DEBUG: set debugmode active via shortcode, level: 10
DEBUG: Plugin-Licence here is active for
DEBUG: load template with this id: 2
DEBUG: debugmode via template unchanged: 10
DEBUG: version of plugin: 3.8.4
DEBUG: parser NOT set via shortcode - invalid parser specified, selected parser is: twig351adj
DEBUG: selected parser: twig351adj
DEBUG: ID of the creating page is 672
DEBUG: mode: create
DEBUG: createoptions: {"type":"AppNewsItems", "loop":"", "title":"{{title}}", "date":"{{created_date}}","slugname": "{{created_date}}", "pDate": "{{created_date}}", "deleteold":"yes","customfields": [ {"post_date":"{{created_date}}&q...

DEBUG: createoptions in shortcode: JSON ok!
DEBUG: set method via template 2, method: curlget
DEBUG: set template via template 2: {{description}}
DEBUG: set url via template 2:
DEBUG: active method: curlget
DEBUG: dynamic url NOT allowed, therefore ignore pathparam / fileext. Switch on: See plugin-options
DEBUG: curloptions really used:
DEBUG: Caching-Foldercheck: Cachefolders ok and available
DEBUG: use this cachefile: /data/sites/
DEBUG: Caching is NOT enabled
DEBUG: postbody IGNORED, this is used only if WP-POST is selected as method:
DEBUG: curlGET: curl_setopt CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER (19913) with value 1
DEBUG: curlGET: curl_setopt CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION (52) with value 1
DEBUG: curlGET: curl-timeout: 5
DEBUG: curlGET: curl_setopt CURLOPT_TIMEOUT (13) with value 5
DEBUG: curlGET: no curloptions defined
DEBUG: api-answer:
If it's JSON: Copypaste (click in box, Strg-A marks all, then insert into clipboard) the JSON from the following box to

DEBUG: twig: wpautop not used
DEBUG: twig-template:

DEBUG: JSON used for twig-template:
Inspect JSON: Copypaste (click in box, Strg-A marks all, then insert into clipboard) the JSON from the following box to

DEBUG: Twig-result:

start creating pages:
create page with JSON-loopkey:
no of pages to create: 3
pagetype: AppNewsItems ('type' in 'createoptions' in shortcode must match 'type' in in plugin-settings!)
Great! Pagetype AppNewsItems defined in plugin-options!
Custom Field 'jci_uniquekey_createpost' missing: Try to use 'key' set in the Definition of the CPT in the Plugin-Options.
key of this Custom Post Type set to APP_NEWS via the plugin-options
DELETE Custom Posts:
typeOfNewpage: AppNewsItems
nameofthejsonimport: b57217755b0675ec84ac3f5e9e313d82
try to delete previous generated pages! key: b57217755b0675ec84ac3f5e9e313d82
found 0 pages of this type: AppNewsItems - try to delete these pages
delete runtime: 0
tried to delete prevoius generated Custom Pages, but found none (e. g. initial run)

title template from shortcode: {{title}}
excerpt template from shortcode:
slugname template from shortcode: {{created_date}}

start looping: