(6) slug: Halloween Party Games
(6) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215873
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Party Games
[description] => <p>The Student Council organised Halloween party games today for all classes. Everyone had so much fun!</p>
[html_desc] => <p>The Student Council organise...
(6) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>The Student Council organised Halloween party games today for all classes. Everyone had so much fun!</p>
DEBUG: (6) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>The Student Council organised Halloween party games today for all classes. Everyone had so much fun!</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(6) featured image URL:
(6) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(6) No url_default for featured image defined
(6) no featured image defined
(6) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-11-01 20:20:07
DEBUG: (6) page postdate: 2024-11-01 20:20:07
DEBUG: (6) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (6) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-11-01 20:20:07
DEBUG: (6) creating of new post ok, id=2591263
DEBUG: (6) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(6) show created page 2591263:
(6) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(6) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215873
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Party Games
[description] => <p>The Student Council organised Halloween party games today for all classes. Everyone had so much fun!</p>
[html_desc] => <p>The Student Counc...
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/10/24 12:56:26: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215873
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Party Games
[description] => <p>The Student Council organised Halloween party games today for all classes. Everyone had so much fun!</p>
[html_desc] => <p&g...
(6) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591263: post_date : 2024/10/24 12:56:26
(6) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215873
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Party Games
[description] => <p>The Student Council organised Halloween party games today for all classes. Everyone had so much fun!</p>
[html_desc] => <p>The Student Council o...
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215873
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Party Games
[description] => <p>The Student Council organised Halloween party games today ...
(6) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591263: images0 :
(6) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215873
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Party Games
[description] => <p>The Student Council organised Halloween party games today for all classes. Everyone had so much fun!</p>
[html_desc] => <p>The Student Council o...
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215873
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Party Games
[description] => <p>The Student Council organised Halloween party games today ...
(6) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591263: images1 :
(6) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215873
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Party Games
[description] => <p>The Student Council organised Halloween party games today for all classes. Everyone had so much fun!</p>
[html_desc] => <p>The Student Council o...
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215873
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Party Games
[description] => <p>The Student Council organised Halloween party games today ...
(6) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591263: images2 :
DEBUG: (7) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215645
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Science Experiments with Eli Lilly
[description] => <p>Today we had 4 volunteers from Eli Lilly in the school hall showing all classes different halloween type science experiments. We had exploding pumkins, rai...
(7) title of created page: Halloween Science Experiments with Eli Lilly
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215645
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Science Experiments with Eli Lilly
[description] => <p>Today we had 4 volunteers from Eli Lilly in the school hall showing all classes different halloween type science experiments. We had exploding pumkins, r...
(7) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215645
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Science Experiments with Eli Lilly
[description] => <p>Today we had 4 volunteers from Eli Lilly in the school hall showing all classes different halloween type science experiments. We had exploding pumkins, ...
(7) slug: Halloween Science Experiments with Eli Lilly
(7) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215645
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Science Experiments with Eli Lilly
[description] => <p>Today we had 4 volunteers from Eli Lilly in the school hall showing all classes different halloween type science experiments. We had exploding pumkins, rai...
(7) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Today we had 4 volunteers from Eli Lilly in the school hall showing all classes different halloween type science experiments. We had exploding pumkins, rainbow skittles and erupting coke and menthos volcanoes. Thank you to Aoife and the volunteers from Eli Lilly for giving up their time to do the experiments for the school</p>
DEBUG: (7) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>Today we had 4 volunteers from Eli Lilly in the school hall showing all classes different halloween type science experiments. We had exploding pumkins, rainbow skittles and erupting coke and menthos volcanoes. Thank you to Aoife and the volunteers from Eli Lilly for giving up their time to do the experiments for the school</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(7) featured image URL:
(7) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(7) No url_default for featured image defined
(7) no featured image defined
(7) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-11-01 20:20:07
DEBUG: (7) page postdate: 2024-11-01 20:20:07
DEBUG: (7) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (7) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-11-01 20:20:07
DEBUG: (7) creating of new post ok, id=2591265
DEBUG: (7) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(7) show created page 2591265:
(7) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(7) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215645
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Science Experiments with Eli Lilly
[description] => <p>Today we had 4 volunteers from Eli Lilly in the school hall showing all classes different halloween type science experiments. We had exploding p...
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/10/23 12:12:16: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215645
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Science Experiments with Eli Lilly
[description] => <p>Today we had 4 volunteers from Eli Lilly in the school hall showing all classes different halloween type science experiments....
(7) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591265: post_date : 2024/10/23 12:12:16
(7) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215645
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Science Experiments with Eli Lilly
[description] => <p>Today we had 4 volunteers from Eli Lilly in the school hall showing all classes different halloween type science experiments. We had exploding pumki...
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215645
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Science Experiments with Eli Lilly
[description] => <p>Today we had 4 volunteers from Eli ...
(7) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591265: images0 :
(7) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215645
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Science Experiments with Eli Lilly
[description] => <p>Today we had 4 volunteers from Eli Lilly in the school hall showing all classes different halloween type science experiments. We had exploding pumki...
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215645
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Science Experiments with Eli Lilly
[description] => <p>Today we had 4 volunteers from Eli ...
(7) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591265: images1 :
(7) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215645
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Science Experiments with Eli Lilly
[description] => <p>Today we had 4 volunteers from Eli Lilly in the school hall showing all classes different halloween type science experiments. We had exploding pumki...
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215645
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Halloween Science Experiments with Eli Lilly
[description] => <p>Today we had 4 volunteers from Eli ...
(7) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591265: images2 :
DEBUG: (8) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215462
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => First class Forts
[description] => <p>Using our STEM equipment to make creative forts </p>
[html_desc] => <p>Using our STEM equipment to make creative forts </p>
(8) title of created page: First class Forts
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215462
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => First class Forts
[description] => <p>Using our STEM equipment to make creative forts </p>
[html_desc] => <p>Using our STEM equipment to make creative forts </p>
(8) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215462
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => First class Forts
[description] => <p>Using our STEM equipment to make creative forts </p>
[html_desc] => <p>Using our STEM equipment to make creative forts </p>
(8) slug: First class Forts
(8) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215462
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => First class Forts
[description] => <p>Using our STEM equipment to make creative forts </p>
[html_desc] => <p>Using our STEM equipment to make creative forts </p>
(8) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Using our STEM equipment to make creative forts </p>
DEBUG: (8) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>Using our STEM equipment to make creative forts </p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(8) featured image URL:
(8) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(8) No url_default for featured image defined
(8) no featured image defined
(8) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-11-01 20:20:08
DEBUG: (8) page postdate: 2024-11-01 20:20:08
DEBUG: (8) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (8) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-11-01 20:20:08
DEBUG: (8) creating of new post ok, id=2591267
DEBUG: (8) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(8) show created page 2591267:
(8) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(8) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215462
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => First class Forts
[description] => <p>Using our STEM equipment to make creative forts </p>
[html_desc] => <p>Using our STEM equipment to make creative forts </p&...
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/10/22 14:35:08: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215462
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => First class Forts
[description] => <p>Using our STEM equipment to make creative forts </p>
[html_desc] => <p>Using our STEM equipment to make creative forts&a...
(8) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591267: post_date : 2024/10/22 14:35:08
(8) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215462
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => First class Forts
[description] => <p>Using our STEM equipment to make creative forts </p>
[html_desc] => <p>Using our STEM equipment to make creative forts </p&...
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215462
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => First class Forts
[description] => <p>Using our STEM equipment to make creative forts </p>...
(8) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591267: images0 :
(8) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215462
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => First class Forts
[description] => <p>Using our STEM equipment to make creative forts </p>
[html_desc] => <p>Using our STEM equipment to make creative forts </p&...
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215462
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => First class Forts
[description] => <p>Using our STEM equipment to make creative forts </p>...
(8) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591267: images1 :
(8) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215462
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => First class Forts
[description] => <p>Using our STEM equipment to make creative forts </p>
[html_desc] => <p>Using our STEM equipment to make creative forts </p&...
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in customfield-value : twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215462
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => First class Forts
[description] => <p>Using our STEM equipment to make creative forts </p>
[html_desc] => <p>Using our STEM equipment to make creative forts </p&g...
(8) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591267: images2 :
DEBUG: (9) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215561
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th class Maths week
[description] => 6th class explored Maths through a variety of games during Maths week. From board games to puzzle challenges and IZAQ9 cubes it was a week of discovery and Mathematical exploration.
(9) title of created page: 6th class Maths week
DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215561
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th class Maths week
[description] => 6th class explored Maths through a variety of games during Maths week. From board games to puzzle challenges and IZAQ9 cubes it was a week of discovery and Mathematical exploration.
(9) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215561
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th class Maths week
[description] => 6th class explored Maths through a variety of games during Maths week. From board games to puzzle challenges and IZAQ9 cubes it was a week of discovery and Mathematical exploration.
(9) slug: 6th class Maths week
(9) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215561
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th class Maths week
[description] => 6th class explored Maths through a variety of games during Maths week. From board games to puzzle challenges and IZAQ9 cubes it was a week of discovery and Mathematical exploration.
(9) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: 6th class explored Maths through a variety of games during Maths week. From board games to puzzle challenges and IZAQ9 cubes it was a week of discovery and Mathematical exploration.
DEBUG: (9) content 4 page after do_shortcode: 6th class explored Maths through a variety of games during Maths week. From board games to puzzle challenges and IZAQ9 cubes it was a week of discovery and Mathematical exploration.
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(9) featured image URL:
(9) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(9) No url_default for featured image defined
(9) no featured image defined
(9) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-11-01 20:20:08
DEBUG: (9) page postdate: 2024-11-01 20:20:08
DEBUG: (9) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (9) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-11-01 20:20:08
DEBUG: (9) creating of new post ok, id=2591269
DEBUG: (9) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(9) show created page 2591269:
(9) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(9) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215561
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th class Maths week
[description] => 6th class explored Maths through a variety of games during Maths week. From board games to puzzle challenges and IZAQ9 cubes it was a week of discovery and Mathematical explorat...
DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/10/23 08:34:16: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215561
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th class Maths week
[description] => 6th class explored Maths through a variety of games during Maths week. From board games to puzzle challenges and IZAQ9 cubes it was a week of discovery and Ma...
(9) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591269: post_date : 2024/10/23 08:34:16
(9) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215561
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th class Maths week
[description] => 6th class explored Maths through a variety of games during Maths week. From board games to puzzle challenges and IZAQ9 cubes it was a week of discovery and Mathematical exploration....
DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215561
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th class Maths week
[description] => 6th class explored Maths through a variety of games during Maths wee...
(9) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591269: images0 :
(9) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215561
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th class Maths week
[description] => 6th class explored Maths through a variety of games during Maths week. From board games to puzzle challenges and IZAQ9 cubes it was a week of discovery and Mathematical exploration....
DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215561
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th class Maths week
[description] => 6th class explored Maths through a variety of games during Maths wee...
(9) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591269: images1 :
(9) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215561
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th class Maths week
[description] => 6th class explored Maths through a variety of games during Maths week. From board games to puzzle challenges and IZAQ9 cubes it was a week of discovery and Mathematical exploration....
DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215561
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th class Maths week
[description] => 6th class explored Maths through a variety of games during Maths wee...
(9) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591269: images2 :
DEBUG: (10) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215463
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Pen Pals
[description] => <p>Fourth class have been learning how to write letters. They wrote letters to their new pen pals in Wicklow this week. Ms O'Brien is heading to the post office to post their letters. We look f...
(10) title of created page: Pen Pals
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215463
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Pen Pals
[description] => <p>Fourth class have been learning how to write letters. They wrote letters to their new pen pals in Wicklow this week. Ms O'Brien is heading to the post office to post their letters. We look...
(10) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215463
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Pen Pals
[description] => <p>Fourth class have been learning how to write letters. They wrote letters to their new pen pals in Wicklow this week. Ms O'Brien is heading to the post office to post their letters. We loo...
(10) slug: Pen Pals
(10) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215463
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Pen Pals
[description] => <p>Fourth class have been learning how to write letters. They wrote letters to their new pen pals in Wicklow this week. Ms O'Brien is heading to the post office to post their letters. We look f...
(10) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Fourth class have been learning how to write letters. They wrote letters to their new pen pals in Wicklow this week. Ms O'Brien is heading to the post office to post their letters. We look forward to receiving letters back after our mid term break.</p>
DEBUG: (10) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>Fourth class have been learning how to write letters. They wrote letters to their new pen pals in Wicklow this week. Ms O'Brien is heading to the post office to post their letters. We look forward to receiving letters back after our mid term break.</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(10) featured image URL:
(10) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(10) No url_default for featured image defined
(10) no featured image defined
(10) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-11-01 20:20:08
DEBUG: (10) page postdate: 2024-11-01 20:20:08
DEBUG: (10) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (10) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-11-01 20:20:08
DEBUG: (10) creating of new post ok, id=2591271
DEBUG: (10) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(10) show created page 2591271:
(10) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(10) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215463
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Pen Pals
[description] => <p>Fourth class have been learning how to write letters. They wrote letters to their new pen pals in Wicklow this week. Ms O'Brien is heading to the post office to post their letters...
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/10/22 14:35:53: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215463
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Pen Pals
[description] => <p>Fourth class have been learning how to write letters. They wrote letters to their new pen pals in Wicklow this week. Ms O'Brien is heading to the post office to...
(10) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591271: post_date : 2024/10/22 14:35:53
(10) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215463
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Pen Pals
[description] => <p>Fourth class have been learning how to write letters. They wrote letters to their new pen pals in Wicklow this week. Ms O'Brien is heading to the post office to post their letters. We...
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215463
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Pen Pals
[description] => <p>Fourth class have been learning how to write letters. They wrote lette...
(10) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591271: images0 :
(10) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215463
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Pen Pals
[description] => <p>Fourth class have been learning how to write letters. They wrote letters to their new pen pals in Wicklow this week. Ms O'Brien is heading to the post office to post their letters. We...
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in customfield-value : twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215463
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Pen Pals
[description] => <p>Fourth class have been learning how to write letters. They wrote letters to their new pen pals in Wicklow this week. Ms O'Brien is heading to the post office to post their letters. We ...
(10) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591271: images1 :
(10) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215463
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Pen Pals
[description] => <p>Fourth class have been learning how to write letters. They wrote letters to their new pen pals in Wicklow this week. Ms O'Brien is heading to the post office to post their letters. We...
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in customfield-value : twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215463
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Pen Pals
[description] => <p>Fourth class have been learning how to write letters. They wrote letters to their new pen pals in Wicklow this week. Ms O'Brien is heading to the post office to post their letters. We ...
(10) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591271: images2 :
DEBUG: (11) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215450
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => VEX Robotics
[description] => <p>5th class had a visit from KCS pupils Joshua, Cathal and Chloe yesterday to show us the game for this year's VEX competition and how to program our robot. We have lots of ideas for this ...
(11) title of created page: VEX Robotics
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215450
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => VEX Robotics
[description] => <p>5th class had a visit from KCS pupils Joshua, Cathal and Chloe yesterday to show us the game for this year's VEX competition and how to program our robot. We have lots of ideas for thi...
(11) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215450
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => VEX Robotics
[description] => <p>5th class had a visit from KCS pupils Joshua, Cathal and Chloe yesterday to show us the game for this year's VEX competition and how to program our robot. We have lots of ideas for th...
(11) slug: VEX Robotics
(11) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215450
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => VEX Robotics
[description] => <p>5th class had a visit from KCS pupils Joshua, Cathal and Chloe yesterday to show us the game for this year's VEX competition and how to program our robot. We have lots of ideas for this ...
(11) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>5th class had a visit from KCS pupils Joshua, Cathal and Chloe yesterday to show us the game for this year's VEX competition and how to program our robot. We have lots of ideas for this challenging build! We also love when our past pupils visit us so it was great to see Joshua and Cathal again.</p>
DEBUG: (11) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>5th class had a visit from KCS pupils Joshua, Cathal and Chloe yesterday to show us the game for this year's VEX competition and how to program our robot. We have lots of ideas for this challenging build! We also love when our past pupils visit us so it was great to see Joshua and Cathal again.</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(11) featured image URL:
(11) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(11) No url_default for featured image defined
(11) no featured image defined
(11) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-11-01 20:20:09
DEBUG: (11) page postdate: 2024-11-01 20:20:09
DEBUG: (11) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (11) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-11-01 20:20:09
DEBUG: (11) creating of new post ok, id=2591273
DEBUG: (11) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(11) show created page 2591273:
(11) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(11) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215450
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => VEX Robotics
[description] => <p>5th class had a visit from KCS pupils Joshua, Cathal and Chloe yesterday to show us the game for this year's VEX competition and how to program our robot. We have lots of idea...
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/10/22 14:04:59: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215450
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => VEX Robotics
[description] => <p>5th class had a visit from KCS pupils Joshua, Cathal and Chloe yesterday to show us the game for this year's VEX competition and how to program our robot. W...
(11) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591273: post_date : 2024/10/22 14:04:59
(11) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215450
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => VEX Robotics
[description] => <p>5th class had a visit from KCS pupils Joshua, Cathal and Chloe yesterday to show us the game for this year's VEX competition and how to program our robot. We have lots of ideas fo...
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215450
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => VEX Robotics
[description] => <p>5th class had a visit from KCS pupils Joshua, Cathal and Chloe yes...
(11) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591273: images0 :
(11) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215450
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => VEX Robotics
[description] => <p>5th class had a visit from KCS pupils Joshua, Cathal and Chloe yesterday to show us the game for this year's VEX competition and how to program our robot. We have lots of ideas fo...
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215450
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => VEX Robotics
[description] => <p>5th class had a visit from KCS pupils Joshua, Cathal and Chloe yes...
(11) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591273: images1 :
(11) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215450
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => VEX Robotics
[description] => <p>5th class had a visit from KCS pupils Joshua, Cathal and Chloe yesterday to show us the game for this year's VEX competition and how to program our robot. We have lots of ideas fo...
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in customfield-value : twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215450
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => VEX Robotics
[description] => <p>5th class had a visit from KCS pupils Joshua, Cathal and Chloe yesterday to show us the game for this year's VEX competition and how to program our robot. We have lots of ideas for...
(11) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591273: images2 :
DEBUG: (12) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215252
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => first class
[description] => <p>Sense of smell investigation </p>
[html_desc] => <p>Sense of smell investigation </p>
[images0] => https://b81ba042801a90f29...
(12) title of created page: first class
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215252
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => first class
[description] => <p>Sense of smell investigation </p>
[html_desc] => <p>Sense of smell investigation </p>
[images0] => https://b81ba042801a90f...
(12) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215252
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => first class
[description] => <p>Sense of smell investigation </p>
[html_desc] => <p>Sense of smell investigation </p>
[images0] => https://b81ba042801a90...
(12) slug: first class
(12) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215252
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => first class
[description] => <p>Sense of smell investigation </p>
[html_desc] => <p>Sense of smell investigation </p>
[images0] => https://b81ba042801a90f29...
(12) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Sense of smell investigation </p>
DEBUG: (12) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>Sense of smell investigation </p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(12) featured image URL:
(12) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(12) No url_default for featured image defined
(12) no featured image defined
(12) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-11-01 20:20:09
DEBUG: (12) page postdate: 2024-11-01 20:20:09
DEBUG: (12) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (12) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-11-01 20:20:09
DEBUG: (12) creating of new post ok, id=2591275
DEBUG: (12) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(12) show created page 2591275:
(12) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(12) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215252
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => first class
[description] => <p>Sense of smell investigation </p>
[html_desc] => <p>Sense of smell investigation </p>
[images0] => https://b81ba0...
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/10/21 14:22:16: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215252
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => first class
[description] => <p>Sense of smell investigation </p>
[html_desc] => <p>Sense of smell investigation </p>
[images0] =...
(12) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591275: post_date : 2024/10/21 14:22:16
(12) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215252
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => first class
[description] => <p>Sense of smell investigation </p>
[html_desc] => <p>Sense of smell investigation </p>
[images0] => https://b81ba04280...
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215252
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => first class
[description] => <p>Sense of smell investigation </p>
[html_desc] =>...
(12) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591275: images0 :
(12) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215252
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => first class
[description] => <p>Sense of smell investigation </p>
[html_desc] => <p>Sense of smell investigation </p>
[images0] => https://b81ba04280...
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215252
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => first class
[description] => <p>Sense of smell investigation </p>
[html_desc] =>...
(12) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591275: images1 :
(12) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215252
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => first class
[description] => <p>Sense of smell investigation </p>
[html_desc] => <p>Sense of smell investigation </p>
[images0] => https://b81ba04280...
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in customfield-value : twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215252
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => first class
[description] => <p>Sense of smell investigation </p>
[html_desc] => <p>Sense of smell investigation </p>
[images0] => https://b81ba042801...
(12) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591275: images2 :
DEBUG: (13) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215209
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => GAA Training with Coach James Crowley
[description] => <p>GAA Training with Coach James Crowley from Kinsale GAA began today. 4th, 5th & 6th class will be training on Mondays for the next few weeks with James. T...
(13) title of created page: GAA Training with Coach James Crowley
DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215209
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => GAA Training with Coach James Crowley
[description] => <p>GAA Training with Coach James Crowley from Kinsale GAA began today. 4th, 5th & 6th class will be training on Mondays for the next few weeks with James....
(13) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215209
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => GAA Training with Coach James Crowley
[description] => <p>GAA Training with Coach James Crowley from Kinsale GAA began today. 4th, 5th & 6th class will be training on Mondays for the next few weeks with James...
(13) slug: GAA Training with Coach James Crowley
(13) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215209
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => GAA Training with Coach James Crowley
[description] => <p>GAA Training with Coach James Crowley from Kinsale GAA began today. 4th, 5th & 6th class will be training on Mondays for the next few weeks with James. T...
(13) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>GAA Training with Coach James Crowley from Kinsale GAA began today. 4th, 5th & 6th class will be training on Mondays for the next few weeks with James. Thank you to Kinsale GAA for organising these training sessions.</p>
DEBUG: (13) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>GAA Training with Coach James Crowley from Kinsale GAA began today. 4th, 5th &amp; 6th class will be training on Mondays for the next few weeks with James. Thank you to Kinsale GAA for organising these training sessions.</p>
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(13) no featured image defined
(13) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-11-01 20:20:09
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DEBUG: (13) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-11-01 20:20:09
DEBUG: (13) creating of new post ok, id=2591277
DEBUG: (13) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(13) show created page 2591277:
(13) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(13) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
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twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215209
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => GAA Training with Coach James Crowley
[description] => <p>GAA Training with Coach James Crowley from Kinsale GAA began today. 4th, 5th & 6th class will be training on Mondays for the next few weeks wi...
DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/10/21 12:10:19: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215209
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => GAA Training with Coach James Crowley
[description] => <p>GAA Training with Coach James Crowley from Kinsale GAA began today. 4th, 5th & 6th class will be training on Mondays for th...
(13) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591277: post_date : 2024/10/21 12:10:19
(13) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215209
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => GAA Training with Coach James Crowley
[description] => <p>GAA Training with Coach James Crowley from Kinsale GAA began today. 4th, 5th & 6th class will be training on Mondays for the next few weeks with J...
DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215209
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => GAA Training with Coach James Crowley
[description] => <p>GAA Training with Coach James Crowley fro...
(13) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591277: images0 :
(13) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215209
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => GAA Training with Coach James Crowley
[description] => <p>GAA Training with Coach James Crowley from Kinsale GAA began today. 4th, 5th & 6th class will be training on Mondays for the next few weeks with J...
DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215209
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => GAA Training with Coach James Crowley
[description] => <p>GAA Training with Coach James Crowley fro...
(13) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591277: images1 :
(13) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215209
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => GAA Training with Coach James Crowley
[description] => <p>GAA Training with Coach James Crowley from Kinsale GAA began today. 4th, 5th & 6th class will be training on Mondays for the next few weeks with J...
DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 215209
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => GAA Training with Coach James Crowley
[description] => <p>GAA Training with Coach James Crowley fro...
(13) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591277: images2 :
DEBUG: (14) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (14) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214748
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Maths Games in Second Class
[description] => <p>It's always Maths Week in second class! The boys and girls love playing games to improve their counting skills and mental maths. Today they played a card game called <e...
(14) title of created page: Maths Games in Second Class
DEBUG: (14) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214748
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Maths Games in Second Class
[description] => <p>It's always Maths Week in second class! The boys and girls love playing games to improve their counting skills and mental maths. Today they played a card game called <...
(14) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (14) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214748
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Maths Games in Second Class
[description] => <p>It's always Maths Week in second class! The boys and girls love playing games to improve their counting skills and mental maths. Today they played a card game called &l...
(14) slug: Maths Games in Second Class
(14) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (14) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214748
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Maths Games in Second Class
[description] => <p>It's always Maths Week in second class! The boys and girls love playing games to improve their counting skills and mental maths. Today they played a card game called <e...
(14) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>It's always Maths Week in second class! The boys and girls love playing games to improve their counting skills and mental maths. Today they played a card game called <em>roll and add </em>and<em> </em>another<em> </em>called <em>race to 50. </em>These games give them the opportunity to practice mental addition and subtraction in a fun way. </p>
DEBUG: (14) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>It's always Maths Week in second class! The boys and girls love playing games to improve their counting skills and mental maths. Today they played a card game called <em>roll and add </em>and<em> </em>another<em> </em>called&am...
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(14) no featured image defined
(14) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-11-01 20:20:09
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DEBUG: (14) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-11-01 20:20:09
DEBUG: (14) creating of new post ok, id=2591279
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(14) show created page 2591279:
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twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214748
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Maths Games in Second Class
[description] => <p>It's always Maths Week in second class! The boys and girls love playing games to improve their counting skills and mental maths. Today they played a card game c...
DEBUG: (14) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/10/17 14:03:00: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214748
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Maths Games in Second Class
[description] => <p>It's always Maths Week in second class! The boys and girls love playing games to improve their counting skills and mental maths. Today they p...
(14) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591279: post_date : 2024/10/17 14:03:00
(14) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (14) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214748
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Maths Games in Second Class
[description] => <p>It's always Maths Week in second class! The boys and girls love playing games to improve their counting skills and mental maths. Today they played a card game calle...
DEBUG: (14) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214748
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Maths Games in Second Class
[description] => <p>It's always Maths Week in second class! The boys an...
(14) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591279: images0 :
(14) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
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twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214748
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Maths Games in Second Class
[description] => <p>It's always Maths Week in second class! The boys and girls love playing games to improve their counting skills and mental maths. Today they played a card game calle...
DEBUG: (14) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214748
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Maths Games in Second Class
[description] => <p>It's always Maths Week in second class! The boys an...
(14) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591279: images1 :
(14) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
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[id] => 214748
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Maths Games in Second Class
[description] => <p>It's always Maths Week in second class! The boys and girls love playing games to improve their counting skills and mental maths. Today they played a card game calle...
DEBUG: (14) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214748
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Maths Games in Second Class
[description] => <p>It's always Maths Week in second class! The boys an...
(14) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591279: images2 :
DEBUG: (15) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214587
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd class
[description] => <p>Maths lessons are hungry work especially when you are talking about fractions. 3rd class chopped fruit into fractions to help compare fraction sizes. They enjoyed eating the fruit afterward...
(15) title of created page: 3rd class
DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214587
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd class
[description] => <p>Maths lessons are hungry work especially when you are talking about fractions. 3rd class chopped fruit into fractions to help compare fraction sizes. They enjoyed eating the fruit afterwa...
(15) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214587
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd class
[description] => <p>Maths lessons are hungry work especially when you are talking about fractions. 3rd class chopped fruit into fractions to help compare fraction sizes. They enjoyed eating the fruit afterw...
(15) slug: 3rd class
(15) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214587
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd class
[description] => <p>Maths lessons are hungry work especially when you are talking about fractions. 3rd class chopped fruit into fractions to help compare fraction sizes. They enjoyed eating the fruit afterward...
(15) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Maths lessons are hungry work especially when you are talking about fractions. 3rd class chopped fruit into fractions to help compare fraction sizes. They enjoyed eating the fruit afterwards!</p>
DEBUG: (15) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>Maths lessons are hungry work especially when you are talking about fractions. 3rd class chopped fruit into fractions to help compare fraction sizes. They enjoyed eating the fruit afterwards!</p>
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(15) no featured image defined
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DEBUG: (15) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-11-01 20:20:10
DEBUG: (15) creating of new post ok, id=2591281
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twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214587
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd class
[description] => <p>Maths lessons are hungry work especially when you are talking about fractions. 3rd class chopped fruit into fractions to help compare fraction sizes. They enjoyed eating the frui...
DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/10/16 20:45:57: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214587
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd class
[description] => <p>Maths lessons are hungry work especially when you are talking about fractions. 3rd class chopped fruit into fractions to help compare fraction sizes. They enjo...
(15) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591281: post_date : 2024/10/16 20:45:57
(15) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214587
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd class
[description] => <p>Maths lessons are hungry work especially when you are talking about fractions. 3rd class chopped fruit into fractions to help compare fraction sizes. They enjoyed eating the fruit af...
DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214587
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd class
[description] => <p>Maths lessons are hungry work especially when you are talking about f...
(15) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591281: images0 :
(15) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214587
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd class
[description] => <p>Maths lessons are hungry work especially when you are talking about fractions. 3rd class chopped fruit into fractions to help compare fraction sizes. They enjoyed eating the fruit af...
DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214587
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd class
[description] => <p>Maths lessons are hungry work especially when you are talking about f...
(15) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591281: images1 :
(15) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
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twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214587
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd class
[description] => <p>Maths lessons are hungry work especially when you are talking about fractions. 3rd class chopped fruit into fractions to help compare fraction sizes. They enjoyed eating the fruit af...
DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214587
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd class
[description] => <p>Maths lessons are hungry work especially when you are talking about f...
(15) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591281: images2 :
DEBUG: (16) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
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twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214578
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Cycle Right
[description] => <p>5th class started the Cycle Right programme this week. They did a mix of theory on road safety and practical skills on their bikes. Everyone really enjoyed it, despite...
(16) title of created page: Cycle Right
DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214578
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Cycle Right
[description] => <p>5th class started the Cycle Right programme this week. They did a mix of theory on road safety and practical skills on their bikes. Everyone really enjoyed it, despi...
(16) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214578
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Cycle Right
[description] => <p>5th class started the Cycle Right programme this week. They did a mix of theory on road safety and practical skills on their bikes. Everyone really enjoyed it, desp...
(16) slug: Cycle Right
(16) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214578
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Cycle Right
[description] => <p>5th class started the Cycle Right programme this week. They did a mix of theory on road safety and practical skills on their bikes. Everyone really enjoyed it, despite...
(16) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>5th class started the Cycle Right programme this week. They did a mix of theory on road safety and practical skills on their bikes. Everyone really enjoyed it, despite the weather! </p>
DEBUG: (16) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>5th class started the Cycle Right programme this week. They did a mix of theory on road safety and practical skills on their bikes. Everyone really enjoyed it, despite the weather! </p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
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(16) No url_default for featured image defined
(16) no featured image defined
(16) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-11-01 20:20:10
DEBUG: (16) page postdate: 2024-11-01 20:20:10
DEBUG: (16) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (16) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-11-01 20:20:10
DEBUG: (16) creating of new post ok, id=2591283
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(16) show created page 2591283:
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twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214578
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Cycle Right
[description] => <p>5th class started the Cycle Right programme this week. They did a mix of theory on road safety and practical skills on their bikes. Everyone really enjoyed it,&n...
DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/10/16 19:14:19: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214578
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Cycle Right
[description] => <p>5th class started the Cycle Right programme this week. They did a mix of theory on road safety and practical skills on their bikes. Everyone r...
(16) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591283: post_date : 2024/10/16 19:14:19
(16) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214578
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Cycle Right
[description] => <p>5th class started the Cycle Right programme this week. They did a mix of theory on road safety and practical skills on their bikes. Everyone really enjoyed it, ...
DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214578
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Cycle Right
[description] => <p>5th class started the Cycle Right programme this week. They di...
(16) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591283: images0 :
(16) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214578
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Cycle Right
[description] => <p>5th class started the Cycle Right programme this week. They did a mix of theory on road safety and practical skills on their bikes. Everyone really enjoyed it, ...
DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214578
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Cycle Right
[description] => <p>5th class started the Cycle Right programme this week. They di...
(16) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591283: images1 :
(16) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214578
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Cycle Right
[description] => <p>5th class started the Cycle Right programme this week. They did a mix of theory on road safety and practical skills on their bikes. Everyone really enjoyed it, ...
DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214578
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Cycle Right
[description] => <p>5th class started the Cycle Right programme this week. They di...
(16) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591283: images2 :
DEBUG: (17) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214550
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Hands on maths activities
[description] => <p>Fourth class have been learning about lines, angles and fractions this month. Here are some photographs of our busy mathematicians completing some hands on activities.</...
(17) title of created page: Hands on maths activities
DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214550
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Hands on maths activities
[description] => <p>Fourth class have been learning about lines, angles and fractions this month. Here are some photographs of our busy mathematicians completing some hands on activities.<...
(17) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214550
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Hands on maths activities
[description] => <p>Fourth class have been learning about lines, angles and fractions this month. Here are some photographs of our busy mathematicians completing some hands on activities.&l...
(17) slug: Hands on maths activities
(17) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214550
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Hands on maths activities
[description] => <p>Fourth class have been learning about lines, angles and fractions this month. Here are some photographs of our busy mathematicians completing some hands on activities.</...
(17) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Fourth class have been learning about lines, angles and fractions this month. Here are some photographs of our busy mathematicians completing some hands on activities.</p>
DEBUG: (17) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>Fourth class have been learning about lines, angles and fractions this month. Here are some photographs of our busy mathematicians completing some hands on activities.</p>
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(17) featured image URL:
(17) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(17) No url_default for featured image defined
(17) no featured image defined
(17) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-11-01 20:20:10
DEBUG: (17) page postdate: 2024-11-01 20:20:10
DEBUG: (17) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (17) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-11-01 20:20:10
DEBUG: (17) creating of new post ok, id=2591285
DEBUG: (17) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(17) show created page 2591285:
(17) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(17) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214550
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Hands on maths activities
[description] => <p>Fourth class have been learning about lines, angles and fractions this month. Here are some photographs of our busy mathematicians completing some hands on activ...
DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/10/16 15:56:23: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214550
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Hands on maths activities
[description] => <p>Fourth class have been learning about lines, angles and fractions this month. Here are some photographs of our busy mathematicians completing ...
(17) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591285: post_date : 2024/10/16 15:56:23
(17) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214550
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Hands on maths activities
[description] => <p>Fourth class have been learning about lines, angles and fractions this month. Here are some photographs of our busy mathematicians completing some hands on activitie...
DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214550
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Hands on maths activities
[description] => <p>Fourth class have been learning about lines, angles ...
(17) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591285: images0 :
(17) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214550
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Hands on maths activities
[description] => <p>Fourth class have been learning about lines, angles and fractions this month. Here are some photographs of our busy mathematicians completing some hands on activitie...
DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214550
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Hands on maths activities
[description] => <p>Fourth class have been learning about lines, angles ...
(17) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591285: images1 :
(17) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214550
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Hands on maths activities
[description] => <p>Fourth class have been learning about lines, angles and fractions this month. Here are some photographs of our busy mathematicians completing some hands on activitie...
DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214550
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Hands on maths activities
[description] => <p>Fourth class have been learning about lines, angles ...
(17) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591285: images2 :
DEBUG: (18) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214486
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Toasties
[description] => <p>Ms Horan's class made some toasties today for lunch. The melted cheese was delicious!</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Ms Horan's class made some toasties today for lunch. Th...
(18) title of created page: Toasties
DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214486
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Toasties
[description] => <p>Ms Horan's class made some toasties today for lunch. The melted cheese was delicious!</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Ms Horan's class made some toasties today for lunch. ...
(18) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214486
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Toasties
[description] => <p>Ms Horan's class made some toasties today for lunch. The melted cheese was delicious!</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Ms Horan's class made some toasties today for lunch....
(18) slug: Toasties
(18) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214486
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Toasties
[description] => <p>Ms Horan's class made some toasties today for lunch. The melted cheese was delicious!</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Ms Horan's class made some toasties today for lunch. Th...
(18) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Ms Horan's class made some toasties today for lunch. The melted cheese was delicious!</p>
DEBUG: (18) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>Ms Horan's class made some toasties today for lunch. The melted cheese was delicious!</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(18) featured image URL:
(18) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(18) No url_default for featured image defined
(18) no featured image defined
(18) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-11-01 20:20:10
DEBUG: (18) page postdate: 2024-11-01 20:20:10
DEBUG: (18) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (18) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-11-01 20:20:10
DEBUG: (18) creating of new post ok, id=2591287
DEBUG: (18) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(18) show created page 2591287:
(18) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(18) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214486
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Toasties
[description] => <p>Ms Horan's class made some toasties today for lunch. The melted cheese was delicious!</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Ms Horan's class made some toasties today fo...
DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/10/16 12:56:47: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214486
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Toasties
[description] => <p>Ms Horan's class made some toasties today for lunch. The melted cheese was delicious!</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Ms Horan's class made som...
(18) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591287: post_date : 2024/10/16 12:56:47
(18) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214486
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Toasties
[description] => <p>Ms Horan's class made some toasties today for lunch. The melted cheese was delicious!</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Ms Horan's class made some toasties today for lu...
DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214486
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Toasties
[description] => <p>Ms Horan's class made some toasties today for lunch. The melted cheese...
(18) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591287: images0 :
(18) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214486
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Toasties
[description] => <p>Ms Horan's class made some toasties today for lunch. The melted cheese was delicious!</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Ms Horan's class made some toasties today for lu...
DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214486
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Toasties
[description] => <p>Ms Horan's class made some toasties today for lunch. The melted cheese...
(18) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591287: images1 :
(18) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214486
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Toasties
[description] => <p>Ms Horan's class made some toasties today for lunch. The melted cheese was delicious!</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Ms Horan's class made some toasties today for lu...
DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in customfield-value : twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214486
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Toasties
[description] => <p>Ms Horan's class made some toasties today for lunch. The melted cheese was delicious!</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Ms Horan's class made some toasties today for lun...
(18) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591287: images2 :
DEBUG: (19) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214300
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class Magical Maths
[description] => <p>5th class took part in a Magical Maths webinar today. They heard from a maths magician who tried lots of number based magic tricks out on them and even taught them how to do s...
(19) title of created page: 5th Class Magical Maths
DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214300
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class Magical Maths
[description] => <p>5th class took part in a Magical Maths webinar today. They heard from a maths magician who tried lots of number based magic tricks out on them and even taught them how to do...
(19) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214300
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class Magical Maths
[description] => <p>5th class took part in a Magical Maths webinar today. They heard from a maths magician who tried lots of number based magic tricks out on them and even taught them how to d...
(19) slug: 5th Class Magical Maths
(19) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214300
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class Magical Maths
[description] => <p>5th class took part in a Magical Maths webinar today. They heard from a maths magician who tried lots of number based magic tricks out on them and even taught them how to do s...
(19) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>5th class took part in a Magical Maths webinar today. They heard from a maths magician who tried lots of number based magic tricks out on them and even taught them how to do some tricks on their own! </p>
DEBUG: (19) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>5th class took part in a Magical Maths webinar today. They heard from a maths magician who tried lots of number based magic tricks out on them and even taught them how to do some tricks on their own! </p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(19) featured image URL:
(19) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(19) No url_default for featured image defined
(19) no featured image defined
(19) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-11-01 20:20:10
DEBUG: (19) page postdate: 2024-11-01 20:20:10
DEBUG: (19) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (19) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-11-01 20:20:10
DEBUG: (19) creating of new post ok, id=2591289
DEBUG: (19) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(19) show created page 2591289:
(19) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(19) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214300
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class Magical Maths
[description] => <p>5th class took part in a Magical Maths webinar today. They heard from a maths magician who tried lots of number based magic tricks out on them and even taught them ...
DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/10/15 14:04:01: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214300
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class Magical Maths
[description] => <p>5th class took part in a Magical Maths webinar today. They heard from a maths magician who tried lots of number based magic tricks out on them an...
(19) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591289: post_date : 2024/10/15 14:04:01
(19) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214300
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class Magical Maths
[description] => <p>5th class took part in a Magical Maths webinar today. They heard from a maths magician who tried lots of number based magic tricks out on them and even taught them how ...
DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214300
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class Magical Maths
[description] => <p>5th class took part in a Magical Maths webinar today. T...
(19) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591289: images0 :
(19) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214300
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class Magical Maths
[description] => <p>5th class took part in a Magical Maths webinar today. They heard from a maths magician who tried lots of number based magic tricks out on them and even taught them how ...
DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214300
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class Magical Maths
[description] => <p>5th class took part in a Magical Maths webinar today. T...
(19) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591289: images1 :
(19) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214300
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class Magical Maths
[description] => <p>5th class took part in a Magical Maths webinar today. They heard from a maths magician who tried lots of number based magic tricks out on them and even taught them how ...
DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in customfield-value : twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214300
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class Magical Maths
[description] => <p>5th class took part in a Magical Maths webinar today. They heard from a maths magician who tried lots of number based magic tricks out on them and even taught them how t...
(19) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591289: images2 :
DEBUG: (20) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214285
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => The Firefighter
[description] => Senior Infants learned all about the important job our Firefighters do. They learned about the parts of the fire engine and enjoyed some goodies from Cork County Fire Service.
(20) title of created page: The Firefighter
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214285
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => The Firefighter
[description] => Senior Infants learned all about the important job our Firefighters do. They learned about the parts of the fire engine and enjoyed some goodies from Cork County Fire Service.
(20) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214285
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => The Firefighter
[description] => Senior Infants learned all about the important job our Firefighters do. They learned about the parts of the fire engine and enjoyed some goodies from Cork County Fire Service.
(20) slug: The Firefighter
(20) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214285
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => The Firefighter
[description] => Senior Infants learned all about the important job our Firefighters do. They learned about the parts of the fire engine and enjoyed some goodies from Cork County Fire Service.
(20) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: Senior Infants learned all about the important job our Firefighters do. They learned about the parts of the fire engine and enjoyed some goodies from Cork County Fire Service.
DEBUG: (20) content 4 page after do_shortcode: Senior Infants learned all about the important job our Firefighters do. They learned about the parts of the fire engine and enjoyed some goodies from Cork County Fire Service.
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(20) featured image URL:
(20) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(20) No url_default for featured image defined
(20) no featured image defined
(20) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-11-01 20:20:11
DEBUG: (20) page postdate: 2024-11-01 20:20:11
DEBUG: (20) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (20) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-11-01 20:20:11
DEBUG: (20) creating of new post ok, id=2591291
DEBUG: (20) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(20) show created page 2591291:
(20) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(20) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214285
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => The Firefighter
[description] => Senior Infants learned all about the important job our Firefighters do. They learned about the parts of the fire engine and enjoyed some goodies from Cork County Fire Service.
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/10/15 13:23:51: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214285
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => The Firefighter
[description] => Senior Infants learned all about the important job our Firefighters do. They learned about the parts of the fire engine and enjoyed some goodies from Cork County...
(20) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591291: post_date : 2024/10/15 13:23:51
(20) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214285
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => The Firefighter
[description] => Senior Infants learned all about the important job our Firefighters do. They learned about the parts of the fire engine and enjoyed some goodies from Cork County Fire Service.
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214285
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => The Firefighter
[description] => Senior Infants learned all about the important job our Firefighters do....
(20) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591291: images0 :
(20) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214285
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => The Firefighter
[description] => Senior Infants learned all about the important job our Firefighters do. They learned about the parts of the fire engine and enjoyed some goodies from Cork County Fire Service.
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214285
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => The Firefighter
[description] => Senior Infants learned all about the important job our Firefighters do....
(20) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591291: images1 :
(20) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214285
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => The Firefighter
[description] => Senior Infants learned all about the important job our Firefighters do. They learned about the parts of the fire engine and enjoyed some goodies from Cork County Fire Service.
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 214285
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => The Firefighter
[description] => Senior Infants learned all about the important job our Firefighters do....
(20) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591291: images2 :
DEBUG: (21) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213772
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Handwriting
[description] => <p>As part of our School Improvement Plan on handwriting, please find attached examples of the cursive writing style being used from first class to sixth class. </p>
(21) title of created page: Handwriting
DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213772
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Handwriting
[description] => <p>As part of our School Improvement Plan on handwriting, please find attached examples of the cursive writing style being used from first class to sixth class. </p>
(21) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213772
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Handwriting
[description] => <p>As part of our School Improvement Plan on handwriting, please find attached examples of the cursive writing style being used from first class to sixth class. </p>
(21) slug: Handwriting
(21) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213772
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Handwriting
[description] => <p>As part of our School Improvement Plan on handwriting, please find attached examples of the cursive writing style being used from first class to sixth class. </p>
(21) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>As part of our School Improvement Plan on handwriting, please find attached examples of the cursive writing style being used from first class to sixth class. </p>
DEBUG: (21) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>As part of our School Improvement Plan on handwriting, please find attached examples of the cursive writing style being used from first class to sixth class. </p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(21) featured image URL:
(21) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(21) No url_default for featured image defined
(21) no featured image defined
(21) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-11-01 20:20:11
DEBUG: (21) page postdate: 2024-11-01 20:20:11
DEBUG: (21) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (21) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-11-01 20:20:11
DEBUG: (21) creating of new post ok, id=2591293
DEBUG: (21) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(21) show created page 2591293:
(21) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(21) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213772
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Handwriting
[description] => <p>As part of our School Improvement Plan on handwriting, please find attached examples of the cursive writing style being used from first class to sixth class. </p>
DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/10/11 11:43:09: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213772
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Handwriting
[description] => <p>As part of our School Improvement Plan on handwriting, please find attached examples of the cursive writing style being used from first class to sixth class....
(21) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591293: post_date : 2024/10/11 11:43:09
(21) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213772
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Handwriting
[description] => <p>As part of our School Improvement Plan on handwriting, please find attached examples of the cursive writing style being used from first class to sixth class. </p>
DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213772
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Handwriting
[description] => <p>As part of our School Improvement Plan on handwriting, please find ...
(21) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591293: images0 :
(21) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213772
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Handwriting
[description] => <p>As part of our School Improvement Plan on handwriting, please find attached examples of the cursive writing style being used from first class to sixth class. </p>
DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in customfield-value : twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213772
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Handwriting
[description] => <p>As part of our School Improvement Plan on handwriting, please find attached examples of the cursive writing style being used from first class to sixth class. </p>
(21) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591293: images1 :
(21) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213772
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Handwriting
[description] => <p>As part of our School Improvement Plan on handwriting, please find attached examples of the cursive writing style being used from first class to sixth class. </p>
DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in customfield-value : twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213772
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Handwriting
[description] => <p>As part of our School Improvement Plan on handwriting, please find attached examples of the cursive writing style being used from first class to sixth class. </p>
(21) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591293: images2 :
DEBUG: (22) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213744
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th Class Visit to Saile for Mental Health Week hosted by KYSS
[description] => <p>KYSS held a workshop in Sáile for World Mental Health Day. 6th classes from all the local schools attended and really enjoyed the...
(22) title of created page: 6th Class Visit to Saile for Mental Health Week hosted by KYSS
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213744
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th Class Visit to Saile for Mental Health Week hosted by KYSS
[description] => <p>KYSS held a workshop in Sáile for World Mental Health Day. 6th classes from all the local schools attended and really enjoyed t...
(22) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213744
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th Class Visit to Saile for Mental Health Week hosted by KYSS
[description] => <p>KYSS held a workshop in Sáile for World Mental Health Day. 6th classes from all the local schools attended and really enjoyed ...
(22) slug: 6th Class Visit to Saile for Mental Health Week hosted by KYSS
(22) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213744
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th Class Visit to Saile for Mental Health Week hosted by KYSS
[description] => <p>KYSS held a workshop in Sáile for World Mental Health Day. 6th classes from all the local schools attended and really enjoyed the...
(22) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>KYSS held a workshop in Sáile for World Mental Health Day. 6th classes from all the local schools attended and really enjoyed the 2 talks on "managing anxiety" and "character traits". They also had a great experience at all the stalls. Some of the stalls included art therapy, Crossfit, Youth theatre, Gardai, Kul sol won, Kinsale library, Elasnik, Red Cross, Kinsale Fire service and Kinsale first responders. Thanks to KYSS for this focus day for mental health. </p>
DEBUG: (22) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>KYSS held a workshop in Sáile for World Mental Health Day. 6th classes from all the local schools attended and really enjoyed the 2 talks on "managing anxiety" and "character traits". They also had a great experience at all the stalls. Some of the stalls included art therapy, Crossfit,...
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(22) featured image URL:
(22) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(22) No url_default for featured image defined
(22) no featured image defined
(22) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-11-01 20:20:11
DEBUG: (22) page postdate: 2024-11-01 20:20:11
DEBUG: (22) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (22) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-11-01 20:20:11
DEBUG: (22) creating of new post ok, id=2591295
DEBUG: (22) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(22) show created page 2591295:
(22) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(22) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213744
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th Class Visit to Saile for Mental Health Week hosted by KYSS
[description] => <p>KYSS held a workshop in Sáile for World Mental Health Day. 6th classes from all the local schools attended and really ...
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/10/11 09:33:12: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213744
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th Class Visit to Saile for Mental Health Week hosted by KYSS
[description] => <p>KYSS held a workshop in Sáile for World Mental Health Day. 6th classes from all the local schools a...
(22) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591295: post_date : 2024/10/11 09:33:12
(22) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213744
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th Class Visit to Saile for Mental Health Week hosted by KYSS
[description] => <p>KYSS held a workshop in Sáile for World Mental Health Day. 6th classes from all the local schools attended and really enjo...
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213744
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th Class Visit to Saile for Mental Health Week hosted by KYSS
[description] => <p>KYSS held a work...
(22) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591295: images0 :
(22) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213744
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th Class Visit to Saile for Mental Health Week hosted by KYSS
[description] => <p>KYSS held a workshop in Sáile for World Mental Health Day. 6th classes from all the local schools attended and really enjo...
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213744
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th Class Visit to Saile for Mental Health Week hosted by KYSS
[description] => <p>KYSS held a work...
(22) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591295: images1 :
(22) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213744
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th Class Visit to Saile for Mental Health Week hosted by KYSS
[description] => <p>KYSS held a workshop in Sáile for World Mental Health Day. 6th classes from all the local schools attended and really enjo...
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213744
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th Class Visit to Saile for Mental Health Week hosted by KYSS
[description] => <p>KYSS held a work...
(22) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591295: images2 :
DEBUG: (23) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213416
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Art
[description] => <p>We had great fun using cotton buds to paint our autumn trees. </p>
[html_desc] => <p>We had great fun using cotton buds to paint our ...
(23) title of created page: Junior Infants Art
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213416
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Art
[description] => <p>We had great fun using cotton buds to paint our autumn trees. </p>
[html_desc] => <p>We had great fun using cotton buds to paint ou...
(23) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213416
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Art
[description] => <p>We had great fun using cotton buds to paint our autumn trees. </p>
[html_desc] => <p>We had great fun using cotton buds to paint o...
(23) slug: Junior Infants Art
(23) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213416
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Art
[description] => <p>We had great fun using cotton buds to paint our autumn trees. </p>
[html_desc] => <p>We had great fun using cotton buds to paint our ...
(23) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>We had great fun using cotton buds to paint our autumn trees. </p>
DEBUG: (23) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>We had great fun using cotton buds to paint our autumn trees. </p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(23) featured image URL:
(23) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(23) No url_default for featured image defined
(23) no featured image defined
(23) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-11-01 20:20:12
DEBUG: (23) page postdate: 2024-11-01 20:20:12
DEBUG: (23) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (23) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-11-01 20:20:12
DEBUG: (23) creating of new post ok, id=2591297
DEBUG: (23) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(23) show created page 2591297:
(23) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(23) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213416
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Art
[description] => <p>We had great fun using cotton buds to paint our autumn trees. </p>
[html_desc] => <p>We had great fun using cotton buds to...
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/10/09 15:11:46: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213416
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Art
[description] => <p>We had great fun using cotton buds to paint our autumn trees. </p>
[html_desc] => <p>We had great fun u...
(23) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591297: post_date : 2024/10/09 15:11:46
(23) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213416
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Art
[description] => <p>We had great fun using cotton buds to paint our autumn trees. </p>
[html_desc] => <p>We had great fun using cotton buds to pai...
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213416
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Art
[description] => <p>We had great fun using cotton buds to paint our autumn...
(23) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591297: images0 :
(23) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213416
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Art
[description] => <p>We had great fun using cotton buds to paint our autumn trees. </p>
[html_desc] => <p>We had great fun using cotton buds to pai...
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213416
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Art
[description] => <p>We had great fun using cotton buds to paint our autumn...
(23) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591297: images1 :
(23) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213416
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Art
[description] => <p>We had great fun using cotton buds to paint our autumn trees. </p>
[html_desc] => <p>We had great fun using cotton buds to pai...
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213416
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Art
[description] => <p>We had great fun using cotton buds to paint our autumn...
(23) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591297: images2 :
DEBUG: (24) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213055
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Sciath na Scol
[description] => <p>Great enthusiasm and teamwork were displayed by both the girls and boys team at the sciath na scol match against Ballyheada yesterday.</p>
[html_desc] => <p>...
(24) title of created page: Sciath na Scol
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213055
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Sciath na Scol
[description] => <p>Great enthusiasm and teamwork were displayed by both the girls and boys team at the sciath na scol match against Ballyheada yesterday.</p>
[html_desc] => <p&g...
(24) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213055
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Sciath na Scol
[description] => <p>Great enthusiasm and teamwork were displayed by both the girls and boys team at the sciath na scol match against Ballyheada yesterday.</p>
[html_desc] => <p&...
(24) slug: Sciath na Scol
(24) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213055
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Sciath na Scol
[description] => <p>Great enthusiasm and teamwork were displayed by both the girls and boys team at the sciath na scol match against Ballyheada yesterday.</p>
[html_desc] => <p>...
(24) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Great enthusiasm and teamwork were displayed by both the girls and boys team at the sciath na scol match against Ballyheada yesterday.</p>
DEBUG: (24) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>Great enthusiasm and teamwork were displayed by both the girls and boys team at the sciath na scol match against Ballyheada yesterday.</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(24) featured image URL:
(24) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(24) No url_default for featured image defined
(24) no featured image defined
(24) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-11-01 20:20:12
DEBUG: (24) page postdate: 2024-11-01 20:20:12
DEBUG: (24) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (24) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-11-01 20:20:12
DEBUG: (24) creating of new post ok, id=2591299
DEBUG: (24) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(24) show created page 2591299:
(24) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(24) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213055
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Sciath na Scol
[description] => <p>Great enthusiasm and teamwork were displayed by both the girls and boys team at the sciath na scol match against Ballyheada yesterday.</p>
[html_desc] => &l...
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/10/08 10:27:24: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213055
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Sciath na Scol
[description] => <p>Great enthusiasm and teamwork were displayed by both the girls and boys team at the sciath na scol match against Ballyheada yesterday.</p>
(24) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591299: post_date : 2024/10/08 10:27:24
(24) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213055
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Sciath na Scol
[description] => <p>Great enthusiasm and teamwork were displayed by both the girls and boys team at the sciath na scol match against Ballyheada yesterday.</p>
[html_desc] => <p&...
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213055
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Sciath na Scol
[description] => <p>Great enthusiasm and teamwork were displayed by both the girls a...
(24) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591299: images0 :
(24) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213055
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Sciath na Scol
[description] => <p>Great enthusiasm and teamwork were displayed by both the girls and boys team at the sciath na scol match against Ballyheada yesterday.</p>
[html_desc] => <p&...
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213055
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Sciath na Scol
[description] => <p>Great enthusiasm and teamwork were displayed by both the girls a...
(24) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591299: images1 :
(24) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213055
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Sciath na Scol
[description] => <p>Great enthusiasm and teamwork were displayed by both the girls and boys team at the sciath na scol match against Ballyheada yesterday.</p>
[html_desc] => <p&...
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213055
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Sciath na Scol
[description] => <p>Great enthusiasm and teamwork were displayed by both the girls a...
(24) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591299: images2 :
DEBUG: (25) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213022
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class Made Seasonal Trees
[description] => <p><strong>A Tree For All Seasons</strong></p>
<p>As we begin to notice the signs of autumn, second class have been discussing the changes all a...
(25) title of created page: Second Class Made Seasonal Trees
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213022
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class Made Seasonal Trees
[description] => <p><strong>A Tree For All Seasons</strong></p>
<p>As we begin to notice the signs of autumn, second class have been discussing the changes all...
(25) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213022
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class Made Seasonal Trees
[description] => <p><strong>A Tree For All Seasons</strong></p>
<p>As we begin to notice the signs of autumn, second class have been discussing the changes al...
(25) slug: Second Class Made Seasonal Trees
(25) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213022
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class Made Seasonal Trees
[description] => <p><strong>A Tree For All Seasons</strong></p>
<p>As we begin to notice the signs of autumn, second class have been discussing the changes all a...
(25) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p><strong>A Tree For All Seasons</strong></p>
<p>As we begin to notice the signs of autumn, second class have been discussing the changes all around us. They talked about the colours associated with the different seasons, varying weather conditions and the appearance of the trees. In teams of four, they painted a section of a tree, each section representing one of the four seasons. Using appropriate paint colours, paint brushes and cotton buds for detail, they created these vibrant trees!</p>
DEBUG: (25) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p><strong>A Tree For All Seasons</strong></p>
<p>As we begin to notice the signs of autumn, second class have been discussing the changes all around us. They talked about the colours associated with the different seasons, varying weather conditions and the appearance of the trees. In team...
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(25) featured image URL:
(25) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(25) No url_default for featured image defined
(25) no featured image defined
(25) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-11-01 20:20:12
DEBUG: (25) page postdate: 2024-11-01 20:20:12
DEBUG: (25) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (25) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-11-01 20:20:12
DEBUG: (25) creating of new post ok, id=2591301
DEBUG: (25) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(25) show created page 2591301:
(25) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(25) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213022
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class Made Seasonal Trees
[description] => <p><strong>A Tree For All Seasons</strong></p>
<p>As we begin to notice the signs of autumn, second class have been discussing the ch...
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/10/08 08:48:02: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213022
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class Made Seasonal Trees
[description] => <p><strong>A Tree For All Seasons</strong></p>
<p>As we begin to notice the signs of autumn, second class have bee...
(25) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591301: post_date : 2024/10/08 08:48:02
(25) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213022
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class Made Seasonal Trees
[description] => <p><strong>A Tree For All Seasons</strong></p>
<p>As we begin to notice the signs of autumn, second class have been discussing the change...
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213022
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class Made Seasonal Trees
[description] => <p><strong>A Tree For All Seasons</stro...
(25) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591301: images0 :
(25) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
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[id] => 213022
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class Made Seasonal Trees
[description] => <p><strong>A Tree For All Seasons</strong></p>
<p>As we begin to notice the signs of autumn, second class have been discussing the change...
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213022
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class Made Seasonal Trees
[description] => <p><strong>A Tree For All Seasons</stro...
(25) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591301: images1 :
(25) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213022
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class Made Seasonal Trees
[description] => <p><strong>A Tree For All Seasons</strong></p>
<p>As we begin to notice the signs of autumn, second class have been discussing the change...
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 213022
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class Made Seasonal Trees
[description] => <p><strong>A Tree For All Seasons</stro...
(25) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591301: images2 :
DEBUG: (26) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212591
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => October Assembly
[description] => <p>We had a lovely assembly this morning led by 4th class. They spoke of autumn and all the animals associated with Autumn and gave us a fabulous rendition of "The Bare Necessities...
(26) title of created page: October Assembly
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212591
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => October Assembly
[description] => <p>We had a lovely assembly this morning led by 4th class. They spoke of autumn and all the animals associated with Autumn and gave us a fabulous rendition of "The Bare Necessiti...
(26) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212591
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => October Assembly
[description] => <p>We had a lovely assembly this morning led by 4th class. They spoke of autumn and all the animals associated with Autumn and gave us a fabulous rendition of "The Bare Necessit...
(26) slug: October Assembly
(26) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212591
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => October Assembly
[description] => <p>We had a lovely assembly this morning led by 4th class. They spoke of autumn and all the animals associated with Autumn and gave us a fabulous rendition of "The Bare Necessities...
(26) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>We had a lovely assembly this morning led by 4th class. They spoke of autumn and all the animals associated with Autumn and gave us a fabulous rendition of "The Bare Necessities". Well done 4th Class</p>
DEBUG: (26) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>We had a lovely assembly this morning led by 4th class. They spoke of autumn and all the animals associated with Autumn and gave us a fabulous rendition of "The Bare Necessities". Well done 4th Class</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(26) featured image URL:
(26) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(26) No url_default for featured image defined
(26) no featured image defined
(26) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-11-01 20:20:13
DEBUG: (26) page postdate: 2024-11-01 20:20:13
DEBUG: (26) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (26) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-11-01 20:20:13
DEBUG: (26) creating of new post ok, id=2591303
DEBUG: (26) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(26) show created page 2591303:
(26) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(26) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212591
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => October Assembly
[description] => <p>We had a lovely assembly this morning led by 4th class. They spoke of autumn and all the animals associated with Autumn and gave us a fabulous rendition of "The Bare ...
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/10/04 12:41:41: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212591
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => October Assembly
[description] => <p>We had a lovely assembly this morning led by 4th class. They spoke of autumn and all the animals associated with Autumn and gave us a fabulous rendition...
(26) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591303: post_date : 2024/10/04 12:41:41
(26) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212591
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => October Assembly
[description] => <p>We had a lovely assembly this morning led by 4th class. They spoke of autumn and all the animals associated with Autumn and gave us a fabulous rendition of "The Bare Nece...
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212591
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => October Assembly
[description] => <p>We had a lovely assembly this morning led by 4th class. They s...
(26) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591303: images0 :
(26) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212591
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => October Assembly
[description] => <p>We had a lovely assembly this morning led by 4th class. They spoke of autumn and all the animals associated with Autumn and gave us a fabulous rendition of "The Bare Nece...
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212591
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => October Assembly
[description] => <p>We had a lovely assembly this morning led by 4th class. They s...
(26) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591303: images1 :
(26) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212591
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => October Assembly
[description] => <p>We had a lovely assembly this morning led by 4th class. They spoke of autumn and all the animals associated with Autumn and gave us a fabulous rendition of "The Bare Nece...
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212591
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => October Assembly
[description] => <p>We had a lovely assembly this morning led by 4th class. They s...
(26) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591303: images2 :
DEBUG: (27) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212438
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class
[description] => <p>Here are a few learning activities that we have enjoyed recently in second class!</p>
<p><strong>Predicting while Reading</strong></p>
<p>Throughout S...
(27) title of created page: Second Class
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212438
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class
[description] => <p>Here are a few learning activities that we have enjoyed recently in second class!</p>
<p><strong>Predicting while Reading</strong></p>
(27) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212438
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class
[description] => <p>Here are a few learning activities that we have enjoyed recently in second class!</p>
<p><strong>Predicting while Reading</strong></p>
(27) slug: Second Class
(27) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212438
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class
[description] => <p>Here are a few learning activities that we have enjoyed recently in second class!</p>
<p><strong>Predicting while Reading</strong></p>
<p>Throughout S...
(27) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Here are a few learning activities that we have enjoyed recently in second class!</p>
<p><strong>Predicting while Reading</strong></p>
<p>Throughout September, our focus reading comprehension strategy has been prediction. Second class have been using text and picture clues, as well as prior knowledge to make predictions before and during reading. They also reflected on and adjusted their predictions after reading. They shared their predeictions orally as well as recording them in written form. They enjoyed a number of texts including 'Paper Dolls' and 'Extra Yarn'. </p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong>Hundred Square Jigsaws in Maths</strong></p>
<p>This group-work activity required the boys and girls to unjumble the numeral cards and put the hundred square together; improving their counting skills and number ordering. </p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong>Geography - The Work of the Farmer</strong></p>
<p>Second class learned about the important work of the farmer in Ireland. They learned about the different types of farmer and their varying work across the different seasons. They took a closer look at the dairy farmer and the production of milk. They recorded and illustrated their learning on these worksheets. </p>
DEBUG: (27) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>Here are a few learning activities that we have enjoyed recently in second class!</p>
<p><strong>Predicting while Reading</strong></p>
<p>Throughout September, our focus reading comprehension strategy has been prediction. Second class have been using text and...
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(27) featured image URL:
(27) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(27) No url_default for featured image defined
(27) no featured image defined
(27) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-11-01 20:20:13
DEBUG: (27) page postdate: 2024-11-01 20:20:13
DEBUG: (27) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (27) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-11-01 20:20:13
DEBUG: (27) creating of new post ok, id=2591305
DEBUG: (27) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(27) show created page 2591305:
(27) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(27) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212438
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class
[description] => <p>Here are a few learning activities that we have enjoyed recently in second class!</p>
<p><strong>Predicting while Reading</strong></p>
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/10/03 15:02:21: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212438
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class
[description] => <p>Here are a few learning activities that we have enjoyed recently in second class!</p>
<p><strong>Predicting while Reading</strong>&l...
(27) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591305: post_date : 2024/10/03 15:02:21
(27) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212438
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class
[description] => <p>Here are a few learning activities that we have enjoyed recently in second class!</p>
<p><strong>Predicting while Reading</strong></p>
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212438
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class
[description] => <p>Here are a few learning activities that we have enjoyed recently i...
(27) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591305: images0 :
(27) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212438
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class
[description] => <p>Here are a few learning activities that we have enjoyed recently in second class!</p>
<p><strong>Predicting while Reading</strong></p>
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212438
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class
[description] => <p>Here are a few learning activities that we have enjoyed recently i...
(27) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591305: images1 :
(27) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212438
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class
[description] => <p>Here are a few learning activities that we have enjoyed recently in second class!</p>
<p><strong>Predicting while Reading</strong></p>
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212438
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class
[description] => <p>Here are a few learning activities that we have enjoyed recently i...
(27) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591305: images2 :
DEBUG: (28) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (28) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212220
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Station Teaching in Juniors
[description] => <p>The children loved writing their names in foam during our station teaching time. </p>
[html_desc] => <p>The children lo...
(28) title of created page: Station Teaching in Juniors
DEBUG: (28) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212220
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Station Teaching in Juniors
[description] => <p>The children loved writing their names in foam during our station teaching time. </p>
[html_desc] => <p>The children ...
(28) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (28) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212220
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Station Teaching in Juniors
[description] => <p>The children loved writing their names in foam during our station teaching time. </p>
[html_desc] => <p>The children ...
(28) slug: Station Teaching in Juniors
(28) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (28) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212220
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Station Teaching in Juniors
[description] => <p>The children loved writing their names in foam during our station teaching time. </p>
[html_desc] => <p>The children lo...
(28) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>The children loved writing their names in foam during our station teaching time. </p>
DEBUG: (28) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>The children loved writing their names in foam during our station teaching time. </p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(28) featured image URL:
(28) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(28) No url_default for featured image defined
(28) no featured image defined
(28) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-11-01 20:20:13
DEBUG: (28) page postdate: 2024-11-01 20:20:13
DEBUG: (28) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (28) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-11-01 20:20:13
DEBUG: (28) creating of new post ok, id=2591307
DEBUG: (28) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(28) show created page 2591307:
(28) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(28) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (28) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212220
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Station Teaching in Juniors
[description] => <p>The children loved writing their names in foam during our station teaching time. </p>
[html_desc] => <p>The children&...
DEBUG: (28) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/10/02 14:39:33: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212220
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Station Teaching in Juniors
[description] => <p>The children loved writing their names in foam during our station teaching time. </p>
[html_desc] => <p&a...
(28) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591307: post_date : 2024/10/02 14:39:33
(28) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (28) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212220
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Station Teaching in Juniors
[description] => <p>The children loved writing their names in foam during our station teaching time. </p>
[html_desc] => <p>The children&...
DEBUG: (28) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212220
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Station Teaching in Juniors
[description] => <p>The children loved writing their names in foa...
(28) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591307: images0 :
(28) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (28) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212220
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Station Teaching in Juniors
[description] => <p>The children loved writing their names in foam during our station teaching time. </p>
[html_desc] => <p>The children&...
DEBUG: (28) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212220
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Station Teaching in Juniors
[description] => <p>The children loved writing their names in foa...
(28) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591307: images1 :
(28) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (28) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212220
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Station Teaching in Juniors
[description] => <p>The children loved writing their names in foam during our station teaching time. </p>
[html_desc] => <p>The children&...
DEBUG: (28) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212220
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Station Teaching in Juniors
[description] => <p>The children loved writing their names in foa...
(28) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591307: images2 :
DEBUG: (29) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (29) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212283
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class
[description] => <p>3rd class have been busy learning about materials in science. They took on the roles of scientists and engaged in a variety of experiments. They discovered the strongest carrier bag and cl...
(29) title of created page: 3rd Class
DEBUG: (29) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212283
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class
[description] => <p>3rd class have been busy learning about materials in science. They took on the roles of scientists and engaged in a variety of experiments. They discovered the strongest carrier bag and ...
(29) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (29) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212283
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class
[description] => <p>3rd class have been busy learning about materials in science. They took on the roles of scientists and engaged in a variety of experiments. They discovered the strongest carrier bag and...
(29) slug: 3rd Class
(29) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (29) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212283
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class
[description] => <p>3rd class have been busy learning about materials in science. They took on the roles of scientists and engaged in a variety of experiments. They discovered the strongest carrier bag and cl...
(29) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>3rd class have been busy learning about materials in science. They took on the roles of scientists and engaged in a variety of experiments. They discovered the strongest carrier bag and clothes hangers as well as identifying the bounciest ball and creating magic milk.</p>
DEBUG: (29) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>3rd class have been busy learning about materials in science. They took on the roles of scientists and engaged in a variety of experiments. They discovered the strongest carrier bag and clothes hangers as well as identifying the bounciest ball and creating magic milk.</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(29) featured image URL:
(29) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(29) No url_default for featured image defined
(29) no featured image defined
(29) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-11-01 20:20:13
DEBUG: (29) page postdate: 2024-11-01 20:20:13
DEBUG: (29) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (29) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-11-01 20:20:13
DEBUG: (29) creating of new post ok, id=2591308
DEBUG: (29) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(29) show created page 2591308:
(29) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(29) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (29) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212283
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class
[description] => <p>3rd class have been busy learning about materials in science. They took on the roles of scientists and engaged in a variety of experiments. They discovered the strongest carrier...
DEBUG: (29) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/10/02 22:20:23: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212283
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class
[description] => <p>3rd class have been busy learning about materials in science. They took on the roles of scientists and engaged in a variety of experiments. They discovered th...
(29) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591308: post_date : 2024/10/02 22:20:23
(29) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (29) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212283
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class
[description] => <p>3rd class have been busy learning about materials in science. They took on the roles of scientists and engaged in a variety of experiments. They discovered the strongest carrier bag...
DEBUG: (29) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212283
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class
[description] => <p>3rd class have been busy learning about materials in science. They t...
(29) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591308: images0 :
(29) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (29) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212283
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class
[description] => <p>3rd class have been busy learning about materials in science. They took on the roles of scientists and engaged in a variety of experiments. They discovered the strongest carrier bag...
DEBUG: (29) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212283
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class
[description] => <p>3rd class have been busy learning about materials in science. They t...
(29) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591308: images1 :
(29) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (29) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212283
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class
[description] => <p>3rd class have been busy learning about materials in science. They took on the roles of scientists and engaged in a variety of experiments. They discovered the strongest carrier bag...
DEBUG: (29) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 212283
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class
[description] => <p>3rd class have been busy learning about materials in science. They t...
(29) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591308: images2 :
DEBUG: (30) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (30) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211918
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Fourth Class
[description] => <p style="color:#000000;font-family:'-apple-system', HelveticaNeue;font-size:16px;font-style:normal;font-weight:400;letter-spacing:normal;text-transform:none;word-spacing:0px;white-space:...
(30) title of created page: Fourth Class
DEBUG: (30) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211918
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Fourth Class
[description] => <p style="color:#000000;font-family:'-apple-system', HelveticaNeue;font-size:16px;font-style:normal;font-weight:400;letter-spacing:normal;text-transform:none;word-spacing:0px;white-spac...
(30) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (30) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211918
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Fourth Class
[description] => <p style="color:#000000;font-family:'-apple-system', HelveticaNeue;font-size:16px;font-style:normal;font-weight:400;letter-spacing:normal;text-transform:none;word-spacing:0px;white-spa...
(30) slug: Fourth Class
(30) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (30) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211918
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Fourth Class
[description] => <p style="color:#000000;font-family:'-apple-system', HelveticaNeue;font-size:16px;font-style:normal;font-weight:400;letter-spacing:normal;text-transform:none;word-spacing:0px;white-space:...
(30) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p style="color:#000000;font-family:'-apple-system', HelveticaNeue;font-size:16px;font-style:normal;font-weight:400;letter-spacing:normal;text-transform:none;word-spacing:0px;white-space:normal;background-color:#ffffff;text-align:left;">As September comes to a close, we want to share some of the exciting activities and learning experiences your children have enjoyed in fourth class this month. It has been a vibrant start to the school year, filled with creativity, collaboration, and a deeper understanding of Irish culture and wildlife. Here’s a closer look at what our young learners have accomplished.</p>
<p style="color:#000000;font-family:'-apple-system', HelveticaNeue;font-size:16px;font-style:normal;font-weight:400;letter-spacing:normal;text-transform:none;word-spacing:0px;white-space:normal;background-color:#ffffff;text-align:left;">We kicked off the month with a fascinating exploration of optical illusions, op art and studied the artist Bridget Riley.</p>
<p style="color:#000000;font-family:'-apple-system', HelveticaNeue;font-size:16px;font-style:normal;font-weight:400;letter-spacing:normal;text-transform:none;word-spacing:0px;white-space:normal;background-color:#ffffff;text-align:left;">The children were introduced to the legend of <strong>The Children of Lír</strong>. To enhance their understanding, we engaged in drama activities where students reenacted scenes from the story. The children expressed their interpretation of the story through beautiful artwork.</p>
<p style="color:#000000;font-family:'-apple-system', HelveticaNeue;font-size:16px;font-style:normal;font-weight:400;letter-spacing:normal;text-transform:none;word-spacing:0px;white-space:normal;background-color:#ffffff;text-align:left;">Our month also included an exciting unit on Irish wildlife. The students learned about various native animals, their habitats, and the importance of biodiversity in our ecosystems. To showcase their newfound knowledge, the children created informative posters featuring facts about their chosen animal. </p>
<p style="color:#000000;font-family:'-apple-system', HelveticaNeue;font-size:16px;font-style:normal;font-weight:400;letter-spacing:normal;text-transform:none;word-spacing:0px;white-space:normal;background-color:#ffffff;text-align:left;">As we wrap up September, we are proud of the enthusiasm and creativity displayed by our fourth class students. </p>
DEBUG: (30) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p style="color:#000000;font-family:'-apple-system', HelveticaNeue;font-size:16px;font-style:normal;font-weight:400;letter-spacing:normal;text-transform:none;word-spacing:0px;white-space:normal;background-color:#ffffff;text-align:left;">As September comes to a close, we want to share some of the exciting activities a...
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(30) featured image URL:
(30) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(30) No url_default for featured image defined
(30) no featured image defined
(30) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-11-01 20:20:14
DEBUG: (30) page postdate: 2024-11-01 20:20:14
DEBUG: (30) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (30) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-11-01 20:20:14
DEBUG: (30) creating of new post ok, id=2591311
DEBUG: (30) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(30) show created page 2591311:
(30) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(30) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (30) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211918
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Fourth Class
[description] => <p style="color:#000000;font-family:'-apple-system', HelveticaNeue;font-size:16px;font-style:normal;font-weight:400;letter-spacing:normal;text-transform:none;word-spacing:0px;w...
DEBUG: (30) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/10/01 07:34:44: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211918
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Fourth Class
[description] => <p style="color:#000000;font-family:'-apple-system', HelveticaNeue;font-size:16px;font-style:normal;font-weight:400;letter-spacing:normal;text-transform:none...
(30) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591311: post_date : 2024/10/01 07:34:44
(30) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (30) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211918
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Fourth Class
[description] => <p style="color:#000000;font-family:'-apple-system', HelveticaNeue;font-size:16px;font-style:normal;font-weight:400;letter-spacing:normal;text-transform:none;word-spacing:0px;white...
DEBUG: (30) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211918
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Fourth Class
[description] => <p style="color:#000000;font-family:'-apple-system', HelveticaNeue;...
(30) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591311: images0 :
(30) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (30) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211918
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Fourth Class
[description] => <p style="color:#000000;font-family:'-apple-system', HelveticaNeue;font-size:16px;font-style:normal;font-weight:400;letter-spacing:normal;text-transform:none;word-spacing:0px;white...
DEBUG: (30) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211918
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Fourth Class
[description] => <p style="color:#000000;font-family:'-apple-system', HelveticaNeue;...
(30) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591311: images1 :
(30) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (30) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211918
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Fourth Class
[description] => <p style="color:#000000;font-family:'-apple-system', HelveticaNeue;font-size:16px;font-style:normal;font-weight:400;letter-spacing:normal;text-transform:none;word-spacing:0px;white...
DEBUG: (30) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211918
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Fourth Class
[description] => <p style="color:#000000;font-family:'-apple-system', HelveticaNeue;...
(30) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591311: images2 :
DEBUG: (31) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (31) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211633
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Sciath na Scol
[description] => <p>The boys and girls Sciath na Scol team travelled to Kilbrittain on Thursday. Everyone played superbly. They enjoyed a great sing song on the way back.</p>
[html_desc] => &...
(31) title of created page: Sciath na Scol
DEBUG: (31) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211633
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Sciath na Scol
[description] => <p>The boys and girls Sciath na Scol team travelled to Kilbrittain on Thursday. Everyone played superbly. They enjoyed a great sing song on the way back.</p>
[html_desc] =>...
(31) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (31) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211633
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Sciath na Scol
[description] => <p>The boys and girls Sciath na Scol team travelled to Kilbrittain on Thursday. Everyone played superbly. They enjoyed a great sing song on the way back.</p>
[html_desc] =>...
(31) slug: Sciath na Scol
(31) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (31) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211633
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Sciath na Scol
[description] => <p>The boys and girls Sciath na Scol team travelled to Kilbrittain on Thursday. Everyone played superbly. They enjoyed a great sing song on the way back.</p>
[html_desc] => &...
(31) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>The boys and girls Sciath na Scol team travelled to Kilbrittain on Thursday. Everyone played superbly. They enjoyed a great sing song on the way back.</p>
DEBUG: (31) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>The boys and girls Sciath na Scol team travelled to Kilbrittain on Thursday. Everyone played superbly. They enjoyed a great sing song on the way back.</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(31) featured image URL:
(31) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(31) No url_default for featured image defined
(31) no featured image defined
(31) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-11-01 20:20:14
DEBUG: (31) page postdate: 2024-11-01 20:20:14
DEBUG: (31) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (31) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-11-01 20:20:14
DEBUG: (31) creating of new post ok, id=2591313
DEBUG: (31) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(31) show created page 2591313:
(31) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(31) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (31) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211633
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Sciath na Scol
[description] => <p>The boys and girls Sciath na Scol team travelled to Kilbrittain on Thursday. Everyone played superbly. They enjoyed a great sing song on the way back.</p>
DEBUG: (31) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/09/27 15:44:52: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211633
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Sciath na Scol
[description] => <p>The boys and girls Sciath na Scol team travelled to Kilbrittain on Thursday. Everyone played superbly. They enjoyed a great sing song on the way back.<...
(31) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591313: post_date : 2024/09/27 15:44:52
(31) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (31) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211633
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Sciath na Scol
[description] => <p>The boys and girls Sciath na Scol team travelled to Kilbrittain on Thursday. Everyone played superbly. They enjoyed a great sing song on the way back.</p>
[html_desc] ...
DEBUG: (31) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211633
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Sciath na Scol
[description] => <p>The boys and girls Sciath na Scol team travelled to Kilbrittain ...
(31) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591313: images0 :
(31) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (31) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211633
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Sciath na Scol
[description] => <p>The boys and girls Sciath na Scol team travelled to Kilbrittain on Thursday. Everyone played superbly. They enjoyed a great sing song on the way back.</p>
[html_desc] ...
DEBUG: (31) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211633
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Sciath na Scol
[description] => <p>The boys and girls Sciath na Scol team travelled to Kilbrittain ...
(31) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591313: images1 :
(31) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (31) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211633
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Sciath na Scol
[description] => <p>The boys and girls Sciath na Scol team travelled to Kilbrittain on Thursday. Everyone played superbly. They enjoyed a great sing song on the way back.</p>
[html_desc] ...
DEBUG: (31) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211633
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Sciath na Scol
[description] => <p>The boys and girls Sciath na Scol team travelled to Kilbrittain ...
(31) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591313: images2 :
DEBUG: (32) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (32) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211602
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Construction in Seniors
[description] => We have lots of budding interior designers, architects and engineers in Senior Infants. Here they are constructing schools.
[html_desc] => We have lots of budding interior desig...
(32) title of created page: Construction in Seniors
DEBUG: (32) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211602
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Construction in Seniors
[description] => We have lots of budding interior designers, architects and engineers in Senior Infants. Here they are constructing schools.
[html_desc] => We have lots of budding interior des...
(32) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (32) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211602
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Construction in Seniors
[description] => We have lots of budding interior designers, architects and engineers in Senior Infants. Here they are constructing schools.
[html_desc] => We have lots of budding interior de...
(32) slug: Construction in Seniors
(32) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (32) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211602
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Construction in Seniors
[description] => We have lots of budding interior designers, architects and engineers in Senior Infants. Here they are constructing schools.
[html_desc] => We have lots of budding interior desig...
(32) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: We have lots of budding interior designers, architects and engineers in Senior Infants. Here they are constructing schools.
DEBUG: (32) content 4 page after do_shortcode: We have lots of budding interior designers, architects and engineers in Senior Infants. Here they are constructing schools.
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(32) featured image URL:
(32) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(32) No url_default for featured image defined
(32) no featured image defined
(32) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-11-01 20:20:14
DEBUG: (32) page postdate: 2024-11-01 20:20:14
DEBUG: (32) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (32) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-11-01 20:20:14
DEBUG: (32) creating of new post ok, id=2591315
DEBUG: (32) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(32) show created page 2591315:
(32) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(32) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (32) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211602
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Construction in Seniors
[description] => We have lots of budding interior designers, architects and engineers in Senior Infants. Here they are constructing schools.
[html_desc] => We have lots of budding int...
DEBUG: (32) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/09/27 13:34:58: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211602
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Construction in Seniors
[description] => We have lots of budding interior designers, architects and engineers in Senior Infants. Here they are constructing schools.
[html_desc] => We have ...
(32) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591315: post_date : 2024/09/27 13:34:58
(32) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (32) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211602
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Construction in Seniors
[description] => We have lots of budding interior designers, architects and engineers in Senior Infants. Here they are constructing schools.
[html_desc] => We have lots of budding interio...
DEBUG: (32) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211602
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Construction in Seniors
[description] => We have lots of budding interior designers, architects and engin...
(32) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591315: images0 :
(32) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (32) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211602
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Construction in Seniors
[description] => We have lots of budding interior designers, architects and engineers in Senior Infants. Here they are constructing schools.
[html_desc] => We have lots of budding interio...
DEBUG: (32) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211602
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Construction in Seniors
[description] => We have lots of budding interior designers, architects and engin...
(32) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591315: images1 :
(32) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (32) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211602
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Construction in Seniors
[description] => We have lots of budding interior designers, architects and engineers in Senior Infants. Here they are constructing schools.
[html_desc] => We have lots of budding interio...
DEBUG: (32) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211602
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Construction in Seniors
[description] => We have lots of budding interior designers, architects and engin...
(32) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591315: images2 :
DEBUG: (33) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (33) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211582
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Tag Rugby in 2nd Class
[description] => <p>Second Class were delighted to start tag rugby with Santiago today. The sun shone on the astroturf and great fun was had, practising tag rugby skills and playing games. &l...
(33) title of created page: Tag Rugby in 2nd Class
DEBUG: (33) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211582
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Tag Rugby in 2nd Class
[description] => <p>Second Class were delighted to start tag rugby with Santiago today. The sun shone on the astroturf and great fun was had, practising tag rugby skills and playing games. ...
(33) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (33) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211582
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Tag Rugby in 2nd Class
[description] => <p>Second Class were delighted to start tag rugby with Santiago today. The sun shone on the astroturf and great fun was had, practising tag rugby skills and playing games. ...
(33) slug: Tag Rugby in 2nd Class
(33) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (33) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211582
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Tag Rugby in 2nd Class
[description] => <p>Second Class were delighted to start tag rugby with Santiago today. The sun shone on the astroturf and great fun was had, practising tag rugby skills and playing games. &l...
(33) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Second Class were delighted to start tag rugby with Santiago today. The sun shone on the astroturf and great fun was had, practising tag rugby skills and playing games. </p>
DEBUG: (33) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>Second Class were delighted to start tag rugby with Santiago today. The sun shone on the astroturf and great fun was had, practising tag rugby skills and playing games. </p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(33) featured image URL:
(33) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(33) No url_default for featured image defined
(33) no featured image defined
(33) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-11-01 20:20:15
DEBUG: (33) page postdate: 2024-11-01 20:20:15
DEBUG: (33) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (33) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-11-01 20:20:15
DEBUG: (33) creating of new post ok, id=2591317
DEBUG: (33) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(33) show created page 2591317:
(33) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(33) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (33) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211582
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Tag Rugby in 2nd Class
[description] => <p>Second Class were delighted to start tag rugby with Santiago today. The sun shone on the astroturf and great fun was had, practising tag rugby skills and playing gam...
DEBUG: (33) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/09/27 12:05:57: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211582
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Tag Rugby in 2nd Class
[description] => <p>Second Class were delighted to start tag rugby with Santiago today. The sun shone on the astroturf and great fun was had, practising tag rugby ski...
(33) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591317: post_date : 2024/09/27 12:05:57
(33) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (33) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211582
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Tag Rugby in 2nd Class
[description] => <p>Second Class were delighted to start tag rugby with Santiago today. The sun shone on the astroturf and great fun was had, practising tag rugby skills and playing games.&...
DEBUG: (33) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211582
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Tag Rugby in 2nd Class
[description] => <p>Second Class were delighted to start tag rugby with Sant...
(33) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591317: images0 :
(33) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (33) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211582
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Tag Rugby in 2nd Class
[description] => <p>Second Class were delighted to start tag rugby with Santiago today. The sun shone on the astroturf and great fun was had, practising tag rugby skills and playing games.&...
DEBUG: (33) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211582
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Tag Rugby in 2nd Class
[description] => <p>Second Class were delighted to start tag rugby with Sant...
(33) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591317: images1 :
(33) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (33) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211582
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Tag Rugby in 2nd Class
[description] => <p>Second Class were delighted to start tag rugby with Santiago today. The sun shone on the astroturf and great fun was had, practising tag rugby skills and playing games.&...
DEBUG: (33) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211582
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Tag Rugby in 2nd Class
[description] => <p>Second Class were delighted to start tag rugby with Sant...
(33) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591317: images2 :
DEBUG: (34) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (34) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211506
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st Class Tag Rugby
[description] => <p>1st class enjoyed their first tag rugby class with Youth Munster coach, Santiago, this morning. They had great fun learning the skills of tag rugby</p>
[html_desc] =>...
(34) title of created page: 1st Class Tag Rugby
DEBUG: (34) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211506
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st Class Tag Rugby
[description] => <p>1st class enjoyed their first tag rugby class with Youth Munster coach, Santiago, this morning. They had great fun learning the skills of tag rugby</p>
[html_desc] =&g...
(34) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (34) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211506
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st Class Tag Rugby
[description] => <p>1st class enjoyed their first tag rugby class with Youth Munster coach, Santiago, this morning. They had great fun learning the skills of tag rugby</p>
[html_desc] =&...
(34) slug: 1st Class Tag Rugby
(34) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (34) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211506
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st Class Tag Rugby
[description] => <p>1st class enjoyed their first tag rugby class with Youth Munster coach, Santiago, this morning. They had great fun learning the skills of tag rugby</p>
[html_desc] =>...
(34) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>1st class enjoyed their first tag rugby class with Youth Munster coach, Santiago, this morning. They had great fun learning the skills of tag rugby</p>
DEBUG: (34) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>1st class enjoyed their first tag rugby class with Youth Munster coach, Santiago, this morning. They had great fun learning the skills of tag rugby</p>
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(34) featured image URL:
(34) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(34) No url_default for featured image defined
(34) no featured image defined
(34) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-11-01 20:20:15
DEBUG: (34) page postdate: 2024-11-01 20:20:15
DEBUG: (34) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (34) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-11-01 20:20:15
DEBUG: (34) creating of new post ok, id=2591319
DEBUG: (34) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(34) show created page 2591319:
(34) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(34) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (34) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211506
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st Class Tag Rugby
[description] => <p>1st class enjoyed their first tag rugby class with Youth Munster coach, Santiago, this morning. They had great fun learning the skills of tag rugby</p>
DEBUG: (34) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/09/27 09:46:21: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211506
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st Class Tag Rugby
[description] => <p>1st class enjoyed their first tag rugby class with Youth Munster coach, Santiago, this morning. They had great fun learning the skills of tag rugby&l...
(34) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591319: post_date : 2024/09/27 09:46:21
(34) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (34) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211506
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st Class Tag Rugby
[description] => <p>1st class enjoyed their first tag rugby class with Youth Munster coach, Santiago, this morning. They had great fun learning the skills of tag rugby</p>
DEBUG: (34) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211506
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st Class Tag Rugby
[description] => <p>1st class enjoyed their first tag rugby class with Youth Mu...
(34) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591319: images0 :
(34) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (34) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211506
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st Class Tag Rugby
[description] => <p>1st class enjoyed their first tag rugby class with Youth Munster coach, Santiago, this morning. They had great fun learning the skills of tag rugby</p>
DEBUG: (34) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211506
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st Class Tag Rugby
[description] => <p>1st class enjoyed their first tag rugby class with Youth Mu...
(34) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591319: images1 :
(34) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (34) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211506
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st Class Tag Rugby
[description] => <p>1st class enjoyed their first tag rugby class with Youth Munster coach, Santiago, this morning. They had great fun learning the skills of tag rugby</p>
DEBUG: (34) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 211506
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st Class Tag Rugby
[description] => <p>1st class enjoyed their first tag rugby class with Youth Mu...
(34) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591319: images2 :
DEBUG: (35) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (35) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 210077
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Umbrella Art in Second Class
[description] => <p>This week, second class learned about primary, secondary and tertiary colours on the colour wheel. They showcased their learning by mixing their own paint colours and pai...
(35) title of created page: Umbrella Art in Second Class
DEBUG: (35) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 210077
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Umbrella Art in Second Class
[description] => <p>This week, second class learned about primary, secondary and tertiary colours on the colour wheel. They showcased their learning by mixing their own paint colours and p...
(35) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (35) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 210077
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Umbrella Art in Second Class
[description] => <p>This week, second class learned about primary, secondary and tertiary colours on the colour wheel. They showcased their learning by mixing their own paint colours and ...
(35) slug: Umbrella Art in Second Class
(35) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (35) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 210077
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Umbrella Art in Second Class
[description] => <p>This week, second class learned about primary, secondary and tertiary colours on the colour wheel. They showcased their learning by mixing their own paint colours and pai...
(35) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>This week, second class learned about primary, secondary and tertiary colours on the colour wheel. They showcased their learning by mixing their own paint colours and painting these umbrellas. How colourful and vibrant!</p>
DEBUG: (35) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>This week, second class learned about primary, secondary and tertiary colours on the colour wheel. They showcased their learning by mixing their own paint colours and painting these umbrellas. How colourful and vibrant!</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(35) featured image URL:
(35) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(35) No url_default for featured image defined
(35) no featured image defined
(35) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-11-01 20:20:15
DEBUG: (35) page postdate: 2024-11-01 20:20:15
DEBUG: (35) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (35) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-11-01 20:20:15
DEBUG: (35) creating of new post ok, id=2591321
DEBUG: (35) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(35) show created page 2591321:
(35) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(35) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (35) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 210077
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Umbrella Art in Second Class
[description] => <p>This week, second class learned about primary, secondary and tertiary colours on the colour wheel. They showcased their learning by mixing their own paint colo...
DEBUG: (35) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/09/17 07:37:50: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 210077
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Umbrella Art in Second Class
[description] => <p>This week, second class learned about primary, secondary and tertiary colours on the colour wheel. They showcased their learning by mixing t...
(35) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591321: post_date : 2024/09/17 07:37:50
(35) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (35) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 210077
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Umbrella Art in Second Class
[description] => <p>This week, second class learned about primary, secondary and tertiary colours on the colour wheel. They showcased their learning by mixing their own paint colours ...
DEBUG: (35) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 210077
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Umbrella Art in Second Class
[description] => <p>This week, second class learned about primary, sec...
(35) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591321: images0 :
(35) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (35) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 210077
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Umbrella Art in Second Class
[description] => <p>This week, second class learned about primary, secondary and tertiary colours on the colour wheel. They showcased their learning by mixing their own paint colours ...
DEBUG: (35) execute twig-code in customfield-value : twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 210077
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Umbrella Art in Second Class
[description] => <p>This week, second class learned about primary, secondary and tertiary colours on the colour wheel. They showcased their learning by mixing their own paint colours a...
(35) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591321: images1 :
(35) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (35) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 210077
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Umbrella Art in Second Class
[description] => <p>This week, second class learned about primary, secondary and tertiary colours on the colour wheel. They showcased their learning by mixing their own paint colours ...
DEBUG: (35) execute twig-code in customfield-value : twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 210077
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Umbrella Art in Second Class
[description] => <p>This week, second class learned about primary, secondary and tertiary colours on the colour wheel. They showcased their learning by mixing their own paint colours a...
(35) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591321: images2 :
DEBUG: (36) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (36) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209615
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Literacy Lift Off in Second Class
[description] => <p>The boys and girls in second class started Literacy Lift Off this week; a power hour of fun literacy activities, which will run from Monday to Thursday, for a number...
(36) title of created page: Literacy Lift Off in Second Class
DEBUG: (36) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209615
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Literacy Lift Off in Second Class
[description] => <p>The boys and girls in second class started Literacy Lift Off this week; a power hour of fun literacy activities, which will run from Monday to Thursday, for a numb...
(36) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (36) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209615
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Literacy Lift Off in Second Class
[description] => <p>The boys and girls in second class started Literacy Lift Off this week; a power hour of fun literacy activities, which will run from Monday to Thursday, for a num...
(36) slug: Literacy Lift Off in Second Class
(36) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (36) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209615
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Literacy Lift Off in Second Class
[description] => <p>The boys and girls in second class started Literacy Lift Off this week; a power hour of fun literacy activities, which will run from Monday to Thursday, for a number...
(36) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>The boys and girls in second class started Literacy Lift Off this week; a power hour of fun literacy activities, which will run from Monday to Thursday, for a number of weeks! With a number of teachers and small groups, the children get lots of individual attention and support. This week, they enjoyed reading familiar and new books as well as practicing sentence dictation and handwriting. They also played word games such as boggle and completed phonics activities on the brand new tablets! </p>
DEBUG: (36) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>The boys and girls in second class started Literacy Lift Off this week; a power hour of fun literacy activities, which will run from Monday to Thursday, for a number of weeks! With a number of teachers and small groups, the children get lots of individual attention and support. This week, they enjoyed reading familiar and new books as well a...
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(36) featured image URL:
(36) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(36) No url_default for featured image defined
(36) no featured image defined
(36) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-11-01 20:20:15
DEBUG: (36) page postdate: 2024-11-01 20:20:15
DEBUG: (36) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (36) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-11-01 20:20:15
DEBUG: (36) creating of new post ok, id=2591323
DEBUG: (36) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(36) show created page 2591323:
(36) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(36) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (36) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209615
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Literacy Lift Off in Second Class
[description] => <p>The boys and girls in second class started Literacy Lift Off this week; a power hour of fun literacy activities, which will run from Monday to Thursday, f...
DEBUG: (36) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/09/12 14:10:57: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209615
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Literacy Lift Off in Second Class
[description] => <p>The boys and girls in second class started Literacy Lift Off this week; a power hour of fun literacy activities, which will run from Mo...
(36) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591323: post_date : 2024/09/12 14:10:57
(36) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (36) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209615
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Literacy Lift Off in Second Class
[description] => <p>The boys and girls in second class started Literacy Lift Off this week; a power hour of fun literacy activities, which will run from Monday to Thursday, for a...
DEBUG: (36) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209615
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Literacy Lift Off in Second Class
[description] => <p>The boys and girls in second class started Li...
(36) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591323: images0 :
(36) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (36) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209615
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Literacy Lift Off in Second Class
[description] => <p>The boys and girls in second class started Literacy Lift Off this week; a power hour of fun literacy activities, which will run from Monday to Thursday, for a...
DEBUG: (36) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209615
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Literacy Lift Off in Second Class
[description] => <p>The boys and girls in second class started Li...
(36) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591323: images1 :
(36) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (36) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209615
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Literacy Lift Off in Second Class
[description] => <p>The boys and girls in second class started Literacy Lift Off this week; a power hour of fun literacy activities, which will run from Monday to Thursday, for a...
DEBUG: (36) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209615
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Literacy Lift Off in Second Class
[description] => <p>The boys and girls in second class started Li...
(36) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591323: images2 :
DEBUG: (37) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (37) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209586
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Maths in Juniors
[description] => <p>Junior Infants took part in some fun sorting activities during maths today!</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Junior Infants took part in some fun sorting activities d...
(37) title of created page: Maths in Juniors
DEBUG: (37) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209586
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Maths in Juniors
[description] => <p>Junior Infants took part in some fun sorting activities during maths today!</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Junior Infants took part in some fun sorting activities...
(37) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (37) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209586
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Maths in Juniors
[description] => <p>Junior Infants took part in some fun sorting activities during maths today!</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Junior Infants took part in some fun sorting activitie...
(37) slug: Maths in Juniors
(37) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (37) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209586
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Maths in Juniors
[description] => <p>Junior Infants took part in some fun sorting activities during maths today!</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Junior Infants took part in some fun sorting activities d...
(37) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Junior Infants took part in some fun sorting activities during maths today!</p>
DEBUG: (37) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>Junior Infants took part in some fun sorting activities during maths today!</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(37) featured image URL:
(37) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(37) No url_default for featured image defined
(37) no featured image defined
(37) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-11-01 20:20:16
DEBUG: (37) page postdate: 2024-11-01 20:20:16
DEBUG: (37) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (37) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-11-01 20:20:16
DEBUG: (37) creating of new post ok, id=2591324
DEBUG: (37) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(37) show created page 2591324:
(37) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(37) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (37) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209586
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Maths in Juniors
[description] => <p>Junior Infants took part in some fun sorting activities during maths today!</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Junior Infants took part in some fun sorting a...
DEBUG: (37) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/09/12 12:53:01: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209586
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Maths in Juniors
[description] => <p>Junior Infants took part in some fun sorting activities during maths today!</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Junior Infants took part in...
(37) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591324: post_date : 2024/09/12 12:53:01
(37) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (37) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209586
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Maths in Juniors
[description] => <p>Junior Infants took part in some fun sorting activities during maths today!</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Junior Infants took part in some fun sorting activ...
DEBUG: (37) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209586
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Maths in Juniors
[description] => <p>Junior Infants took part in some fun sorting activities during...
(37) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591324: images0 :
(37) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (37) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209586
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Maths in Juniors
[description] => <p>Junior Infants took part in some fun sorting activities during maths today!</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Junior Infants took part in some fun sorting activ...
DEBUG: (37) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209586
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Maths in Juniors
[description] => <p>Junior Infants took part in some fun sorting activities during...
(37) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591324: images1 :
(37) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (37) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209586
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Maths in Juniors
[description] => <p>Junior Infants took part in some fun sorting activities during maths today!</p>
[html_desc] => <p>Junior Infants took part in some fun sorting activ...
DEBUG: (37) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209586
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Maths in Juniors
[description] => <p>Junior Infants took part in some fun sorting activities during...
(37) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591324: images2 :
DEBUG: (38) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (38) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209381
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Girls Carrigdhoun Football Blitz
[description] => <p>Fantastic skills and teamwork displayed by the girls yesterday at the Carrigdhoun Sciath na Scol Football Blitz in kinsale. They played very competitive matches again...
(38) title of created page: Girls Carrigdhoun Football Blitz
DEBUG: (38) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209381
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Girls Carrigdhoun Football Blitz
[description] => <p>Fantastic skills and teamwork displayed by the girls yesterday at the Carrigdhoun Sciath na Scol Football Blitz in kinsale. They played very competitive matches aga...
(38) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (38) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209381
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Girls Carrigdhoun Football Blitz
[description] => <p>Fantastic skills and teamwork displayed by the girls yesterday at the Carrigdhoun Sciath na Scol Football Blitz in kinsale. They played very competitive matches ag...
(38) slug: Girls Carrigdhoun Football Blitz
(38) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (38) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209381
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Girls Carrigdhoun Football Blitz
[description] => <p>Fantastic skills and teamwork displayed by the girls yesterday at the Carrigdhoun Sciath na Scol Football Blitz in kinsale. They played very competitive matches again...
(38) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Fantastic skills and teamwork displayed by the girls yesterday at the Carrigdhoun Sciath na Scol Football Blitz in kinsale. They played very competitive matches against Gaelscoil, Holy Well and Belgooly.</p>
DEBUG: (38) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>Fantastic skills and teamwork displayed by the girls yesterday at the Carrigdhoun Sciath na Scol Football Blitz in kinsale. They played very competitive matches against Gaelscoil, Holy Well and Belgooly.</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(38) featured image URL:
(38) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(38) No url_default for featured image defined
(38) no featured image defined
(38) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-11-01 20:20:16
DEBUG: (38) page postdate: 2024-11-01 20:20:16
DEBUG: (38) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (38) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-11-01 20:20:16
DEBUG: (38) creating of new post ok, id=2591326
DEBUG: (38) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(38) show created page 2591326:
(38) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(38) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (38) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209381
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Girls Carrigdhoun Football Blitz
[description] => <p>Fantastic skills and teamwork displayed by the girls yesterday at the Carrigdhoun Sciath na Scol Football Blitz in kinsale. They played very competitive ma...
DEBUG: (38) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/09/10 20:34:19: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209381
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Girls Carrigdhoun Football Blitz
[description] => <p>Fantastic skills and teamwork displayed by the girls yesterday at the Carrigdhoun Sciath na Scol Football Blitz in kinsale. They played ...
(38) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591326: post_date : 2024/09/10 20:34:19
(38) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (38) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209381
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Girls Carrigdhoun Football Blitz
[description] => <p>Fantastic skills and teamwork displayed by the girls yesterday at the Carrigdhoun Sciath na Scol Football Blitz in kinsale. They played very competitive matche...
DEBUG: (38) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209381
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Girls Carrigdhoun Football Blitz
[description] => <p>Fantastic skills and teamwork displayed by the...
(38) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591326: images0 :
(38) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (38) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209381
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Girls Carrigdhoun Football Blitz
[description] => <p>Fantastic skills and teamwork displayed by the girls yesterday at the Carrigdhoun Sciath na Scol Football Blitz in kinsale. They played very competitive matche...
DEBUG: (38) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209381
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Girls Carrigdhoun Football Blitz
[description] => <p>Fantastic skills and teamwork displayed by the...
(38) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591326: images1 :
(38) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (38) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209381
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Girls Carrigdhoun Football Blitz
[description] => <p>Fantastic skills and teamwork displayed by the girls yesterday at the Carrigdhoun Sciath na Scol Football Blitz in kinsale. They played very competitive matche...
DEBUG: (38) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209381
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Girls Carrigdhoun Football Blitz
[description] => <p>Fantastic skills and teamwork displayed by the...
(38) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591326: images2 :
DEBUG: (39) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (39) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209280
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class Fun
[description] => <p><span style="color:#222222;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:small;">The boys and girls in second class have settled in well and are already getting ...
(39) title of created page: Second Class Fun
DEBUG: (39) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209280
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class Fun
[description] => <p><span style="color:#222222;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:small;">The boys and girls in second class have settled in well and are already gettin...
(39) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (39) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209280
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class Fun
[description] => <p><span style="color:#222222;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:small;">The boys and girls in second class have settled in well and are already getti...
(39) slug: Second Class Fun
(39) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (39) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209280
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class Fun
[description] => <p><span style="color:#222222;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:small;">The boys and girls in second class have settled in well and are already getting ...
(39) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p><span style="color:#222222;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:small;">The boys and girls in second class have settled in well and are already getting stuck into their learning! They have loved using puppets in Gaeilge, having great fun while practising their frasaí nua. In maths, they have been busy reading, writing and ordering numbers. In history, they took a trip down memory lane as they recalled important milestones in their lives so far. They recorded these milestones on timelines. This week they brought in a special item from their past for a show and tell activity. In art, it was crazy hair day! They chose fun designs and bold colours for their creative drawings. We are certainly off to a great start in second class!</span></p>
DEBUG: (39) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p><span style="color:#222222;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:small;">The boys and girls in second class have settled in well and are already getting stuck into their learning! They have loved using puppets in Gaeilge, having great fun while practising their frasaí nua. In maths, the...
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(39) featured image URL:
(39) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(39) No url_default for featured image defined
(39) no featured image defined
(39) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-11-01 20:20:16
DEBUG: (39) page postdate: 2024-11-01 20:20:16
DEBUG: (39) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (39) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-11-01 20:20:16
DEBUG: (39) creating of new post ok, id=2591328
DEBUG: (39) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(39) show created page 2591328:
(39) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(39) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (39) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209280
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class Fun
[description] => <p><span style="color:#222222;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:small;">The boys and girls in second class have settled in well and are alrea...
DEBUG: (39) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/09/10 10:46:23: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209280
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class Fun
[description] => <p><span style="color:#222222;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:small;">The boys and girls in second class have settled in...
(39) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591328: post_date : 2024/09/10 10:46:23
(39) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (39) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209280
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class Fun
[description] => <p><span style="color:#222222;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:small;">The boys and girls in second class have settled in well and are already g...
DEBUG: (39) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209280
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class Fun
[description] => <p><span style="color:#222222;font-family:Arial, Helvetic...
(39) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591328: images0 :
(39) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (39) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209280
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class Fun
[description] => <p><span style="color:#222222;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:small;">The boys and girls in second class have settled in well and are already g...
DEBUG: (39) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209280
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class Fun
[description] => <p><span style="color:#222222;font-family:Arial, Helvetic...
(39) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591328: images1 :
(39) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (39) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209280
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class Fun
[description] => <p><span style="color:#222222;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:small;">The boys and girls in second class have settled in well and are already g...
DEBUG: (39) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209280
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Second Class Fun
[description] => <p><span style="color:#222222;font-family:Arial, Helvetic...
(39) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591328: images2 :
DEBUG: (40) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (40) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209256
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Boys Carrigdhoun Football Blitz
[description] => <p>Our new jerseys had their first out as the boys played in the Carrigdhoun Sciath na Scol Football Blitz in Ballygarven on Monday. They enjoyed great football matches i...
(40) title of created page: Boys Carrigdhoun Football Blitz
DEBUG: (40) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209256
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Boys Carrigdhoun Football Blitz
[description] => <p>Our new jerseys had their first out as the boys played in the Carrigdhoun Sciath na Scol Football Blitz in Ballygarven on Monday. They enjoyed great football matches...
(40) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (40) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209256
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Boys Carrigdhoun Football Blitz
[description] => <p>Our new jerseys had their first out as the boys played in the Carrigdhoun Sciath na Scol Football Blitz in Ballygarven on Monday. They enjoyed great football matche...
(40) slug: Boys Carrigdhoun Football Blitz
(40) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (40) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209256
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Boys Carrigdhoun Football Blitz
[description] => <p>Our new jerseys had their first out as the boys played in the Carrigdhoun Sciath na Scol Football Blitz in Ballygarven on Monday. They enjoyed great football matches i...
(40) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Our new jerseys had their first out as the boys played in the Carrigdhoun Sciath na Scol Football Blitz in Ballygarven on Monday. They enjoyed great football matches in the sunshine with Gaelscoil, Holy Well and Summercove</p>
DEBUG: (40) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>Our new jerseys had their first out as the boys played in the Carrigdhoun Sciath na Scol Football Blitz in Ballygarven on Monday. They enjoyed great football matches in the sunshine with Gaelscoil, Holy Well and Summercove</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(40) featured image URL:
(40) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(40) No url_default for featured image defined
(40) no featured image defined
(40) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-11-01 20:20:16
DEBUG: (40) page postdate: 2024-11-01 20:20:16
DEBUG: (40) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (40) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-11-01 20:20:16
DEBUG: (40) creating of new post ok, id=2591331
DEBUG: (40) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(40) show created page 2591331:
(40) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(40) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (40) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209256
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Boys Carrigdhoun Football Blitz
[description] => <p>Our new jerseys had their first out as the boys played in the Carrigdhoun Sciath na Scol Football Blitz in Ballygarven on Monday. They enjoyed great footbal...
DEBUG: (40) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/09/10 08:39:05: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209256
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Boys Carrigdhoun Football Blitz
[description] => <p>Our new jerseys had their first out as the boys played in the Carrigdhoun Sciath na Scol Football Blitz in Ballygarven on Monday. They en...
(40) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591331: post_date : 2024/09/10 08:39:05
(40) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (40) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209256
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Boys Carrigdhoun Football Blitz
[description] => <p>Our new jerseys had their first out as the boys played in the Carrigdhoun Sciath na Scol Football Blitz in Ballygarven on Monday. They enjoyed great football ma...
DEBUG: (40) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209256
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Boys Carrigdhoun Football Blitz
[description] => <p>Our new jerseys had their first out as the boys...
(40) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591331: images0 :
(40) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (40) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209256
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Boys Carrigdhoun Football Blitz
[description] => <p>Our new jerseys had their first out as the boys played in the Carrigdhoun Sciath na Scol Football Blitz in Ballygarven on Monday. They enjoyed great football ma...
DEBUG: (40) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209256
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Boys Carrigdhoun Football Blitz
[description] => <p>Our new jerseys had their first out as the boys...
(40) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591331: images1 :
(40) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (40) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209256
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Boys Carrigdhoun Football Blitz
[description] => <p>Our new jerseys had their first out as the boys played in the Carrigdhoun Sciath na Scol Football Blitz in Ballygarven on Monday. They enjoyed great football ma...
DEBUG: (40) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209256
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Boys Carrigdhoun Football Blitz
[description] => <p>Our new jerseys had their first out as the boys...
(40) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591331: images2 :
DEBUG: (41) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (41) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209116
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Senior Infants
[description] => Senior Infants are learning all about the Days of the Week at the moment. There was great concentration whilst they were organising the days of the week into the correct order.
[html_desc] ...
(41) title of created page: Senior Infants
DEBUG: (41) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209116
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Senior Infants
[description] => Senior Infants are learning all about the Days of the Week at the moment. There was great concentration whilst they were organising the days of the week into the correct order.
(41) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (41) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209116
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Senior Infants
[description] => Senior Infants are learning all about the Days of the Week at the moment. There was great concentration whilst they were organising the days of the week into the correct order.
(41) slug: Senior Infants
(41) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (41) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209116
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Senior Infants
[description] => Senior Infants are learning all about the Days of the Week at the moment. There was great concentration whilst they were organising the days of the week into the correct order.
[html_desc] ...
(41) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: Senior Infants are learning all about the Days of the Week at the moment. There was great concentration whilst they were organising the days of the week into the correct order.
DEBUG: (41) content 4 page after do_shortcode: Senior Infants are learning all about the Days of the Week at the moment. There was great concentration whilst they were organising the days of the week into the correct order.
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(41) featured image URL:
(41) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(41) No url_default for featured image defined
(41) no featured image defined
(41) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-11-01 20:20:17
DEBUG: (41) page postdate: 2024-11-01 20:20:17
DEBUG: (41) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (41) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-11-01 20:20:17
DEBUG: (41) creating of new post ok, id=2591332
DEBUG: (41) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(41) show created page 2591332:
(41) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(41) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (41) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209116
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Senior Infants
[description] => Senior Infants are learning all about the Days of the Week at the moment. There was great concentration whilst they were organising the days of the week into the correct order.
DEBUG: (41) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/09/09 09:55:51: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209116
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Senior Infants
[description] => Senior Infants are learning all about the Days of the Week at the moment. There was great concentration whilst they were organising the days of the week into the c...
(41) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591332: post_date : 2024/09/09 09:55:51
(41) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (41) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209116
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Senior Infants
[description] => Senior Infants are learning all about the Days of the Week at the moment. There was great concentration whilst they were organising the days of the week into the correct order.
DEBUG: (41) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209116
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Senior Infants
[description] => Senior Infants are learning all about the Days of the Week at the moment....
(41) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591332: images0 :
(41) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (41) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209116
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Senior Infants
[description] => Senior Infants are learning all about the Days of the Week at the moment. There was great concentration whilst they were organising the days of the week into the correct order.
DEBUG: (41) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209116
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Senior Infants
[description] => Senior Infants are learning all about the Days of the Week at the moment....
(41) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591332: images1 :
(41) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (41) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209116
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Senior Infants
[description] => Senior Infants are learning all about the Days of the Week at the moment. There was great concentration whilst they were organising the days of the week into the correct order.
DEBUG: (41) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209116
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Senior Infants
[description] => Senior Infants are learning all about the Days of the Week at the moment....
(41) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591332: images2 :
DEBUG: (42) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (42) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209053
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd class
[description] => <p>3rd class had great fun creating place value pictures.</p>
[html_desc] => <p>3rd class had great fun creating place value <a href=http://pictures.</...
(42) title of created page: 3rd class
DEBUG: (42) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209053
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd class
[description] => <p>3rd class had great fun creating place value pictures.</p>
[html_desc] => <p>3rd class had great fun creating place value <a href=http://pictures.<...
(42) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (42) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209053
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd class
[description] => <p>3rd class had great fun creating place value pictures.</p>
[html_desc] => <p>3rd class had great fun creating place value <a href=http://pictures.&l...
(42) slug: 3rd class
(42) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (42) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209053
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd class
[description] => <p>3rd class had great fun creating place value pictures.</p>
[html_desc] => <p>3rd class had great fun creating place value <a href=http://pictures.</...
(42) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>3rd class had great fun creating place value pictures.</p>
DEBUG: (42) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>3rd class had great fun creating place value pictures.</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(42) featured image URL:
(42) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(42) No url_default for featured image defined
(42) no featured image defined
(42) postdate without considering timezones: 2024-11-01 20:20:17
DEBUG: (42) page postdate: 2024-11-01 20:20:17
DEBUG: (42) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (42) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2024-11-01 20:20:17
DEBUG: (42) creating of new post ok, id=2591334
DEBUG: (42) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(42) show created page 2591334:
(42) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(42) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (42) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209053
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd class
[description] => <p>3rd class had great fun creating place value pictures.</p>
[html_desc] => <p>3rd class had great fun creating place value <a href=http://picture...
DEBUG: (42) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/09/08 11:55:35: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209053
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd class
[description] => <p>3rd class had great fun creating place value pictures.</p>
[html_desc] => <p>3rd class had great fun creating place value <a ...
(42) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591334: post_date : 2024/09/08 11:55:35
(42) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (42) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209053
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd class
[description] => <p>3rd class had great fun creating place value pictures.</p>
[html_desc] => <p>3rd class had great fun creating place value <a href=http://pictures.&a...
DEBUG: (42) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209053
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd class
[description] => <p>3rd class had great fun creating place value pictures.</p>
(42) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591334: images0 :
(42) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (42) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209053
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd class
[description] => <p>3rd class had great fun creating place value pictures.</p>
[html_desc] => <p>3rd class had great fun creating place value <a href=http://pictures.&a...
DEBUG: (42) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209053
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd class
[description] => <p>3rd class had great fun creating place value pictures.</p>
(42) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591334: images1 :
(42) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (42) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209053
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd class
[description] => <p>3rd class had great fun creating place value pictures.</p>
[html_desc] => <p>3rd class had great fun creating place value <a href=http://pictures.&a...
DEBUG: (42) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 209053
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd class
[description] => <p>3rd class had great fun creating place value pictures.</p>
(42) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2591334: images2 :