DEBUG: set debugmode active via shortcode, level: 10
DEBUG: Plugin-Licence here is active for
DEBUG: load template with this id: 2
DEBUG: debugmode via template unchanged: 10
DEBUG: version of plugin: 3.8.4
DEBUG: parser NOT set via shortcode - invalid parser specified, selected parser is: twig351adj
DEBUG: selected parser: twig351adj
DEBUG: ID of the creating page is 904
DEBUG: mode: create
DEBUG: createoptions: {"type":"AppNotesItems", "loop":"data.notification", "title":"{{title}}", "date":"{{created_date}}","slugname": "{{title}}", "pDate": "{{created_date}}", "deleteold":"yes","customfields": [ {"post_date":"{{created_date}}...
DEBUG: createoptions in shortcode: JSON ok!
DEBUG: set method via template 2, method: curlget
DEBUG: set template via template 2: {{description}}
DEBUG: set url via template 2:
DEBUG: active method: curlget
DEBUG: dynamic url NOT allowed, therefore ignore pathparam / fileext. Switch on: See plugin-options
DEBUG: curloptions really used:
DEBUG: Caching-Foldercheck: Cachefolders ok and available
DEBUG: use this cachefile: /data/sites/
DEBUG: Caching is NOT enabled
DEBUG: postbody IGNORED, this is used only if WP-POST is selected as method:
DEBUG: curlGET: curl_setopt CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER (19913) with value 1
DEBUG: curlGET: curl_setopt CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION (52) with value 1
DEBUG: curlGET: curl-timeout: 5
DEBUG: curlGET: curl_setopt CURLOPT_TIMEOUT (13) with value 5
DEBUG: curlGET: no curloptions defined
DEBUG: api-answer:
If it's JSON: Copypaste (click in box, Strg-A marks all, then insert into clipboard) the JSON from the following box to
DEBUG: twig: wpautop not used
DEBUG: twig-template:
DEBUG: JSON used for twig-template:
Inspect JSON: Copypaste (click in box, Strg-A marks all, then insert into clipboard) the JSON from the following box to
DEBUG: Twig-result:
start creating pages:
create page with JSON-loopkey: data.notification
no of pages to create: 27
pagetype: AppNotesItems ('type' in 'createoptions' in shortcode must match 'type' in in plugin-settings!)
Great! Pagetype AppNotesItems defined in plugin-options!
Custom Field 'jci_uniquekey_createpost' missing: Try to use 'key' set in the Definition of the CPT in the Plugin-Options.
key of this Custom Post Type set to APP_NOTES via the plugin-options
DELETE Custom Posts:
typeOfNewpage: AppNotesItems
nameofthejsonimport: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
try to delete previous generated pages! key: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
found 108 pages of this type: AppNotesItems - try to delete these pages
delete page 2614423 FAILED
delete page 2614427 FAILED
delete page 2614429 FAILED
delete page 2614408 FAILED
delete page 2614409 FAILED
delete page 2614410 FAILED
delete page 2614411 FAILED
delete page 2614412 FAILED
delete page 2614413 FAILED
delete page 2614415 FAILED
delete page 2614416 FAILED
delete page 2614418 FAILED
delete page 2614388 FAILED
delete page 2614389 FAILED
delete page 2614390 FAILED
delete page 2614392 FAILED
delete page 2614393 FAILED
delete page 2614394 FAILED
delete page 2614395 FAILED
delete page 2614397 FAILED
delete page 2614400 FAILED
delete page 2614374 FAILED
delete page 2614375 FAILED
delete page 2614377 FAILED
delete page 2614381 FAILED
delete page 2614382 FAILED
delete page 2614362 FAILED
delete page 2614365 FAILED
delete page 2614366 FAILED
delete page 2614367 FAILED
delete page 2614370 FAILED
delete page 2614371 FAILED
delete page 2614372 FAILED
delete page 2614349 FAILED
delete page 2614350 FAILED
delete page 2614351 FAILED
delete page 2614353 FAILED
delete page 2614355 FAILED
delete page 2614357 FAILED
delete page 2614359 FAILED
delete page 2614360 FAILED
delete page 2614330 FAILED
delete page 2614332 FAILED
delete page 2614331 FAILED
delete page 2614333 FAILED
delete page 2614335 FAILED
delete page 2614338 FAILED
delete page 2614341 FAILED
delete page 2614345 FAILED
delete page 2614322 FAILED
delete page 2614325 FAILED
delete page 2614329 FAILED
delete page 2614327 FAILED
delete runtime: 28
deletion of 53 pages of failed
title template from shortcode: {{title}}
excerpt template from shortcode:
slugname template from shortcode: {{title}}
start looping:
DEBUG: (1) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 228125
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => World Read Aloud Day
[description] => <p>3rd class enjoyed celebrating Read Aloud Day by reading to Junior infants.</p>
[html_desc] => <p>3rd class enjoyed celebrating Read Aloud Day by readin...
(1) title of created page: World Read Aloud Day
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 228125
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => World Read Aloud Day
[description] => <p>3rd class enjoyed celebrating Read Aloud Day by reading to Junior infants.</p>
[html_desc] => <p>3rd class enjoyed celebrating Read Aloud Day by read...
(1) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 228125
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => World Read Aloud Day
[description] => <p>3rd class enjoyed celebrating Read Aloud Day by reading to Junior infants.</p>
[html_desc] => <p>3rd class enjoyed celebrating Read Aloud Day by rea...
(1) slug: World Read Aloud Day
(1) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 228125
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => World Read Aloud Day
[description] => <p>3rd class enjoyed celebrating Read Aloud Day by reading to Junior infants.</p>
[html_desc] => <p>3rd class enjoyed celebrating Read Aloud Day by readin...
(1) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>3rd class enjoyed celebrating Read Aloud Day by reading to Junior infants.</p>
DEBUG: (1) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>3rd class enjoyed celebrating Read Aloud Day by reading to Junior infants.</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(1) featured image URL:
(1) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(1) No url_default for featured image defined
(1) no featured image defined
(1) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-07 00:20:39
DEBUG: (1) page postdate: 2025-02-07 00:20:39
DEBUG: (1) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (1) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-02-07 00:20:39
DEBUG: (1) creating of new post ok, id=2614431
DEBUG: (1) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(1) show created page 2614431:
(1) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(1) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 228125
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => World Read Aloud Day
[description] => <p>3rd class enjoyed celebrating Read Aloud Day by reading to Junior infants.</p>
[html_desc] => <p>3rd class enjoyed celebrating Read Aloud Da...
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2025/02/05 21:50:09: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 228125
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => World Read Aloud Day
[description] => <p>3rd class enjoyed celebrating Read Aloud Day by reading to Junior infants.</p>
[html_desc] => <p>3rd class enjoyed celebr...
(1) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614431: post_date : 2025/02/05 21:50:09
(1) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 228125
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => World Read Aloud Day
[description] => <p>3rd class enjoyed celebrating Read Aloud Day by reading to Junior infants.</p>
[html_desc] => <p>3rd class enjoyed celebrating Read Aloud Day by...
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 228125
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => World Read Aloud Day
[description] => <p>3rd class enjoyed celebrating Read Aloud Day by reading to...
(1) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614431: images0 :
(1) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 228125
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => World Read Aloud Day
[description] => <p>3rd class enjoyed celebrating Read Aloud Day by reading to Junior infants.</p>
[html_desc] => <p>3rd class enjoyed celebrating Read Aloud Day by...
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 228125
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => World Read Aloud Day
[description] => <p>3rd class enjoyed celebrating Read Aloud Day by reading to...
(1) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614431: images1 :
(1) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 228125
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => World Read Aloud Day
[description] => <p>3rd class enjoyed celebrating Read Aloud Day by reading to Junior infants.</p>
[html_desc] => <p>3rd class enjoyed celebrating Read Aloud Day by...
DEBUG: (1) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 228125
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => World Read Aloud Day
[description] => <p>3rd class enjoyed celebrating Read Aloud Day by reading to...
(1) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614431: images2 :
DEBUG: (2) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227753
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Fruit Tasting
[description] => <p>Junior Infants really enjoyed the story Handa’s Surprise this week. Today they tried some of the fruit from the story! </p>
[html_desc] => <...
(2) title of created page: Junior Infants Fruit Tasting
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227753
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Fruit Tasting
[description] => <p>Junior Infants really enjoyed the story Handa’s Surprise this week. Today they tried some of the fruit from the story! </p>
[html_desc] => &...
(2) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227753
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Fruit Tasting
[description] => <p>Junior Infants really enjoyed the story Handa’s Surprise this week. Today they tried some of the fruit from the story! </p>
[html_desc] => &...
(2) slug: Junior Infants Fruit Tasting
(2) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227753
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Fruit Tasting
[description] => <p>Junior Infants really enjoyed the story Handa’s Surprise this week. Today they tried some of the fruit from the story! </p>
[html_desc] => <...
(2) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Junior Infants really enjoyed the story Handa’s Surprise this week. Today they tried some of the fruit from the story! </p>
DEBUG: (2) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>Junior Infants really enjoyed the story Handa’s Surprise this week. Today they tried some of the fruit from the story! </p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(2) featured image URL:
(2) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(2) No url_default for featured image defined
(2) no featured image defined
(2) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-07 00:20:39
DEBUG: (2) page postdate: 2025-02-07 00:20:39
DEBUG: (2) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (2) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-02-07 00:20:39
DEBUG: (2) creating of new post ok, id=2614433
DEBUG: (2) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(2) show created page 2614433:
(2) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(2) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227753
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Fruit Tasting
[description] => <p>Junior Infants really enjoyed the story Handa’s Surprise this week. Today they tried some of the fruit from the story! </p>
[html_desc] =&...
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2025/01/31 18:28:17: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227753
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Fruit Tasting
[description] => <p>Junior Infants really enjoyed the story Handa’s Surprise this week. Today they tried some of the fruit from the story! </p>...
(2) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614433: post_date : 2025/01/31 18:28:17
(2) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227753
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Fruit Tasting
[description] => <p>Junior Infants really enjoyed the story Handa’s Surprise this week. Today they tried some of the fruit from the story! </p>
[html_desc] => ...
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227753
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Fruit Tasting
[description] => <p>Junior Infants really enjoyed the story Handa&rsqu...
(2) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614433: images0 :
(2) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227753
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Fruit Tasting
[description] => <p>Junior Infants really enjoyed the story Handa’s Surprise this week. Today they tried some of the fruit from the story! </p>
[html_desc] => ...
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227753
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Fruit Tasting
[description] => <p>Junior Infants really enjoyed the story Handa&rsqu...
(2) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614433: images1 :
(2) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227753
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Fruit Tasting
[description] => <p>Junior Infants really enjoyed the story Handa’s Surprise this week. Today they tried some of the fruit from the story! </p>
[html_desc] => ...
DEBUG: (2) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227753
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Fruit Tasting
[description] => <p>Junior Infants really enjoyed the story Handa&rsqu...
(2) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614433: images2 :
DEBUG: (3) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227843
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => St.Bridget's Day art
[description] => <p>By 1st class</p>
[html_desc] => <p>By 1st class</p>
[images0] =>
(3) title of created page: St.Bridget's Day art
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227843
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => St.Bridget's Day art
[description] => <p>By 1st class</p>
[html_desc] => <p>By 1st class</p>
[images0] => https://b81ba042801a90f29dc1-7561c7733d3d2d70dab7f8398bf16118....
(3) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227843
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => St.Bridget's Day art
[description] => <p>By 1st class</p>
[html_desc] => <p>By 1st class</p>
[images0] => https://b81ba042801a90f29dc1-7561c7733d3d2d70dab7f8398bf16118...
(3) slug: St.Bridget's Day art
(3) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227843
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => St.Bridget's Day art
[description] => <p>By 1st class</p>
[html_desc] => <p>By 1st class</p>
[images0] =>
(3) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>By 1st class</p>
DEBUG: (3) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>By 1st class</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(3) featured image URL:
(3) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(3) No url_default for featured image defined
(3) no featured image defined
(3) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-07 00:20:39
DEBUG: (3) page postdate: 2025-02-07 00:20:39
DEBUG: (3) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (3) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-02-07 00:20:39
DEBUG: (3) creating of new post ok, id=2614435
DEBUG: (3) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(3) show created page 2614435:
(3) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(3) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227843
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => St.Bridget's Day art
[description] => <p>By 1st class</p>
[html_desc] => <p>By 1st class</p>
[images0] => https://b81ba042801a90f29dc1-7561c7733d3d2d70dab7f839...
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2025/02/04 08:21:30: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227843
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => St.Bridget's Day art
[description] => <p>By 1st class</p>
[html_desc] => <p>By 1st class</p>
[images0] => https://b81ba042801a90f29dc1-7561c...
(3) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614435: post_date : 2025/02/04 08:21:30
(3) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227843
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => St.Bridget's Day art
[description] => <p>By 1st class</p>
[html_desc] => <p>By 1st class</p>
[images0] => https://b81ba042801a90f29dc1-7561c7733d3d2d70dab7f8398bf1...
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227843
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => St.Bridget's Day art
[description] => <p>By 1st class</p>
[html_desc] => <p&am...
(3) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614435: images0 :
(3) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227843
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => St.Bridget's Day art
[description] => <p>By 1st class</p>
[html_desc] => <p>By 1st class</p>
[images0] => https://b81ba042801a90f29dc1-7561c7733d3d2d70dab7f8398bf1...
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in customfield-value : twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227843
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => St.Bridget's Day art
[description] => <p>By 1st class</p>
[html_desc] => <p>By 1st class</p>
[images0] => https://b81ba042801a90f29dc1-7561c7733d3d2d70dab7f8398bf16...
(3) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614435: images1 :
(3) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227843
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => St.Bridget's Day art
[description] => <p>By 1st class</p>
[html_desc] => <p>By 1st class</p>
[images0] => https://b81ba042801a90f29dc1-7561c7733d3d2d70dab7f8398bf1...
DEBUG: (3) execute twig-code in customfield-value : twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227843
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => St.Bridget's Day art
[description] => <p>By 1st class</p>
[html_desc] => <p>By 1st class</p>
[images0] => https://b81ba042801a90f29dc1-7561c7733d3d2d70dab7f8398bf16...
(3) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614435: images2 :
DEBUG: (4) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227624
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => County projects in 4th
[description] => <p>Fourth class children have been very busy learning about provinces, counties and making projects on a county of their choice. Some very interesting projects were made!</p>...
(4) title of created page: County projects in 4th
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227624
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => County projects in 4th
[description] => <p>Fourth class children have been very busy learning about provinces, counties and making projects on a county of their choice. Some very interesting projects were made!</p&g...
(4) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227624
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => County projects in 4th
[description] => <p>Fourth class children have been very busy learning about provinces, counties and making projects on a county of their choice. Some very interesting projects were made!</p&...
(4) slug: County projects in 4th
(4) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227624
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => County projects in 4th
[description] => <p>Fourth class children have been very busy learning about provinces, counties and making projects on a county of their choice. Some very interesting projects were made!</p>...
(4) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Fourth class children have been very busy learning about provinces, counties and making projects on a county of their choice. Some very interesting projects were made!</p>
DEBUG: (4) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>Fourth class children have been very busy learning about provinces, counties and making projects on a county of their choice. Some very interesting projects were made!</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(4) featured image URL:
(4) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(4) No url_default for featured image defined
(4) no featured image defined
(4) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-07 00:20:40
DEBUG: (4) page postdate: 2025-02-07 00:20:40
DEBUG: (4) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (4) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-02-07 00:20:40
DEBUG: (4) creating of new post ok, id=2614437
DEBUG: (4) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(4) show created page 2614437:
(4) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(4) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227624
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => County projects in 4th
[description] => <p>Fourth class children have been very busy learning about provinces, counties and making projects on a county of their choice. Some very interesting projects were made...
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2025/01/31 11:59:25: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227624
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => County projects in 4th
[description] => <p>Fourth class children have been very busy learning about provinces, counties and making projects on a county of their choice. Some very interesting...
(4) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614437: post_date : 2025/01/31 11:59:25
(4) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227624
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => County projects in 4th
[description] => <p>Fourth class children have been very busy learning about provinces, counties and making projects on a county of their choice. Some very interesting projects were made!<...
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227624
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => County projects in 4th
[description] => <p>Fourth class children have been very busy learning about ...
(4) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614437: images0 :
(4) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227624
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => County projects in 4th
[description] => <p>Fourth class children have been very busy learning about provinces, counties and making projects on a county of their choice. Some very interesting projects were made!<...
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227624
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => County projects in 4th
[description] => <p>Fourth class children have been very busy learning about ...
(4) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614437: images1 :
(4) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227624
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => County projects in 4th
[description] => <p>Fourth class children have been very busy learning about provinces, counties and making projects on a county of their choice. Some very interesting projects were made!<...
DEBUG: (4) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227624
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => County projects in 4th
[description] => <p>Fourth class children have been very busy learning about ...
(4) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614437: images2 :
DEBUG: (5) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227580
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th class hockey
[description] => <p>6th class have had great fun playing hockey in PE for the last few weeks. Our experienced hockey players were great coaches for the rest of the class.</p>
[html_desc] => ...
(5) title of created page: 6th class hockey
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227580
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th class hockey
[description] => <p>6th class have had great fun playing hockey in PE for the last few weeks. Our experienced hockey players were great coaches for the rest of the class.</p>
[html_desc] =>...
(5) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227580
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th class hockey
[description] => <p>6th class have had great fun playing hockey in PE for the last few weeks. Our experienced hockey players were great coaches for the rest of the class.</p>
[html_desc] =&g...
(5) slug: 6th class hockey
(5) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227580
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th class hockey
[description] => <p>6th class have had great fun playing hockey in PE for the last few weeks. Our experienced hockey players were great coaches for the rest of the class.</p>
[html_desc] => ...
(5) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>6th class have had great fun playing hockey in PE for the last few weeks. Our experienced hockey players were great coaches for the rest of the class.</p>
DEBUG: (5) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>6th class have had great fun playing hockey in PE for the last few weeks. Our experienced hockey players were great coaches for the rest of the class.</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(5) featured image URL:
(5) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(5) No url_default for featured image defined
(5) no featured image defined
(5) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-07 00:20:40
DEBUG: (5) page postdate: 2025-02-07 00:20:40
DEBUG: (5) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (5) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-02-07 00:20:40
DEBUG: (5) creating of new post ok, id=2614439
DEBUG: (5) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(5) show created page 2614439:
(5) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(5) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227580
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th class hockey
[description] => <p>6th class have had great fun playing hockey in PE for the last few weeks. Our experienced hockey players were great coaches for the rest of the class.</p>
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2025/01/31 09:43:12: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227580
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th class hockey
[description] => <p>6th class have had great fun playing hockey in PE for the last few weeks. Our experienced hockey players were great coaches for the rest of the class.<...
(5) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614439: post_date : 2025/01/31 09:43:12
(5) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227580
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th class hockey
[description] => <p>6th class have had great fun playing hockey in PE for the last few weeks. Our experienced hockey players were great coaches for the rest of the class.</p>
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227580
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th class hockey
[description] => <p>6th class have had great fun playing hockey in PE for the last ...
(5) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614439: images0 :
(5) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227580
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th class hockey
[description] => <p>6th class have had great fun playing hockey in PE for the last few weeks. Our experienced hockey players were great coaches for the rest of the class.</p>
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227580
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th class hockey
[description] => <p>6th class have had great fun playing hockey in PE for the last ...
(5) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614439: images1 :
(5) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227580
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th class hockey
[description] => <p>6th class have had great fun playing hockey in PE for the last few weeks. Our experienced hockey players were great coaches for the rest of the class.</p>
DEBUG: (5) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227580
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th class hockey
[description] => <p>6th class have had great fun playing hockey in PE for the last ...
(5) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614439: images2 :
DEBUG: (6) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227418
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Hot Chocolate Art
[description] => <p>1st Class created hot chocolate art for a frosty January </p>
[html_desc] => <p>1st Class created hot chocolate art for a frosty January &...
(6) title of created page: Hot Chocolate Art
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227418
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Hot Chocolate Art
[description] => <p>1st Class created hot chocolate art for a frosty January </p>
[html_desc] => <p>1st Class created hot chocolate art for a frosty January &a...
(6) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227418
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Hot Chocolate Art
[description] => <p>1st Class created hot chocolate art for a frosty January </p>
[html_desc] => <p>1st Class created hot chocolate art for a frosty January &...
(6) slug: Hot Chocolate Art
(6) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227418
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Hot Chocolate Art
[description] => <p>1st Class created hot chocolate art for a frosty January </p>
[html_desc] => <p>1st Class created hot chocolate art for a frosty January &...
(6) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>1st Class created hot chocolate art for a frosty January </p>
DEBUG: (6) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>1st Class created hot chocolate art for a frosty January </p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(6) featured image URL:
(6) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(6) No url_default for featured image defined
(6) no featured image defined
(6) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-07 00:20:40
DEBUG: (6) page postdate: 2025-02-07 00:20:40
DEBUG: (6) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (6) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-02-07 00:20:40
DEBUG: (6) creating of new post ok, id=2614441
DEBUG: (6) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(6) show created page 2614441:
(6) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(6) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227418
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Hot Chocolate Art
[description] => <p>1st Class created hot chocolate art for a frosty January </p>
[html_desc] => <p>1st Class created hot chocolate art for a frosty January&am...
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2025/01/30 10:49:32: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227418
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Hot Chocolate Art
[description] => <p>1st Class created hot chocolate art for a frosty January </p>
[html_desc] => <p>1st Class created hot chocolate art for ...
(6) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614441: post_date : 2025/01/30 10:49:32
(6) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227418
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Hot Chocolate Art
[description] => <p>1st Class created hot chocolate art for a frosty January </p>
[html_desc] => <p>1st Class created hot chocolate art for a frosty January&nb...
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227418
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Hot Chocolate Art
[description] => <p>1st Class created hot chocolate art for a frosty January ...
(6) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614441: images0 :
(6) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227418
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Hot Chocolate Art
[description] => <p>1st Class created hot chocolate art for a frosty January </p>
[html_desc] => <p>1st Class created hot chocolate art for a frosty January&nb...
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in customfield-value : twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227418
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Hot Chocolate Art
[description] => <p>1st Class created hot chocolate art for a frosty January </p>
[html_desc] => <p>1st Class created hot chocolate art for a frosty January&nbs...
(6) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614441: images1 :
(6) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227418
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Hot Chocolate Art
[description] => <p>1st Class created hot chocolate art for a frosty January </p>
[html_desc] => <p>1st Class created hot chocolate art for a frosty January&nb...
DEBUG: (6) execute twig-code in customfield-value : twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 227418
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Hot Chocolate Art
[description] => <p>1st Class created hot chocolate art for a frosty January </p>
[html_desc] => <p>1st Class created hot chocolate art for a frosty January&nbs...
(6) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614441: images2 :
DEBUG: (7) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226957
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Table Football Game
[description] => Senior Infants were learning about forces in Science. As a challenge the children had to design and make a Table Football Game. There is certainly a lot of creativity in our classroom.
(7) title of created page: Table Football Game
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226957
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Table Football Game
[description] => Senior Infants were learning about forces in Science. As a challenge the children had to design and make a Table Football Game. There is certainly a lot of creativity in our classroom.
(7) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226957
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Table Football Game
[description] => Senior Infants were learning about forces in Science. As a challenge the children had to design and make a Table Football Game. There is certainly a lot of creativity in our classroom.
(7) slug: Table Football Game
(7) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226957
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Table Football Game
[description] => Senior Infants were learning about forces in Science. As a challenge the children had to design and make a Table Football Game. There is certainly a lot of creativity in our classroom.
(7) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: Senior Infants were learning about forces in Science. As a challenge the children had to design and make a Table Football Game. There is certainly a lot of creativity in our classroom.
DEBUG: (7) content 4 page after do_shortcode: Senior Infants were learning about forces in Science. As a challenge the children had to design and make a Table Football Game. There is certainly a lot of creativity in our classroom.
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(7) featured image URL:
(7) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(7) No url_default for featured image defined
(7) no featured image defined
(7) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-07 00:20:41
DEBUG: (7) page postdate: 2025-02-07 00:20:41
DEBUG: (7) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (7) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-02-07 00:20:41
DEBUG: (7) creating of new post ok, id=2614443
DEBUG: (7) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(7) show created page 2614443:
(7) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(7) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226957
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Table Football Game
[description] => Senior Infants were learning about forces in Science. As a challenge the children had to design and make a Table Football Game. There is certainly a lot of creativity in our clas...
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2025/01/27 12:19:17: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226957
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Table Football Game
[description] => Senior Infants were learning about forces in Science. As a challenge the children had to design and make a Table Football Game. There is certainly a lot of cre...
(7) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614443: post_date : 2025/01/27 12:19:17
(7) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226957
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Table Football Game
[description] => Senior Infants were learning about forces in Science. As a challenge the children had to design and make a Table Football Game. There is certainly a lot of creativity in our classroo...
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226957
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Table Football Game
[description] => Senior Infants were learning about forces in Science. As a challenge ...
(7) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614443: images0 :
(7) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226957
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Table Football Game
[description] => Senior Infants were learning about forces in Science. As a challenge the children had to design and make a Table Football Game. There is certainly a lot of creativity in our classroo...
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226957
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Table Football Game
[description] => Senior Infants were learning about forces in Science. As a challenge ...
(7) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614443: images1 :
(7) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226957
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Table Football Game
[description] => Senior Infants were learning about forces in Science. As a challenge the children had to design and make a Table Football Game. There is certainly a lot of creativity in our classroo...
DEBUG: (7) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226957
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Table Football Game
[description] => Senior Infants were learning about forces in Science. As a challenge ...
(7) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614443: images2 :
DEBUG: (8) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226629
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => January Assembly - 2nd Class
[description] => <p>Our January assembly was led by 2nd class today. This months assembly is about Catholic School's Week and the theme this year is "my parish a family of faith". 2...
(8) title of created page: January Assembly - 2nd Class
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226629
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => January Assembly - 2nd Class
[description] => <p>Our January assembly was led by 2nd class today. This months assembly is about Catholic School's Week and the theme this year is "my parish a family of faith"....
(8) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226629
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => January Assembly - 2nd Class
[description] => <p>Our January assembly was led by 2nd class today. This months assembly is about Catholic School's Week and the theme this year is "my parish a family of faith"...
(8) slug: January Assembly - 2nd Class
(8) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226629
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => January Assembly - 2nd Class
[description] => <p>Our January assembly was led by 2nd class today. This months assembly is about Catholic School's Week and the theme this year is "my parish a family of faith". 2...
(8) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Our January assembly was led by 2nd class today. This months assembly is about Catholic School's Week and the theme this year is "my parish a family of faith". 2nd class explained how we all belong, connect and participate in the parish and community life in different ways. 2nd class finished up by singing "Go In Peace" and nearly lifted the roof off the halla they were so good!</p>
DEBUG: (8) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>Our January assembly was led by 2nd class today. This months assembly is about Catholic School's Week and the theme this year is "my parish a family of faith". 2nd class explained how we all belong, connect and participate in the parish and community life in different ways. 2nd class finished up by singing "Go ...
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(8) featured image URL:
(8) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(8) No url_default for featured image defined
(8) no featured image defined
(8) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-07 00:20:41
DEBUG: (8) page postdate: 2025-02-07 00:20:41
DEBUG: (8) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (8) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-02-07 00:20:41
DEBUG: (8) creating of new post ok, id=2614445
DEBUG: (8) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(8) show created page 2614445:
(8) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(8) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226629
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => January Assembly - 2nd Class
[description] => <p>Our January assembly was led by 2nd class today. This months assembly is about Catholic School's Week and the theme this year is "my parish a family of fai...
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2025/01/23 13:39:30: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226629
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => January Assembly - 2nd Class
[description] => <p>Our January assembly was led by 2nd class today. This months assembly is about Catholic School's Week and the theme this year is "my par...
(8) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614445: post_date : 2025/01/23 13:39:30
(8) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226629
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => January Assembly - 2nd Class
[description] => <p>Our January assembly was led by 2nd class today. This months assembly is about Catholic School's Week and the theme this year is "my parish a family of faith&q...
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226629
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => January Assembly - 2nd Class
[description] => <p>Our January assembly was led by 2nd class today. Th...
(8) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614445: images0 :
(8) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226629
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => January Assembly - 2nd Class
[description] => <p>Our January assembly was led by 2nd class today. This months assembly is about Catholic School's Week and the theme this year is "my parish a family of faith&q...
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226629
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => January Assembly - 2nd Class
[description] => <p>Our January assembly was led by 2nd class today. Th...
(8) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614445: images1 :
(8) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226629
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => January Assembly - 2nd Class
[description] => <p>Our January assembly was led by 2nd class today. This months assembly is about Catholic School's Week and the theme this year is "my parish a family of faith&q...
DEBUG: (8) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226629
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => January Assembly - 2nd Class
[description] => <p>Our January assembly was led by 2nd class today. Th...
(8) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614445: images2 :
DEBUG: (9) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226316
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Boys Sciath na Scol Indoor Hurling Blitz
[description] => <p>Well done to the boys in 4th class who participated in the Sciath na Scol Indoor Hurling Blitz in Riverstick Community Centre. The boys played very w...
(9) title of created page: 4th Class Boys Sciath na Scol Indoor Hurling Blitz
DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226316
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Boys Sciath na Scol Indoor Hurling Blitz
[description] => <p>Well done to the boys in 4th class who participated in the Sciath na Scol Indoor Hurling Blitz in Riverstick Community Centre. The boys played very...
(9) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226316
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Boys Sciath na Scol Indoor Hurling Blitz
[description] => <p>Well done to the boys in 4th class who participated in the Sciath na Scol Indoor Hurling Blitz in Riverstick Community Centre. The boys played ver...
(9) slug: 4th Class Boys Sciath na Scol Indoor Hurling Blitz
(9) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226316
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Boys Sciath na Scol Indoor Hurling Blitz
[description] => <p>Well done to the boys in 4th class who participated in the Sciath na Scol Indoor Hurling Blitz in Riverstick Community Centre. The boys played very w...
(9) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Well done to the boys in 4th class who participated in the Sciath na Scol Indoor Hurling Blitz in Riverstick Community Centre. The boys played very well and won all their games. Well done lads!</p>
DEBUG: (9) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>Well done to the boys in 4th class who participated in the Sciath na Scol Indoor Hurling Blitz in Riverstick Community Centre. The boys played very well and won all their games. Well done lads!</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(9) featured image URL:
(9) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(9) No url_default for featured image defined
(9) no featured image defined
(9) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-07 00:20:42
DEBUG: (9) page postdate: 2025-02-07 00:20:42
DEBUG: (9) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (9) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-02-07 00:20:42
DEBUG: (9) creating of new post ok, id=2614447
DEBUG: (9) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(9) show created page 2614447:
(9) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(9) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226316
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Boys Sciath na Scol Indoor Hurling Blitz
[description] => <p>Well done to the boys in 4th class who participated in the Sciath na Scol Indoor Hurling Blitz in Riverstick Community Centre. The boys pl...
DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2025/01/22 13:42:31: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226316
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Boys Sciath na Scol Indoor Hurling Blitz
[description] => <p>Well done to the boys in 4th class who participated in the Sciath na Scol Indoor Hurling Blitz in Riverstick Community ...
(9) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614447: post_date : 2025/01/22 13:42:31
(9) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226316
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Boys Sciath na Scol Indoor Hurling Blitz
[description] => <p>Well done to the boys in 4th class who participated in the Sciath na Scol Indoor Hurling Blitz in Riverstick Community Centre. The boys played...
DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226316
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Boys Sciath na Scol Indoor Hurling Blitz
[description] => <p>Well done to the boys in 4th ...
(9) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614447: images0 :
(9) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226316
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Boys Sciath na Scol Indoor Hurling Blitz
[description] => <p>Well done to the boys in 4th class who participated in the Sciath na Scol Indoor Hurling Blitz in Riverstick Community Centre. The boys played...
DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in customfield-value : twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226316
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Boys Sciath na Scol Indoor Hurling Blitz
[description] => <p>Well done to the boys in 4th class who participated in the Sciath na Scol Indoor Hurling Blitz in Riverstick Community Centre. The boys played ...
(9) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614447: images1 :
(9) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226316
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Boys Sciath na Scol Indoor Hurling Blitz
[description] => <p>Well done to the boys in 4th class who participated in the Sciath na Scol Indoor Hurling Blitz in Riverstick Community Centre. The boys played...
DEBUG: (9) execute twig-code in customfield-value : twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226316
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Boys Sciath na Scol Indoor Hurling Blitz
[description] => <p>Well done to the boys in 4th class who participated in the Sciath na Scol Indoor Hurling Blitz in Riverstick Community Centre. The boys played ...
(9) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614447: images2 :
DEBUG: (10) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226048
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th & 5th Lunch Together
[description] => <p>To counteract the effects of Blue Monday, 4th and 5th class had their lunch together and mingled with each other. Everyone enjoyed getting to chat to children from the ot...
(10) title of created page: 4th & 5th Lunch Together
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226048
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th & 5th Lunch Together
[description] => <p>To counteract the effects of Blue Monday, 4th and 5th class had their lunch together and mingled with each other. Everyone enjoyed getting to chat to children from the ...
(10) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226048
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th & 5th Lunch Together
[description] => <p>To counteract the effects of Blue Monday, 4th and 5th class had their lunch together and mingled with each other. Everyone enjoyed getting to chat to children from the...
(10) slug: 4th & 5th Lunch Together
(10) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226048
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th & 5th Lunch Together
[description] => <p>To counteract the effects of Blue Monday, 4th and 5th class had their lunch together and mingled with each other. Everyone enjoyed getting to chat to children from the ot...
(10) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>To counteract the effects of Blue Monday, 4th and 5th class had their lunch together and mingled with each other. Everyone enjoyed getting to chat to children from the other class. </p>
<div> </div>
<div> </div>
DEBUG: (10) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>To counteract the effects of Blue Monday, 4th and 5th class had their lunch together and mingled with each other. Everyone enjoyed getting to chat to children from the other class. </p>
<div> </div>
<div> </div>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(10) featured image URL:
(10) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(10) No url_default for featured image defined
(10) no featured image defined
(10) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-07 00:20:42
DEBUG: (10) page postdate: 2025-02-07 00:20:42
DEBUG: (10) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (10) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-02-07 00:20:42
DEBUG: (10) creating of new post ok, id=2614449
DEBUG: (10) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(10) show created page 2614449:
(10) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(10) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226048
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th & 5th Lunch Together
[description] => <p>To counteract the effects of Blue Monday, 4th and 5th class had their lunch together and mingled with each other. Everyone enjoyed getting to chat to children ...
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2025/01/20 17:23:47: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226048
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th & 5th Lunch Together
[description] => <p>To counteract the effects of Blue Monday, 4th and 5th class had their lunch together and mingled with each other. Everyone enjoyed getting t...
(10) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614449: post_date : 2025/01/20 17:23:47
(10) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226048
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th & 5th Lunch Together
[description] => <p>To counteract the effects of Blue Monday, 4th and 5th class had their lunch together and mingled with each other. Everyone enjoyed getting to chat to children from...
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226048
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th & 5th Lunch Together
[description] => <p>To counteract the effects of Blue Monday, 4th and ...
(10) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614449: images0 :
(10) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226048
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th & 5th Lunch Together
[description] => <p>To counteract the effects of Blue Monday, 4th and 5th class had their lunch together and mingled with each other. Everyone enjoyed getting to chat to children from...
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226048
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th & 5th Lunch Together
[description] => <p>To counteract the effects of Blue Monday, 4th and ...
(10) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614449: images1 :
(10) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226048
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th & 5th Lunch Together
[description] => <p>To counteract the effects of Blue Monday, 4th and 5th class had their lunch together and mingled with each other. Everyone enjoyed getting to chat to children from...
DEBUG: (10) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 226048
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th & 5th Lunch Together
[description] => <p>To counteract the effects of Blue Monday, 4th and ...
(10) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614449: images2 :
DEBUG: (11) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 225754
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Girls Sciath na Scol Indoor Blitz
[description] => <p>4th Class girls enjoyed participating in the Sciath na Scol Indoor Camogie Blitz in riverstick community Centre. They did very well and showed great teamwo...
(11) title of created page: 4th Class Girls Sciath na Scol Indoor Blitz
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 225754
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Girls Sciath na Scol Indoor Blitz
[description] => <p>4th Class girls enjoyed participating in the Sciath na Scol Indoor Camogie Blitz in riverstick community Centre. They did very well and showed great team...
(11) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 225754
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Girls Sciath na Scol Indoor Blitz
[description] => <p>4th Class girls enjoyed participating in the Sciath na Scol Indoor Camogie Blitz in riverstick community Centre. They did very well and showed great tea...
(11) slug: 4th Class Girls Sciath na Scol Indoor Blitz
(11) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 225754
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Girls Sciath na Scol Indoor Blitz
[description] => <p>4th Class girls enjoyed participating in the Sciath na Scol Indoor Camogie Blitz in riverstick community Centre. They did very well and showed great teamwo...
(11) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>4th Class girls enjoyed participating in the Sciath na Scol Indoor Camogie Blitz in riverstick community Centre. They did very well and showed great teamwork. Well done girls!</p>
DEBUG: (11) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>4th Class girls enjoyed participating in the Sciath na Scol Indoor Camogie Blitz in riverstick community Centre. They did very well and showed great teamwork. Well done girls!</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(11) featured image URL:
(11) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(11) No url_default for featured image defined
(11) no featured image defined
(11) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-07 00:20:42
DEBUG: (11) page postdate: 2025-02-07 00:20:42
DEBUG: (11) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (11) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-02-07 00:20:42
DEBUG: (11) creating of new post ok, id=2614451
DEBUG: (11) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(11) show created page 2614451:
(11) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(11) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 225754
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Girls Sciath na Scol Indoor Blitz
[description] => <p>4th Class girls enjoyed participating in the Sciath na Scol Indoor Camogie Blitz in riverstick community Centre. They did very well and showed g...
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2025/01/17 12:00:09: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 225754
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Girls Sciath na Scol Indoor Blitz
[description] => <p>4th Class girls enjoyed participating in the Sciath na Scol Indoor Camogie Blitz in riverstick community Centre. They did ver...
(11) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614451: post_date : 2025/01/17 12:00:09
(11) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 225754
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Girls Sciath na Scol Indoor Blitz
[description] => <p>4th Class girls enjoyed participating in the Sciath na Scol Indoor Camogie Blitz in riverstick community Centre. They did very well and showed great...
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 225754
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Girls Sciath na Scol Indoor Blitz
[description] => <p>4th Class girls enjoyed participati...
(11) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614451: images0 :
(11) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 225754
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Girls Sciath na Scol Indoor Blitz
[description] => <p>4th Class girls enjoyed participating in the Sciath na Scol Indoor Camogie Blitz in riverstick community Centre. They did very well and showed great...
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 225754
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Girls Sciath na Scol Indoor Blitz
[description] => <p>4th Class girls enjoyed participati...
(11) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614451: images1 :
(11) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 225754
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Girls Sciath na Scol Indoor Blitz
[description] => <p>4th Class girls enjoyed participating in the Sciath na Scol Indoor Camogie Blitz in riverstick community Centre. They did very well and showed great...
DEBUG: (11) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 225754
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Girls Sciath na Scol Indoor Blitz
[description] => <p>4th Class girls enjoyed participati...
(11) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614451: images2 :
DEBUG: (12) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 225205
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Irish Dancing Lessons
[description] => <p>Irish Dancing classes began last Friday and will run for 10 weeks every Friday for all classes. Everyone enjoyed their first lesson!</p>
[html_desc] => <p&am...
(12) title of created page: Irish Dancing Lessons
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 225205
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Irish Dancing Lessons
[description] => <p>Irish Dancing classes began last Friday and will run for 10 weeks every Friday for all classes. Everyone enjoyed their first lesson!</p>
[html_desc] => <p&...
(12) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 225205
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Irish Dancing Lessons
[description] => <p>Irish Dancing classes began last Friday and will run for 10 weeks every Friday for all classes. Everyone enjoyed their first lesson!</p>
[html_desc] => <p...
(12) slug: Irish Dancing Lessons
(12) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 225205
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Irish Dancing Lessons
[description] => <p>Irish Dancing classes began last Friday and will run for 10 weeks every Friday for all classes. Everyone enjoyed their first lesson!</p>
[html_desc] => <p&am...
(12) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Irish Dancing classes began last Friday and will run for 10 weeks every Friday for all classes. Everyone enjoyed their first lesson!</p>
DEBUG: (12) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>Irish Dancing classes began last Friday and will run for 10 weeks every Friday for all classes. Everyone enjoyed their first lesson!</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(12) featured image URL:
(12) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(12) No url_default for featured image defined
(12) no featured image defined
(12) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-07 00:20:43
DEBUG: (12) page postdate: 2025-02-07 00:20:43
DEBUG: (12) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (12) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-02-07 00:20:43
DEBUG: (12) creating of new post ok, id=2614453
DEBUG: (12) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(12) show created page 2614453:
(12) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(12) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 225205
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Irish Dancing Lessons
[description] => <p>Irish Dancing classes began last Friday and will run for 10 weeks every Friday for all classes. Everyone enjoyed their first lesson!</p>
[html_desc] => &...
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2025/01/13 12:39:31: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 225205
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Irish Dancing Lessons
[description] => <p>Irish Dancing classes began last Friday and will run for 10 weeks every Friday for all classes. Everyone enjoyed their first lesson!</p>
(12) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614453: post_date : 2025/01/13 12:39:31
(12) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 225205
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Irish Dancing Lessons
[description] => <p>Irish Dancing classes began last Friday and will run for 10 weeks every Friday for all classes. Everyone enjoyed their first lesson!</p>
[html_desc] => &...
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 225205
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Irish Dancing Lessons
[description] => <p>Irish Dancing classes began last Friday and will run for ...
(12) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614453: images0 :
(12) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 225205
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Irish Dancing Lessons
[description] => <p>Irish Dancing classes began last Friday and will run for 10 weeks every Friday for all classes. Everyone enjoyed their first lesson!</p>
[html_desc] => &...
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 225205
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Irish Dancing Lessons
[description] => <p>Irish Dancing classes began last Friday and will run for ...
(12) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614453: images1 :
(12) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 225205
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Irish Dancing Lessons
[description] => <p>Irish Dancing classes began last Friday and will run for 10 weeks every Friday for all classes. Everyone enjoyed their first lesson!</p>
[html_desc] => &...
DEBUG: (12) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 225205
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Irish Dancing Lessons
[description] => <p>Irish Dancing classes began last Friday and will run for ...
(12) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614453: images2 :
DEBUG: (13) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 225702
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Science
[description] => <p>Junior Infants had great fun today learning about the difference between pushing and pulling. </p>
[html_desc] => <p>Junior Infants had gr...
(13) title of created page: Junior Infants Science
DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 225702
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Science
[description] => <p>Junior Infants had great fun today learning about the difference between pushing and pulling. </p>
[html_desc] => <p>Junior Infants had ...
(13) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 225702
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Science
[description] => <p>Junior Infants had great fun today learning about the difference between pushing and pulling. </p>
[html_desc] => <p>Junior Infants had...
(13) slug: Junior Infants Science
(13) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 225702
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Science
[description] => <p>Junior Infants had great fun today learning about the difference between pushing and pulling. </p>
[html_desc] => <p>Junior Infants had gr...
(13) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Junior Infants had great fun today learning about the difference between pushing and pulling. </p>
DEBUG: (13) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>Junior Infants had great fun today learning about the difference between pushing and pulling. </p>
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(13) featured image URL:
(13) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(13) No url_default for featured image defined
(13) no featured image defined
(13) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-07 00:20:43
DEBUG: (13) page postdate: 2025-02-07 00:20:43
DEBUG: (13) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (13) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-02-07 00:20:43
DEBUG: (13) creating of new post ok, id=2614455
DEBUG: (13) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(13) show created page 2614455:
(13) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(13) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 225702
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Science
[description] => <p>Junior Infants had great fun today learning about the difference between pushing and pulling. </p>
[html_desc] => <p>Junior Inf...
DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2025/01/16 19:18:56: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 225702
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Science
[description] => <p>Junior Infants had great fun today learning about the difference between pushing and pulling. </p>
[html_desc] => <...
(13) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614455: post_date : 2025/01/16 19:18:56
(13) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 225702
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Science
[description] => <p>Junior Infants had great fun today learning about the difference between pushing and pulling. </p>
[html_desc] => <p>Junior Infants...
DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 225702
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Science
[description] => <p>Junior Infants had great fun today learning about the d...
(13) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614455: images0 :
(13) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 225702
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Science
[description] => <p>Junior Infants had great fun today learning about the difference between pushing and pulling. </p>
[html_desc] => <p>Junior Infants...
DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 225702
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Science
[description] => <p>Junior Infants had great fun today learning about the d...
(13) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614455: images1 :
(13) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 225702
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Science
[description] => <p>Junior Infants had great fun today learning about the difference between pushing and pulling. </p>
[html_desc] => <p>Junior Infants...
DEBUG: (13) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 225702
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Science
[description] => <p>Junior Infants had great fun today learning about the d...
(13) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614455: images2 :
DEBUG: (14) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (14) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223613
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Raffle & Santa Visit
[description] => <p>We had our Annual Christmas Raffle this morning and had a surprise visit from Santa during the raffle. While singing Santa Claus is coming to Town during a break in the raffl...
(14) title of created page: Raffle & Santa Visit
DEBUG: (14) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223613
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Raffle & Santa Visit
[description] => <p>We had our Annual Christmas Raffle this morning and had a surprise visit from Santa during the raffle. While singing Santa Claus is coming to Town during a break in the raf...
(14) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (14) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223613
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Raffle & Santa Visit
[description] => <p>We had our Annual Christmas Raffle this morning and had a surprise visit from Santa during the raffle. While singing Santa Claus is coming to Town during a break in the ra...
(14) slug: Raffle & Santa Visit
(14) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (14) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223613
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Raffle & Santa Visit
[description] => <p>We had our Annual Christmas Raffle this morning and had a surprise visit from Santa during the raffle. While singing Santa Claus is coming to Town during a break in the raffl...
(14) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>We had our Annual Christmas Raffle this morning and had a surprise visit from Santa during the raffle. While singing Santa Claus is coming to Town during a break in the raffle Santa appeared in the halla. There was a lot of excited faces. Santa spoke to the boys and girls and presented each class with some board games for their classroom. Thank you to the Parents Association for organising the games for each class. We all sang Jingle Bells and Santa was on his way back to the North Pole!</p>
DEBUG: (14) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>We had our Annual Christmas Raffle this morning and had a surprise visit from Santa during the raffle. While singing Santa Claus is coming to Town during a break in the raffle Santa appeared in the halla. There was a lot of excited faces. Santa spoke to the boys and girls and presented each class with some board games for their classroom. Th...
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(14) featured image URL:
(14) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(14) No url_default for featured image defined
(14) no featured image defined
(14) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-07 00:20:43
DEBUG: (14) page postdate: 2025-02-07 00:20:43
DEBUG: (14) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (14) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-02-07 00:20:43
DEBUG: (14) creating of new post ok, id=2614457
DEBUG: (14) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(14) show created page 2614457:
(14) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(14) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (14) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223613
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Raffle & Santa Visit
[description] => <p>We had our Annual Christmas Raffle this morning and had a surprise visit from Santa during the raffle. While singing Santa Claus is coming to Town during a break i...
DEBUG: (14) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/12/19 12:10:47: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223613
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Raffle & Santa Visit
[description] => <p>We had our Annual Christmas Raffle this morning and had a surprise visit from Santa during the raffle. While singing Santa Claus is coming to To...
(14) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614457: post_date : 2024/12/19 12:10:47
(14) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (14) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223613
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Raffle & Santa Visit
[description] => <p>We had our Annual Christmas Raffle this morning and had a surprise visit from Santa during the raffle. While singing Santa Claus is coming to Town during a break in th...
DEBUG: (14) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223613
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Raffle & Santa Visit
[description] => <p>We had our Annual Christmas Raffle this morning and ha...
(14) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614457: images0 :
(14) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (14) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223613
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Raffle & Santa Visit
[description] => <p>We had our Annual Christmas Raffle this morning and had a surprise visit from Santa during the raffle. While singing Santa Claus is coming to Town during a break in th...
DEBUG: (14) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223613
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Raffle & Santa Visit
[description] => <p>We had our Annual Christmas Raffle this morning and ha...
(14) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614457: images1 :
(14) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (14) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223613
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Raffle & Santa Visit
[description] => <p>We had our Annual Christmas Raffle this morning and had a surprise visit from Santa during the raffle. While singing Santa Claus is coming to Town during a break in th...
DEBUG: (14) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223613
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Raffle & Santa Visit
[description] => <p>We had our Annual Christmas Raffle this morning and ha...
(14) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614457: images2 :
DEBUG: (15) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223439
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>What a spectacular show from 6th Class. They performed Beauty and the Beast and were absolutely amazing. We had some great costumes, good laughs and plenty of singing. Wel...
(15) title of created page: 6th Class Christmas Concert
DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223439
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>What a spectacular show from 6th Class. They performed Beauty and the Beast and were absolutely amazing. We had some great costumes, good laughs and plenty of singing. W...
(15) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223439
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>What a spectacular show from 6th Class. They performed Beauty and the Beast and were absolutely amazing. We had some great costumes, good laughs and plenty of singing. ...
(15) slug: 6th Class Christmas Concert
(15) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223439
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>What a spectacular show from 6th Class. They performed Beauty and the Beast and were absolutely amazing. We had some great costumes, good laughs and plenty of singing. Wel...
(15) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>What a spectacular show from 6th Class. They performed Beauty and the Beast and were absolutely amazing. We had some great costumes, good laughs and plenty of singing. Well done 6th class on an amazing performance.</p>
DEBUG: (15) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>What a spectacular show from 6th Class. They performed Beauty and the Beast and were absolutely amazing. We had some great costumes, good laughs and plenty of singing. Well done 6th class on an amazing performance.</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(15) featured image URL:
(15) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(15) No url_default for featured image defined
(15) no featured image defined
(15) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-07 00:20:44
DEBUG: (15) page postdate: 2025-02-07 00:20:44
DEBUG: (15) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (15) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-02-07 00:20:44
DEBUG: (15) creating of new post ok, id=2614459
DEBUG: (15) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(15) show created page 2614459:
(15) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(15) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223439
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>What a spectacular show from 6th Class. They performed Beauty and the Beast and were absolutely amazing. We had some great costumes, good laughs and plenty of s...
DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/12/18 14:12:39: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223439
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>What a spectacular show from 6th Class. They performed Beauty and the Beast and were absolutely amazing. We had some great costumes, good lau...
(15) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614459: post_date : 2024/12/18 14:12:39
(15) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223439
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>What a spectacular show from 6th Class. They performed Beauty and the Beast and were absolutely amazing. We had some great costumes, good laughs and plenty of singi...
DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223439
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>What a spectacular show from 6th Class. They perfor...
(15) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614459: images0 :
(15) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223439
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>What a spectacular show from 6th Class. They performed Beauty and the Beast and were absolutely amazing. We had some great costumes, good laughs and plenty of singi...
DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223439
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>What a spectacular show from 6th Class. They perfor...
(15) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614459: images1 :
(15) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223439
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>What a spectacular show from 6th Class. They performed Beauty and the Beast and were absolutely amazing. We had some great costumes, good laughs and plenty of singi...
DEBUG: (15) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223439
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 6th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>What a spectacular show from 6th Class. They perfor...
(15) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614459: images2 :
DEBUG: (16) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223368
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Senior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Senior Infants gave us a fantastic concert today. The name of their play was The Fairytale Land Nativity Show and they brought all the fairytale characters to life wi...
(16) title of created page: Senior Infants Christmas Concert
DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223368
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Senior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Senior Infants gave us a fantastic concert today. The name of their play was The Fairytale Land Nativity Show and they brought all the fairytale characters to life ...
(16) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223368
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Senior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Senior Infants gave us a fantastic concert today. The name of their play was The Fairytale Land Nativity Show and they brought all the fairytale characters to life...
(16) slug: Senior Infants Christmas Concert
(16) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223368
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Senior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Senior Infants gave us a fantastic concert today. The name of their play was The Fairytale Land Nativity Show and they brought all the fairytale characters to life wi...
(16) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Senior Infants gave us a fantastic concert today. The name of their play was The Fairytale Land Nativity Show and they brought all the fairytale characters to life with a Christmas twist. A great perfomance. Well done everyone!</p>
DEBUG: (16) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>Senior Infants gave us a fantastic concert today. The name of their play was The Fairytale Land Nativity Show and they brought all the fairytale characters to life with a Christmas twist. A great perfomance. Well done everyone!</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(16) featured image URL:
(16) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(16) No url_default for featured image defined
(16) no featured image defined
(16) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-07 00:20:44
DEBUG: (16) page postdate: 2025-02-07 00:20:44
DEBUG: (16) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (16) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-02-07 00:20:44
DEBUG: (16) creating of new post ok, id=2614461
DEBUG: (16) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(16) show created page 2614461:
(16) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(16) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223368
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Senior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Senior Infants gave us a fantastic concert today. The name of their play was The Fairytale Land Nativity Show and they brought all the fairytale characters...
DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/12/18 10:32:26: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223368
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Senior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Senior Infants gave us a fantastic concert today. The name of their play was The Fairytale Land Nativity Show and they brought all the f...
(16) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614461: post_date : 2024/12/18 10:32:26
(16) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223368
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Senior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Senior Infants gave us a fantastic concert today. The name of their play was The Fairytale Land Nativity Show and they brought all the fairytale characters to ...
DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223368
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Senior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Senior Infants gave us a fantastic concert tod...
(16) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614461: images0 :
(16) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223368
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Senior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Senior Infants gave us a fantastic concert today. The name of their play was The Fairytale Land Nativity Show and they brought all the fairytale characters to ...
DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223368
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Senior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Senior Infants gave us a fantastic concert tod...
(16) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614461: images1 :
(16) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223368
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Senior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Senior Infants gave us a fantastic concert today. The name of their play was The Fairytale Land Nativity Show and they brought all the fairytale characters to ...
DEBUG: (16) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223368
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Senior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Senior Infants gave us a fantastic concert tod...
(16) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614461: images2 :
DEBUG: (17) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
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[id] => 223417
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Well done 5th class on your performance for the Christmas Concert. 5th class's play was called ELF. They did fantastically and had everyone singing and clapping along with...
(17) title of created page: 5th Class Christmas Concert
DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
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[id] => 223417
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Well done 5th class on your performance for the Christmas Concert. 5th class's play was called ELF. They did fantastically and had everyone singing and clapping along wi...
(17) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223417
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Well done 5th class on your performance for the Christmas Concert. 5th class's play was called ELF. They did fantastically and had everyone singing and clapping along w...
(17) slug: 5th Class Christmas Concert
(17) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223417
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Well done 5th class on your performance for the Christmas Concert. 5th class's play was called ELF. They did fantastically and had everyone singing and clapping along with...
(17) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Well done 5th class on your performance for the Christmas Concert. 5th class's play was called ELF. They did fantastically and had everyone singing and clapping along with their songs. We could have watched them all day! Well done everyone</p>
<p> </p>
DEBUG: (17) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>Well done 5th class on your performance for the Christmas Concert. 5th class's play was called ELF. They did fantastically and had everyone singing and clapping along with their songs. We could have watched them all day! Well done everyone</p>
<p> </p>
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(17) no featured image defined
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DEBUG: (17) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-02-07 00:20:44
DEBUG: (17) creating of new post ok, id=2614463
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twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223417
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Well done 5th class on your performance for the Christmas Concert. 5th class's play was called ELF. They did fantastically and had everyone singing and clapping...
DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/12/18 13:03:45: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223417
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Well done 5th class on your performance for the Christmas Concert. 5th class's play was called ELF. They did fantastically and had everyone s...
(17) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614463: post_date : 2024/12/18 13:03:45
(17) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223417
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Well done 5th class on your performance for the Christmas Concert. 5th class's play was called ELF. They did fantastically and had everyone singing and clapping alo...
DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223417
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Well done 5th class on your performance for the Chr...
(17) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614463: images0 :
(17) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
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[id] => 223417
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Well done 5th class on your performance for the Christmas Concert. 5th class's play was called ELF. They did fantastically and had everyone singing and clapping alo...
DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223417
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Well done 5th class on your performance for the Chr...
(17) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614463: images1 :
(17) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
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[id] => 223417
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Well done 5th class on your performance for the Christmas Concert. 5th class's play was called ELF. They did fantastically and had everyone singing and clapping alo...
DEBUG: (17) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223417
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 5th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Well done 5th class on your performance for the Chr...
(17) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614463: images2 :
DEBUG: (18) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223404
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>4th Class's Jack in the Beanstalk was excellently performed today and there was a lovely christmas theme about it. We had some funny scenes during it and some fabulous sin...
(18) title of created page: 4th Class Christmas Concert
DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223404
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>4th Class's Jack in the Beanstalk was excellently performed today and there was a lovely christmas theme about it. We had some funny scenes during it and some fabulous s...
(18) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223404
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>4th Class's Jack in the Beanstalk was excellently performed today and there was a lovely christmas theme about it. We had some funny scenes during it and some fabulous ...
(18) slug: 4th Class Christmas Concert
(18) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
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[id] => 223404
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>4th Class's Jack in the Beanstalk was excellently performed today and there was a lovely christmas theme about it. We had some funny scenes during it and some fabulous sin...
(18) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>4th Class's Jack in the Beanstalk was excellently performed today and there was a lovely christmas theme about it. We had some funny scenes during it and some fabulous singing. Well done 4th class!</p>
DEBUG: (18) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>4th Class's Jack in the Beanstalk was excellently performed today and there was a lovely christmas theme about it. We had some funny scenes during it and some fabulous singing. Well done 4th class!</p>
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(18) no featured image defined
(18) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-07 00:20:45
DEBUG: (18) page postdate: 2025-02-07 00:20:45
DEBUG: (18) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (18) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-02-07 00:20:45
DEBUG: (18) creating of new post ok, id=2614465
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twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223404
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>4th Class's Jack in the Beanstalk was excellently performed today and there was a lovely christmas theme about it. We had some funny scenes during it and some f...
DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/12/18 12:28:19: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223404
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>4th Class's Jack in the Beanstalk was excellently performed today and there was a lovely christmas theme about it. We had some funny scenes d...
(18) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614465: post_date : 2024/12/18 12:28:19
(18) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223404
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>4th Class's Jack in the Beanstalk was excellently performed today and there was a lovely christmas theme about it. We had some funny scenes during it and some fabul...
DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223404
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>4th Class's Jack in the Beanstalk was excellently p...
(18) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614465: images0 :
(18) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223404
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>4th Class's Jack in the Beanstalk was excellently performed today and there was a lovely christmas theme about it. We had some funny scenes during it and some fabul...
DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223404
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>4th Class's Jack in the Beanstalk was excellently p...
(18) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614465: images1 :
(18) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
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[id] => 223404
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>4th Class's Jack in the Beanstalk was excellently performed today and there was a lovely christmas theme about it. We had some funny scenes during it and some fabul...
DEBUG: (18) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223404
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 4th Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>4th Class's Jack in the Beanstalk was excellently p...
(18) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614465: images2 :
DEBUG: (19) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
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twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223392
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had plenty fo laughs and singing during 3rd classes Christmas concert. The name of their play was Jingle Book. Everyone performed excellently and sang beautifully. Well...
(19) title of created page: 3rd Class Christmas Concert
DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223392
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had plenty fo laughs and singing during 3rd classes Christmas concert. The name of their play was Jingle Book. Everyone performed excellently and sang beautifully. We...
(19) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223392
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had plenty fo laughs and singing during 3rd classes Christmas concert. The name of their play was Jingle Book. Everyone performed excellently and sang beautifully. W...
(19) slug: 3rd Class Christmas Concert
(19) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223392
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had plenty fo laughs and singing during 3rd classes Christmas concert. The name of their play was Jingle Book. Everyone performed excellently and sang beautifully. Well...
(19) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>We had plenty fo laughs and singing during 3rd classes Christmas concert. The name of their play was Jingle Book. Everyone performed excellently and sang beautifully. Well done 3rd class!</p>
DEBUG: (19) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>We had plenty fo laughs and singing during 3rd classes Christmas concert. The name of their play was Jingle Book. Everyone performed excellently and sang beautifully. Well done 3rd class!</p>
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(19) no featured image defined
(19) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-07 00:20:45
DEBUG: (19) page postdate: 2025-02-07 00:20:45
DEBUG: (19) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (19) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-02-07 00:20:45
DEBUG: (19) creating of new post ok, id=2614467
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(19) show created page 2614467:
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DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223392
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had plenty fo laughs and singing during 3rd classes Christmas concert. The name of their play was Jingle Book. Everyone performed excellently and sang beauti...
DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/12/18 11:49:26: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223392
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had plenty fo laughs and singing during 3rd classes Christmas concert. The name of their play was Jingle Book. Everyone performed excellen...
(19) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614467: post_date : 2024/12/18 11:49:26
(19) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223392
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had plenty fo laughs and singing during 3rd classes Christmas concert. The name of their play was Jingle Book. Everyone performed excellently and sang beautifull...
DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223392
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had plenty fo laughs and singing during 3rd clas...
(19) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614467: images0 :
(19) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223392
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had plenty fo laughs and singing during 3rd classes Christmas concert. The name of their play was Jingle Book. Everyone performed excellently and sang beautifull...
DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223392
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had plenty fo laughs and singing during 3rd clas...
(19) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614467: images1 :
(19) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223392
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had plenty fo laughs and singing during 3rd classes Christmas concert. The name of their play was Jingle Book. Everyone performed excellently and sang beautifull...
DEBUG: (19) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223392
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 3rd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had plenty fo laughs and singing during 3rd clas...
(19) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614467: images2 :
DEBUG: (20) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223385
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 2nd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>2nd class gave us a brilliant rendition of The Elves and the Shoemaker. The play was funny from start to finish and the singing was beautiful. Well done everyone!</p>...
(20) title of created page: 2nd Class Christmas Concert
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223385
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 2nd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>2nd class gave us a brilliant rendition of The Elves and the Shoemaker. The play was funny from start to finish and the singing was beautiful. Well done everyone!</p&...
(20) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223385
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 2nd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>2nd class gave us a brilliant rendition of The Elves and the Shoemaker. The play was funny from start to finish and the singing was beautiful. Well done everyone!</p...
(20) slug: 2nd Class Christmas Concert
(20) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223385
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 2nd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>2nd class gave us a brilliant rendition of The Elves and the Shoemaker. The play was funny from start to finish and the singing was beautiful. Well done everyone!</p>...
(20) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>2nd class gave us a brilliant rendition of The Elves and the Shoemaker. The play was funny from start to finish and the singing was beautiful. Well done everyone!</p>
DEBUG: (20) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>2nd class gave us a brilliant rendition of The Elves and the Shoemaker. The play was funny from start to finish and the singing was beautiful. Well done everyone!</p>
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(20) featured image URL:
(20) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(20) No url_default for featured image defined
(20) no featured image defined
(20) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-07 00:20:45
DEBUG: (20) page postdate: 2025-02-07 00:20:45
DEBUG: (20) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (20) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-02-07 00:20:45
DEBUG: (20) creating of new post ok, id=2614469
DEBUG: (20) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(20) show created page 2614469:
(20) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(20) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223385
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 2nd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>2nd class gave us a brilliant rendition of The Elves and the Shoemaker. The play was funny from start to finish and the singing was beautiful. Well done everyon...
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/12/18 11:21:25: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223385
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 2nd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>2nd class gave us a brilliant rendition of The Elves and the Shoemaker. The play was funny from start to finish and the singing was beautiful...
(20) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614469: post_date : 2024/12/18 11:21:25
(20) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223385
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 2nd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>2nd class gave us a brilliant rendition of The Elves and the Shoemaker. The play was funny from start to finish and the singing was beautiful. Well done everyone!&l...
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223385
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 2nd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>2nd class gave us a brilliant rendition of The Elve...
(20) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614469: images0 :
(20) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223385
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 2nd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>2nd class gave us a brilliant rendition of The Elves and the Shoemaker. The play was funny from start to finish and the singing was beautiful. Well done everyone!&l...
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223385
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 2nd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>2nd class gave us a brilliant rendition of The Elve...
(20) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614469: images1 :
(20) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223385
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 2nd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>2nd class gave us a brilliant rendition of The Elves and the Shoemaker. The play was funny from start to finish and the singing was beautiful. Well done everyone!&l...
DEBUG: (20) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223385
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 2nd Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>2nd class gave us a brilliant rendition of The Elve...
(20) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614469: images2 :
DEBUG: (21) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223383
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had some beautiful singing from our 1st class today for their Christmas Concert. The name of their play was Christmas with the Alien. They were all brilliant. Well done...
(21) title of created page: 1st Class Christmas Concert
DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223383
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had some beautiful singing from our 1st class today for their Christmas Concert. The name of their play was Christmas with the Alien. They were all brilliant. Well do...
(21) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223383
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had some beautiful singing from our 1st class today for their Christmas Concert. The name of their play was Christmas with the Alien. They were all brilliant. Well d...
(21) slug: 1st Class Christmas Concert
(21) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223383
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had some beautiful singing from our 1st class today for their Christmas Concert. The name of their play was Christmas with the Alien. They were all brilliant. Well done...
(21) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>We had some beautiful singing from our 1st class today for their Christmas Concert. The name of their play was Christmas with the Alien. They were all brilliant. Well done everyone!</p>
DEBUG: (21) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>We had some beautiful singing from our 1st class today for their Christmas Concert. The name of their play was Christmas with the Alien. They were all brilliant. Well done everyone!</p>
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(21) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(21) No url_default for featured image defined
(21) no featured image defined
(21) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-07 00:20:46
DEBUG: (21) page postdate: 2025-02-07 00:20:46
DEBUG: (21) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (21) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-02-07 00:20:46
DEBUG: (21) creating of new post ok, id=2614471
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(21) show created page 2614471:
(21) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(21) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
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twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223383
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had some beautiful singing from our 1st class today for their Christmas Concert. The name of their play was Christmas with the Alien. They were all brilliant...
DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/12/18 11:11:49: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223383
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had some beautiful singing from our 1st class today for their Christmas Concert. The name of their play was Christmas with the Alien. They...
(21) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614471: post_date : 2024/12/18 11:11:49
(21) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223383
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had some beautiful singing from our 1st class today for their Christmas Concert. The name of their play was Christmas with the Alien. They were all brilliant. We...
DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223383
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had some beautiful singing from our 1st class to...
(21) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614471: images0 :
(21) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223383
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had some beautiful singing from our 1st class today for their Christmas Concert. The name of their play was Christmas with the Alien. They were all brilliant. We...
DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223383
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had some beautiful singing from our 1st class to...
(21) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614471: images1 :
(21) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223383
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had some beautiful singing from our 1st class today for their Christmas Concert. The name of their play was Christmas with the Alien. They were all brilliant. We...
DEBUG: (21) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223383
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => 1st Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>We had some beautiful singing from our 1st class to...
(21) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614471: images2 :
DEBUG: (22) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223362
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Junior Infants gave a superb performance today for ther Christmas concert. Their play was called Ralph the Reindeer and they had everyone clapping along to the songs ...
(22) title of created page: Junior Infants Christmas Concert
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223362
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Junior Infants gave a superb performance today for ther Christmas concert. Their play was called Ralph the Reindeer and they had everyone clapping along to the song...
(22) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223362
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Junior Infants gave a superb performance today for ther Christmas concert. Their play was called Ralph the Reindeer and they had everyone clapping along to the son...
(22) slug: Junior Infants Christmas Concert
(22) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223362
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Junior Infants gave a superb performance today for ther Christmas concert. Their play was called Ralph the Reindeer and they had everyone clapping along to the songs ...
(22) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Junior Infants gave a superb performance today for ther Christmas concert. Their play was called Ralph the Reindeer and they had everyone clapping along to the songs during the play. Well done Juniors!</p>
DEBUG: (22) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>Junior Infants gave a superb performance today for ther Christmas concert. Their play was called Ralph the Reindeer and they had everyone clapping along to the songs during the play. Well done Juniors!</p>
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(22) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(22) No url_default for featured image defined
(22) no featured image defined
(22) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-07 00:20:46
DEBUG: (22) page postdate: 2025-02-07 00:20:46
DEBUG: (22) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (22) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-02-07 00:20:46
DEBUG: (22) creating of new post ok, id=2614473
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(22) show created page 2614473:
(22) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(22) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223362
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Junior Infants gave a superb performance today for ther Christmas concert. Their play was called Ralph the Reindeer and they had everyone clapping along to...
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/12/18 10:19:24: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223362
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Junior Infants gave a superb performance today for ther Christmas concert. Their play was called Ralph the Reindeer and they had everyon...
(22) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614473: post_date : 2024/12/18 10:19:24
(22) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223362
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Junior Infants gave a superb performance today for ther Christmas concert. Their play was called Ralph the Reindeer and they had everyone clapping along to the...
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223362
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Junior Infants gave a superb performance today...
(22) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614473: images0 :
(22) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223362
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Junior Infants gave a superb performance today for ther Christmas concert. Their play was called Ralph the Reindeer and they had everyone clapping along to the...
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223362
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Junior Infants gave a superb performance today...
(22) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614473: images1 :
(22) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223362
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Junior Infants gave a superb performance today for ther Christmas concert. Their play was called Ralph the Reindeer and they had everyone clapping along to the...
DEBUG: (22) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223362
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Junior Infants Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Junior Infants gave a superb performance today...
(22) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614473: images2 :
DEBUG: (23) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223357
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Infants Autism Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Our Infant Autism class preformed their Christmas concert this morning and they were superb. WE listed to Santa Claus is Coming to Town and Jingle Bells. Well d...
(23) title of created page: Infants Autism Class Christmas Concert
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223357
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Infants Autism Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Our Infant Autism class preformed their Christmas concert this morning and they were superb. WE listed to Santa Claus is Coming to Town and Jingle Bells. Well...
(23) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223357
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Infants Autism Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Our Infant Autism class preformed their Christmas concert this morning and they were superb. WE listed to Santa Claus is Coming to Town and Jingle Bells. Wel...
(23) slug: Infants Autism Class Christmas Concert
(23) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223357
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Infants Autism Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Our Infant Autism class preformed their Christmas concert this morning and they were superb. WE listed to Santa Claus is Coming to Town and Jingle Bells. Well d...
(23) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Our Infant Autism class preformed their Christmas concert this morning and they were superb. WE listed to Santa Claus is Coming to Town and Jingle Bells. Well done everyone!</p>
DEBUG: (23) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>Our Infant Autism class preformed their Christmas concert this morning and they were superb. WE listed to Santa Claus is Coming to Town and Jingle Bells. Well done everyone!</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
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(23) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(23) No url_default for featured image defined
(23) no featured image defined
(23) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-07 00:20:46
DEBUG: (23) page postdate: 2025-02-07 00:20:46
DEBUG: (23) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (23) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-02-07 00:20:46
DEBUG: (23) creating of new post ok, id=2614475
DEBUG: (23) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(23) show created page 2614475:
(23) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(23) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223357
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Infants Autism Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Our Infant Autism class preformed their Christmas concert this morning and they were superb. WE listed to Santa Claus is Coming to Town and Jingle Be...
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/12/18 10:10:28: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223357
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Infants Autism Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Our Infant Autism class preformed their Christmas concert this morning and they were superb. WE listed to Santa Claus is Coming to...
(23) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614475: post_date : 2024/12/18 10:10:28
(23) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223357
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Infants Autism Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Our Infant Autism class preformed their Christmas concert this morning and they were superb. WE listed to Santa Claus is Coming to Town and Jingle Bells....
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223357
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Infants Autism Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Our Infant Autism class preformed their ...
(23) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614475: images0 :
(23) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223357
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Infants Autism Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Our Infant Autism class preformed their Christmas concert this morning and they were superb. WE listed to Santa Claus is Coming to Town and Jingle Bells....
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223357
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Infants Autism Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Our Infant Autism class preformed their ...
(23) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614475: images1 :
(23) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223357
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Infants Autism Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Our Infant Autism class preformed their Christmas concert this morning and they were superb. WE listed to Santa Claus is Coming to Town and Jingle Bells....
DEBUG: (23) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223357
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Infants Autism Class Christmas Concert
[description] => <p>Our Infant Autism class preformed their ...
(23) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614475: images2 :
DEBUG: (24) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223128
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => School Choir visit to Kinsale Hospital Day Care Centre
[description] => <p>Children from 5th & 6th class who have been participating in the school choir, went to Kinsale Hospital Day Centre to spread some f...
(24) title of created page: School Choir visit to Kinsale Hospital Day Care Centre
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223128
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => School Choir visit to Kinsale Hospital Day Care Centre
[description] => <p>Children from 5th & 6th class who have been participating in the school choir, went to Kinsale Hospital Day Centre to spread some...
(24) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223128
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => School Choir visit to Kinsale Hospital Day Care Centre
[description] => <p>Children from 5th & 6th class who have been participating in the school choir, went to Kinsale Hospital Day Centre to spread som...
(24) slug: School Choir visit to Kinsale Hospital Day Care Centre
(24) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223128
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => School Choir visit to Kinsale Hospital Day Care Centre
[description] => <p>Children from 5th & 6th class who have been participating in the school choir, went to Kinsale Hospital Day Centre to spread some f...
(24) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Children from 5th & 6th class who have been participating in the school choir, went to Kinsale Hospital Day Centre to spread some festive cheer. They sang lots of lovely Christmas songs and were delighted to hear some of the visitors sing too! </p>
DEBUG: (24) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>Children from 5th &amp; 6th class who have been participating in the school choir, went to Kinsale Hospital Day Centre to spread some festive cheer. They sang lots of lovely Christmas songs and were delighted to hear some of the visitors sing too! </p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(24) featured image URL:
(24) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(24) No url_default for featured image defined
(24) no featured image defined
(24) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-07 00:20:47
DEBUG: (24) page postdate: 2025-02-07 00:20:47
DEBUG: (24) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (24) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-02-07 00:20:47
DEBUG: (24) creating of new post ok, id=2614477
DEBUG: (24) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(24) show created page 2614477:
(24) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(24) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223128
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => School Choir visit to Kinsale Hospital Day Care Centre
[description] => <p>Children from 5th & 6th class who have been participating in the school choir, went to Kinsale Hospital Day Centre to sp...
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/12/16 21:25:21: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223128
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => School Choir visit to Kinsale Hospital Day Care Centre
[description] => <p>Children from 5th & 6th class who have been participating in the school choir, went to Kinsale Hospit...
(24) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614477: post_date : 2024/12/16 21:25:21
(24) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223128
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => School Choir visit to Kinsale Hospital Day Care Centre
[description] => <p>Children from 5th & 6th class who have been participating in the school choir, went to Kinsale Hospital Day Centre to spread...
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223128
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => School Choir visit to Kinsale Hospital Day Care Centre
[description] => <p>Children from 5th &a...
(24) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614477: images0 :
(24) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223128
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => School Choir visit to Kinsale Hospital Day Care Centre
[description] => <p>Children from 5th & 6th class who have been participating in the school choir, went to Kinsale Hospital Day Centre to spread...
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223128
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => School Choir visit to Kinsale Hospital Day Care Centre
[description] => <p>Children from 5th &a...
(24) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614477: images1 :
(24) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223128
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => School Choir visit to Kinsale Hospital Day Care Centre
[description] => <p>Children from 5th & 6th class who have been participating in the school choir, went to Kinsale Hospital Day Centre to spread...
DEBUG: (24) execute twig-code in customfield-value : twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 223128
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => School Choir visit to Kinsale Hospital Day Care Centre
[description] => <p>Children from 5th & 6th class who have been participating in the school choir, went to Kinsale Hospital Day Centre to spread ...
(24) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614477: images2 :
DEBUG: (25) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222832
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => VEX robots
[description] => We had a great day in Sáile with our VEX Robotics team. The children showed great teamwork and engineering skills. We'll done everyone and thanks to KCS for hosting the scrimmage.
(25) title of created page: VEX robots
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222832
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => VEX robots
[description] => We had a great day in Sáile with our VEX Robotics team. The children showed great teamwork and engineering skills. We'll done everyone and thanks to KCS for hosting the scrimmage.
(25) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222832
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => VEX robots
[description] => We had a great day in Sáile with our VEX Robotics team. The children showed great teamwork and engineering skills. We'll done everyone and thanks to KCS for hosting the scrimmage.
(25) slug: VEX robots
(25) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222832
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => VEX robots
[description] => We had a great day in Sáile with our VEX Robotics team. The children showed great teamwork and engineering skills. We'll done everyone and thanks to KCS for hosting the scrimmage.
(25) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: We had a great day in Sáile with our VEX Robotics team. The children showed great teamwork and engineering skills. We'll done everyone and thanks to KCS for hosting the scrimmage.
DEBUG: (25) content 4 page after do_shortcode: We had a great day in Sáile with our VEX Robotics team. The children showed great teamwork and engineering skills. We'll done everyone and thanks to KCS for hosting the scrimmage.
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(25) featured image URL:
(25) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(25) No url_default for featured image defined
(25) no featured image defined
(25) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-07 00:20:47
DEBUG: (25) page postdate: 2025-02-07 00:20:47
DEBUG: (25) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (25) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-02-07 00:20:47
DEBUG: (25) creating of new post ok, id=2614479
DEBUG: (25) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(25) show created page 2614479:
(25) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(25) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222832
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => VEX robots
[description] => We had a great day in Sáile with our VEX Robotics team. The children showed great teamwork and engineering skills. We'll done everyone and thanks to KCS for hosting the scrimmage...
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/12/13 14:09:12: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222832
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => VEX robots
[description] => We had a great day in Sáile with our VEX Robotics team. The children showed great teamwork and engineering skills. We'll done everyone and thanks to KCS for ho...
(25) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614479: post_date : 2024/12/13 14:09:12
(25) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222832
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => VEX robots
[description] => We had a great day in Sáile with our VEX Robotics team. The children showed great teamwork and engineering skills. We'll done everyone and thanks to KCS for hosting the scrimmage.
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222832
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => VEX robots
[description] => We had a great day in Sáile with our VEX Robotics team. The children ...
(25) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614479: images0 :
(25) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222832
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => VEX robots
[description] => We had a great day in Sáile with our VEX Robotics team. The children showed great teamwork and engineering skills. We'll done everyone and thanks to KCS for hosting the scrimmage.
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222832
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => VEX robots
[description] => We had a great day in Sáile with our VEX Robotics team. The children ...
(25) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614479: images1 :
(25) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222832
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => VEX robots
[description] => We had a great day in Sáile with our VEX Robotics team. The children showed great teamwork and engineering skills. We'll done everyone and thanks to KCS for hosting the scrimmage.
DEBUG: (25) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222832
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => VEX robots
[description] => We had a great day in Sáile with our VEX Robotics team. The children ...
(25) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614479: images2 :
DEBUG: (26) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222432
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Geography and Nature Project in 6th
[description] => <p>6th class did a Geography and Nature Project on native trees in Dunderrow Woods. Pat O'Leary visited and guided the class through identifying native trees an...
(26) title of created page: Geography and Nature Project in 6th
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222432
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Geography and Nature Project in 6th
[description] => <p>6th class did a Geography and Nature Project on native trees in Dunderrow Woods. Pat O'Leary visited and guided the class through identifying native trees ...
(26) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222432
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Geography and Nature Project in 6th
[description] => <p>6th class did a Geography and Nature Project on native trees in Dunderrow Woods. Pat O'Leary visited and guided the class through identifying native trees...
(26) slug: Geography and Nature Project in 6th
(26) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222432
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Geography and Nature Project in 6th
[description] => <p>6th class did a Geography and Nature Project on native trees in Dunderrow Woods. Pat O'Leary visited and guided the class through identifying native trees an...
(26) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>6th class did a Geography and Nature Project on native trees in Dunderrow Woods. Pat O'Leary visited and guided the class through identifying native trees and looking for signs of adaption, competition and indicators. The class learned so much about our local woods.</p>
DEBUG: (26) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>6th class did a Geography and Nature Project on native trees in Dunderrow Woods. Pat O'Leary visited and guided the class through identifying native trees and looking for signs of adaption, competition and indicators. The class learned so much about our local woods.</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(26) featured image URL:
(26) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(26) No url_default for featured image defined
(26) no featured image defined
(26) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-07 00:20:47
DEBUG: (26) page postdate: 2025-02-07 00:20:47
DEBUG: (26) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (26) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-02-07 00:20:47
DEBUG: (26) creating of new post ok, id=2614481
DEBUG: (26) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(26) show created page 2614481:
(26) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(26) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222432
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Geography and Nature Project in 6th
[description] => <p>6th class did a Geography and Nature Project on native trees in Dunderrow Woods. Pat O'Leary visited and guided the class through identifying nati...
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/12/11 13:49:44: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222432
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Geography and Nature Project in 6th
[description] => <p>6th class did a Geography and Nature Project on native trees in Dunderrow Woods. Pat O'Leary visited and guided the class throu...
(26) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614481: post_date : 2024/12/11 13:49:44
(26) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222432
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Geography and Nature Project in 6th
[description] => <p>6th class did a Geography and Nature Project on native trees in Dunderrow Woods. Pat O'Leary visited and guided the class through identifying native t...
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222432
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Geography and Nature Project in 6th
[description] => <p>6th class did a Geography and Nature Projec...
(26) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614481: images0 :
(26) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222432
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Geography and Nature Project in 6th
[description] => <p>6th class did a Geography and Nature Project on native trees in Dunderrow Woods. Pat O'Leary visited and guided the class through identifying native t...
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222432
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Geography and Nature Project in 6th
[description] => <p>6th class did a Geography and Nature Projec...
(26) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614481: images1 :
(26) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222432
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Geography and Nature Project in 6th
[description] => <p>6th class did a Geography and Nature Project on native trees in Dunderrow Woods. Pat O'Leary visited and guided the class through identifying native t...
DEBUG: (26) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222432
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => Geography and Nature Project in 6th
[description] => <p>6th class did a Geography and Nature Projec...
(26) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614481: images2 :
DEBUG: (27) key of item: 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in title-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222412
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => La Navidad en España
[description] => <p>Victor taught us about Christmas traditions in Spain. We learnt about Nochevieja, La Cabalgata and El día de Reyes. Gracias Victor!</p>
[html_desc] ...
(27) title of created page: La Navidad en España
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in excerpt-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222412
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => La Navidad en España
[description] => <p>Victor taught us about Christmas traditions in Spain. We learnt about Nochevieja, La Cabalgata and El día de Reyes. Gracias Victor!</p>
(27) excerpt of created page:
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in slugname-template: twig-template: {{title}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222412
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => La Navidad en España
[description] => <p>Victor taught us about Christmas traditions in Spain. We learnt about Nochevieja, La Cabalgata and El día de Reyes. Gracias Victor!</p>
(27) slug: La Navidad en España
(27) twig-template 4 page (1st 30 chars): {{description}}
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in template: twig-template: {{description}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222412
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => La Navidad en España
[description] => <p>Victor taught us about Christmas traditions in Spain. We learnt about Nochevieja, La Cabalgata and El día de Reyes. Gracias Victor!</p>
[html_desc] ...
(27) content 4 page pre do_shortcode: <p>Victor taught us about Christmas traditions in Spain. We learnt about Nochevieja, La Cabalgata and El día de Reyes. Gracias Victor!</p>
DEBUG: (27) content 4 page after do_shortcode: <p>Victor taught us about Christmas traditions in Spain. We learnt about Nochevieja, La Cabalgata and El día de Reyes. Gracias Victor!</p>
DEBUG: ($k) no featured set, shortcode-syntax if needed: #BRO# {"url_json_path":"detailpage.img", "url_default":"URL_DEFAULT_IMAGE"}#BRC#
(27) featured image URL:
(27) URL in JSON for featured image is not an image, try to use url_default:
(27) No url_default for featured image defined
(27) no featured image defined
(27) postdate without considering timezones: 2025-02-07 00:20:48
DEBUG: (27) page postdate: 2025-02-07 00:20:48
DEBUG: (27) page poststatus: publish
DEBUG: (27) Publishing date / time of page (this is the real server time...): 2025-02-07 00:20:48
DEBUG: (27) creating of new post ok, id=2614483
DEBUG: (27) add custom field for delete: jci_uniquekey_cr : 74ecfc5cf15e35696d0e7567d283a61c
(27) show created page 2614483:
(27) add 1 custom fields, set by shortcode
(27) template for custom field value from shortcode: post_date : {{created_date}}
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in customfield-key post_date: twig-template: post_date
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222412
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => La Navidad en España
[description] => <p>Victor taught us about Christmas traditions in Spain. We learnt about Nochevieja, La Cabalgata and El día de Reyes. Gracias Victor!</p>
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in customfield-value 2024/12/11 12:49:49: twig-template: {{created_date}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222412
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => La Navidad en España
[description] => <p>Victor taught us about Christmas traditions in Spain. We learnt about Nochevieja, La Cabalgata and El día de Reyes. Gracias Vict...
(27) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614483: post_date : 2024/12/11 12:49:49
(27) template for custom field value from shortcode: images0 : {{images0}}
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in customfield-key images0: twig-template: images0
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222412
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => La Navidad en España
[description] => <p>Victor taught us about Christmas traditions in Spain. We learnt about Nochevieja, La Cabalgata and El día de Reyes. Gracias Victor!</p>
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in customfield-value twig-template: {{images0}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222412
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => La Navidad en España
[description] => <p>Victor taught us about Christmas traditions in Spai...
(27) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614483: images0 :
(27) template for custom field value from shortcode: images1 : {{images1}}
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in customfield-key images1: twig-template: images1
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222412
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => La Navidad en España
[description] => <p>Victor taught us about Christmas traditions in Spain. We learnt about Nochevieja, La Cabalgata and El día de Reyes. Gracias Victor!</p>
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in customfield-value : twig-template: {{images1}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222412
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => La Navidad en España
[description] => <p>Victor taught us about Christmas traditions in Spain. We learnt about Nochevieja, La Cabalgata and El día de Reyes. Gracias Victor!</p>
(27) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614483: images1 :
(27) template for custom field value from shortcode: images2 : {{images2}}
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in customfield-key images2: twig-template: images2
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222412
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => La Navidad en España
[description] => <p>Victor taught us about Christmas traditions in Spain. We learnt about Nochevieja, La Cabalgata and El día de Reyes. Gracias Victor!</p>
DEBUG: (27) execute twig-code in customfield-value : twig-template: {{images2}}
twig-JSON: Array
[id] => 222412
[idschool] => ["187"]
[title] => La Navidad en España
[description] => <p>Victor taught us about Christmas traditions in Spain. We learnt about Nochevieja, La Cabalgata and El día de Reyes. Gracias Victor!</p>
(27) Success: add custom field value from shortcode to page 2614483: images2 :